DEEPFAKE CRACKDOWN: The Battle for Free Speech and the Future of American Freedoms

Jerk Season 3 Episode 79

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Can the government really control what you see and say online? In our latest episode, we scrutinize Gavin Newsom's new legislation targeting deepfake videos and memes. Using a parody video of Kamala Harris as our starting point, we debate whether these laws are a step too far, drawing chilling comparisons to the Patriot Act's impact on personal privacy. We share a disconcerting real-life story of FBI agents visiting a man over his online memes, raising alarming questions about the future of free speech and government surveillance. Is the aim to curb misinformation worth the potential cost to our freedoms? Join us as we examine this unsettling trend within the broader context of America's perceived decline.

Switching gears, we reflect on the political and societal shifts that seem inevitable in America's future. With a nod to historical and biblical parallels, we ponder the futility of political stress while revealing our own intentions to vote for Trump. We critique the integrity of both major political parties and mourn the downfall of once-respected journalism. Amidst the chaos, we find comfort in our personal experiences with prayer and meditation. Finally, we navigate the depths of Catholicism from a layman's perspective, highlighting the wealth of online resources and the surprising animosity from certain Protestant circles. This episode promises a thought-provoking journey through today's most pressing issues.

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's going on, everybody? What did you think of that video? Pretty good, right, pretty funny. Was there a point at all during that that you did not realize that that was a parody, that it was a meme, it was a joke. You know what I mean. Apparently, gavin Newsom is based or using this.

Speaker 1:

That video that you just saw is like a. It's the catalyst of writing into law that it's like illegal to make, like deep, fake kind of whatever memes, stuff like that, which I get, I guess, but like I can can understand if they made a fake video of somebody doing something illegal and they can go to jail or whatever this and that I get it. But that's not what they're concerned about, because they do that all the time anyway. Kamala's sucking is hurting and they need anything they can to make it better. But it's not just that, though, it's not just what's going on right now. You know it's what happens now is going to affect the future, and I don't mean to sound like Kamala, but it's true, you know, like Kamala, but it's true, you know. But before I get into that, I did want to say that that video is brilliant because it's you know, the voiceover with the subtitles is AI is fake, but it's using actual footage and verbiage by Cacklin harris. So it just, it just, you know, puts a spotlight on her stupidity and I think it's great. But, like I was saying, um, this like I get, like I get it. You know, you can't have people make some fake stuff and all that kind of stuff. But when you make laws, even though that's not really what they're concerned about, they're just using it as a reason. But when you make these laws, it never ends and it's just going to grow into something else. I mean, look at the Patriot Act, you know. Look what happened 9-11. I'm not going to get into that, but it was so easy for the Bush administration to pass the Patriot Act because of what just happened and everybody was just like, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, we need to have and now nobody has any any any kind of not freedom. I mean, yeah, that too, but not security. What's the privacy? We have no privacy. The government can just go and look in and and do whatever they want. Now you know what I mean. And it has now snowballed into people being arrested or being questioned by the FBI for making stuff. You know, memes and various things, you know, and it's like so they make this a law. I mean it's just California, of course. I mean who's not surprised? But it's gonna. It's gonna. You know if, if, if Harris was to win, then they would make it a lot, you know, worldwide. I mean they are trying to do worldwide, they're doing in other countries, but it's you know it would be, it's um, you know it would be nationwide, so it'd be illegal.

Speaker 1:

I mean there's, there's, there's a video a guy posted and this guy, you know he's just a normal dude, but he, he posts things and makes things uh on on probably x or whatever. And he had two fbi agents visit his home. They said they were FBI. One guy gave a name, but the guy's recording. They're asking him to not record. He's like no, I'm not going to stop recording. And they wanted to talk to him about some things.

Speaker 1:

He posted some memes or whatever. He was asking them to show their actual credentials and they wouldn't. And he's like you know I'm not going to. You know I'm not going to talk to you. You know you're here illegally. There's no reason for you to be here, and you know it. I mean he like rips them a new asshole. He really does, um, and the FBI, the guys walk away in shame and everything. Um, I wish I knew the name of the guy, but if you're on twitter, whatever, just look it up.

Speaker 1:

The fbi, you know, uh, interviews, tries to interview a, a person, but it's like it's, it's like that's crazy, dude. That's just look at that and think about that for a minute, because it's something you said online that now the FBI is investigating you. Really, are there not more pressing matters going on in the world, in the country, that the FBI could be doing? It's just, it's insane. And this is just, you know, it's just going to only get worse. But, yeah, I began to realize that it doesn't matter. America is done, dude, it's done as much. You know, as you might like America and you hope that your grandkids are going to be able to enjoy the same freedoms that you did and your relatives and stuff. It's not going to happen. It sucks, but it's true, you know, and it's been declining, collapsing for decades. You know, the more the more so, you know, you guys know me.

Speaker 1:

I've, uh, I was pretty, you know, oblivious, almost said like two words at once oblivious to things going on. Yes, I voted for Trump in 2016, but I didn't, you know, before that, you know, I was, I didn't care about politics. And then I joined the army and then it was just kind of a hassle to vote, so I didn't really. But I, you know, I just you could see what was going on and you're like, I was always like, okay, he's gonna win. And I think it started with Clintoninton, because that's when, you know, I was in junior high and they had channel one news and they were showing lots of stuff and it was like, oh yeah, he's gonna win. He won. And then, when bush, it was like I think then I was, I was thinking like I didn't, because I was kind of more liberal minded. I was like I didn't want bush to win, but I felt he was gonna win. And then he won. And then when obama ran, I was like I didn't want Bush to win, but I felt he was going to win. And then he won. And then when Obama ran, I was like, oh, he's winning. You know, and it wasn't any kind of you know stats or facts that I went off of, it was just what I saw and just kind of how I felt, I don't know. So when Trump and and you know, and Hillary. I was the same thing. You know, I was voting for Trump, but I was like Hillary is going to win. So I was shocked that he won.

Speaker 1:

But, like I said, it was just about five years ago where I really started kind of noticing some things. And within the last three or four years, where I just see everything now and it's just like I just see all the bullshit, but so you know, I'm not, I'm not um, you know any kind of anything. You know I'm like I said I'm late to the game, but but I do see it though. You know, the more I, the more I look at stuff and research stuff and and and then, especially now that I'm, I'm reading the Bible. I mean, I've been reading the Bible for a year now but and then just the more research I do into Catholicism and the history and and just everything, I am, without a doubt, convinced that America is not going to last much longer.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I say much longer, I'm I don't know, probably, I mean I have no idea. You know I'm not like, but I would say, you know, 50 to 100 years. America is going to be. It's not going to be America anymore. They're going to change it. It's going to be either completely ruined or it's going to be America anymore. They're going to change it. It's going to be either completely ruined or it's going to be redone, just like all the.

Speaker 1:

You know what's his face, um, the stupid vice president that's running. You know he changed the flag for Minnesota. I think you know eventually the American flag is going to be changed. It's going to be different, like America, from what we know is. It's over, it's done, um, but you know it's it's, it's it's it's, it's inevitable, though I mean, when you it's, it's, it's just crazy If, if you were to read like the Bible I'm not saying like the new Testament, like the whole Bible, you know even the Old Testament and you just kind of read the stories, you just see so much of what has been going on and is going on now. You know what I mean. Does that make sense? Did I sound like Kamala right there? But it's so. You know I'm.

Speaker 1:

I'm learning to not get like worked up and stressed about um, the politics Cause it it. In the end, it really doesn't matter. It doesn't Um. I mean you can vote and this and that, but and I'm going to vote, I'm going to vote for Trump, I'm going to vote. I'm going to vote for Trump and if he wins, it's not going to stop it. It'll slow it down, but it won't stop it Because they'll get another Democrat, whatever, and the next, you know it may be, you know, 12 years from now or something, but it'll happen. And then they'll just continue on with what they're doing now and it's just going to continue to crumble. And it's not just. There's Republicans too that don't really give a shit. They're evil.

Speaker 1:

So there's no point in getting worked up about it, I guess. I know I mean it sucks, but in the end, this life isn't forever. It's not like we're in heaven and this is all crap. We gotta battle, do with whatever, because we gotta live this for our whole life. It's like, yeah, our kids and grandkids, but you can't really. You can only do so much. You know what I mean, but you can only do so much. You know what I mean. So, and that sounds kind of bleak, I guess, but it's the truth though.

Speaker 1:

You know, and you know, I've been praying the rosary for like two weeks now, every day. Man, at first I was struggling with you know. I had to sit there and just read the little things. So now I got it down so I can really kind of focus and meditate on what you know, what the the? What's it called the mystery, whatever mystery it is, that I'm, you know, doing the Hail Marys for. What's it called the mystery, whatever mystery it is, that I'm, um, you know, doing the Hail Marys for? But anyway, um, so, yeah, so it's.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm really trying not to get too too worked up about it, but, with that said, it's still kind of hard not to. You know, it's not. It's not that I'm right, they're wrong, we're right, they're wrong or we're. You know what I mean. It's just that I feel bad for people. I don't know like I'm, just like it's just, if you just kind of look back, or if you just not look back like in time, but just sit back and just look at everything, man, you would just see just how wrong, like this making memes illegal. Okay, yeah, maybe right now, from a lefty's perspective, you're on board, because that's what the left is doing. Yeah, they shouldn't, they shouldn't. You know memes, you know mean memes should be illegal. You know people shouldn't be able to do this and do that.

Speaker 1:

It's like I think news corporations not reporting the news would be more of a concern. You know, like the news is a joke. Now, reporters are a joke. They used to be looked at as almost like superheroes, you know, because they would risk their lives and do this to get the story, to get it out to the people. Dude, that's long gone, long gone. And you know, I get that Like you don't want to see, you know, I wouldn't want to see Trump 24-7. This is why I don't watch the news. I mean, I, you know, I'm on, like the, the mailing list for news or for news for Trump's campaign, and, dude, I get so many emails every day. I've unsubscribed, I don't know how many, but they still come. It's so annoying. I can't wait for this election to be over, but, um, but they still come. It's so annoying. I can't wait for this election to be over.

Speaker 1:

But you want to have all the facts though, you know, and it's like, and this is both sides but the left especially just doesn't care about the facts. They just care about the agenda, and that the, you know the left is kind of winning. And because it's like the agenda and that the you know the left is kind of winning, and because it's like, if you're, if you're for memes to be illegal. A meme, do you know what a meme is? It's a joke, it's a parody, that's what it. That's what it is.

Speaker 1:

So for memes to be illegal, yeah, maybe right now. Um, they just make it to where you can't make jokes about kamala or illegal immigrants or whatever, and in, and then you're like, oh, that's nice, dude, 10, 15 years from now, it's gonna be, it's gonna be switched around. And then you're gonna have some republican that's evil and doing all this kind of stuff. And you're gonna be like and then you're gonna want to make memes, but you can't because it's illegal. And you're like, oh man, that. And then you're going to want to make memes, but you can't because it's illegal. And you're going to be like, oh man, that sucks, they made memes illegal. We can't do it. You know what I mean? It's like they're so short-sighted, it's insane and it does kind of make me like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But again, it doesn't matter really, because even if Trump wins, you know, four years or 12 years or eight years, the memes will be illegal eventually. All the stuff they're trying to do, the Second Amendment, it'll be gone eventually. It's happening. It's just, you know there's nothing you can do except for ready yourself and your family with God, you know, I mean, that's all you can do. It's just crazy. It is crazy, do um? It's just crazy, it is crazy, you know.

Speaker 1:

It's just, I don't know, like the, you know, speaking of like the news and everything. It's like. So now there's like there was a report of like a bomb gosh, these glasses just suck. There was a report of a bomb at a Trump rally or something, and then. But then it was like the reports where there was a person that he got out and he ran into the woods, and then now it's like, okay, there wasn't a bomb, it was a guy who's training his dog and and it was a false positive or something. So it was like a false report, whatever this and that. But then this guy's in custody and being questioned. It's like what, if it was just some crazy misunderstanding, why is he being questioned and in custody? You know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

It's like there's just so many things that just don't make sense, man. And then you have, you know left-wing news that just try and nobody talks about, about Trump having a bullet graze his ear and people dying Nobody. And then you have this other guy who I talked about and they're trying to like, oh well, I don't know, I don't think it's real, this and that, just report the news. This is what was reported. This guy, he had this, he was here, he did this. This is what was reported. This guy, he had this, he was here, he did this. This is what he was, you know. Instead, like they're, all they're worried about is trying to find one little thing to say oh, we fact checked it. They pick one, one word out of a sentence nope, so the whole thing's bogus. Okay, so he didn't have brown hair, but the rest of it's all true, or you know what I mean? It's like it's just insane.

Speaker 1:

The world, the it's over, dude, it's over, just um, you know, and just you know baptize, get baptized, fall in love with Jesus and God. Live your life like Jesus did. What would Jesus do? Share that with your kids, try and be a good person and just try and live the life the best you can. And you know, like I said, it's, I don't think it's. You know it's going to happen in our lifetime, but it could be our kids, definitely probably our grandkids. America's going to be no more.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure, don't mean to be so glum, but just when you look at everything you know and then you just look at America, that just it's trajectory and just everything that's going on, you know, it's like every 30 years it just gets things turn to shit. And then for a little bit it seems like, okay, we're good now, we made it through it. And then there's another thing, and then there's another, or we're not going up, we're going down. You know, it's just. Yeah, it's crazy. Anyway, um, so that was dang man, I'm only 18. I feel like I've been talking forever. Let's see. Um, yeah, so, okay, I guess I can talk a little bit about my. So I'm all talking, all get right with God and all that kind of stuff, when I'm still working on myself getting right, right. That's why I don't talk about too much, or I try not to preach too much, because I'm still, you know, working on myself.

Speaker 1:

I haven't even I mean you guys, people that know I've been gosh my teeth look so like brown on the screen. I mean, I know they're not. Well, I haven't brushed my teeth yet this morning. I just woke up a little bit ago, put the kids out to school and was I saying, yeah, I don't know, but it is pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

The, you know, the internet. I mean I've said it before I hate I am not much into technology and everything, am not much into technology and everything. Uh, my brother-in-law, he recently got himself, uh, the tesla cyber truck, which it's cool, it's cool looking. I haven't ridden in that tesla, I hear it's amazing and you know you feel like you're in the future. But I just hate computers man. I hate having to update and reboot and just all the stuff.

Speaker 1:

Now, granted, you know teslas are, are high-end computers, you know. But still I just I wouldn't, you know if somebody, if I won a tesla in like a raffle I mean I was, you know I live in the Philippines, so it's not going to happen, but but just for you know, whatever, for argument's sake, um, if I won one, I would sell it and then I would buy myself a like 69 Bronco, that's like fully rebuilt and updated, but not, you know, not an electric and all that kind of crap, but just current day shocks and brakes and ABS brakes and power steering and just all that kind of stuff. You know, that's like that's like my dream car, right there. So yeah, I mean it's, the Teslas are kind of cool. You know, like I'm happy for my, my brother-in-law, because he's happy, but it doesn't really. I'm like, all right, cool, yeah, but if he had gotten what I just said, like a 69, bronco or something, I'd be like dude, I'd be jealous and like that's. You know, teslas don't impress me much. That's a song, right, don't impress me much. That's a song, right, don't impress me much. Anyway, all right, um, but that's it. Oh, no, it's not 21. I still got a couple of minutes, um, but yeah, so I'm working on trying to get.

Speaker 1:

So I was baptized a Mormon, but I guess I don't have to be baptized Catholic but I want to. So I'm working on getting my classes and stuff, but it's just kind of. You know, I talked to the parish one of the parish priests, you know, father, so-and-so. I don't like to give names, but you know he's kind of a busy guy and so I'm trying to figure out, want to get started. I'm getting really anxious, you know I'm.

Speaker 1:

You know I read the Bible and I pray. I research history. I'm trying to read the Catechism online, which I don't. I have a hard time reading on online. I gotta read a book. I'm a book person. I'm kind of a boomer, even though I'm not technically a boomer, but um, so, yeah, I'm going to order the Catholic catechism book just to get some more. Plus, I got, like some history. I don't know, it's just, it's just kind of crazy too, just how how much BS. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying not to get into it, dude, if you want to know about I mean, I'm learning stuff about Catholicism but I'm not going to try, and maybe another year or two or something I'll kind of know something. But there's a guy who I think I've talked about him before, though it's called I Miss Christ, I miss Kristen, christendom, christendom, christendom, yeah, I miss Christendom. It's a YouTube channel, this dude. He breaks it down pretty good. I like the way he lays it out and you know, I I've checked him, looked up some stuff that he's talked about and and you know, as far as I can tell he he seems to know his stuff.

Speaker 1:

He's just, he's a layman. He, you know, wasn't, he didn't go to school to be a theologist or anything like that. He just 20 something years of of nonstop research and and everything that he just you know over time and experience and everything. So it's pretty interesting. So, if you want to learn some stuff about Catholicism I mean, there's a ton of good YouTube channels out there and there's some that are not good but it's crazy just how much Protestants hate Catholics. Like I never really kind of realized that. It's insane, but anyway, check it out. Um, that's it. Um, now I'm over my time. So, uh, thanks for listening and uh, god bless, and I'll see you guys next time, all right?

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