ANOTHER ATTEMPT ON TRUMP: Who had another Attempt on Trumps Life on their Bingo card?

Jerk Season 3 Episode 78

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Have you ever wondered if the stories we hear in the news are as genuine as they seem? Join me on a journey through the evolving identity of my podcast, "Mic Check Medicine," where I reveal why the mic has become my sanctuary, far beyond any commercial endeavors. We'll tackle some thought-provoking topics, from a reaction video about a shooter targeting Trump to the blurred lines between conspiracy theories and reality. Could these events be genuine threats or elaborate orchestrations? Let's dissect the implications of publicizing high-profile figures' whereabouts and the potential for manipulation.

Switching gears, I'll take you on an emotional roller coaster with my unexpected feline adventures. It all started with a tiny kitten about to be ran over, previous trials of merging cats into a dog-friendly home, and now, nursing an injured kitten found roadside. These experiences shed light on the stray cat problem in my area and the ongoing challenge of humane pest control. Through heartfelt anecdotes and reflections, I'll share the joys and tribulations of integrating new pets into a canine-dominated household. This episode is a mix of introspection, current events, and personal stories that promise to keep you engaged from start to finish.

Speaker 1:

What's going on everybody? This is the Retarded Show. I changed the name of my podcast once again. It didn't seem like it was working and I had some other interactions and some people said it was kind of like misleading, which I was kind of afraid of, like a pop culture thing, and I don't really. I mean, my last episode was kind of focused on pop culture, but it's not really what my thing is, it's just whatever right.

Speaker 1:

So then I had a individual who's trying to sell me on marketing. You know, for my thing, oh man, come on, if you let me do this and then I can. I can, you know up your game, blah, blah, blah. All that stuff which you know it's fine, it's, I mean it's, it comes with the territory or you know, it goes without saying or whatever. But I told the guy and I've said it before, I'm like dude, I just the microphone is my therapy, that's it. You know, that's all I do. It's just for me to kind of get some stuff out and whatever.

Speaker 1:

So after, after, I had that little interaction. That's why I was kind of like, well, maybe that's what I should do with my podcast, just call it, like you know, mic therapy or whatever this and that. So I played around with some ideas, so now it is called mic check medicine. So it's, you know, my medicine, my mental medicine, microphone check, made a little logo and stuff. So I don't know. See how that goes. Yeah, I don't know. I just um a podcast. Yesterday was yesterday yeah, god, classes are dirty um, and where I recorded a like a reaction, sort of like video for my podcast, but it's not for the podcast, it was just went to rumble. It's just a video I did of this new shooter for trump. I didn't record a podcast for it because I didn't think about it, I was just worried about the video. But and it was just my initial like I just what. There's another shooter, is it? You know again, why I called myself the objective jerk was, you know, because I don't try not to jump to conclusions, and this and that and this one, you know, everybody on the last assassination attempt were like oh my god, it was staged, it was fake, dude, you can't no that, just for you to suggest that it's just not genuine. This one, you know, has a little more possibility for that, but I still don't think that happened. Anyway, so here I am recording another thing, changing my name again. I don't know, there's a method to my madness, I guess. I don't know, we'll see, but anyway, so that's kind of what's going on as far as that goes. But thanks for tuning in. So, yeah, so there was.

Speaker 1:

I haven't checked within the last hour or two, but the last thing I heard the guy was caught. Um, the guy was caught and I think that's no. I think, yeah, actually I need to dang. I should double check to see if there's any other news. But I was sitting there thinking about I wonder if this guy's gonna make it. You know, is he? If he ends up dying, like hanging himself in jail or gets killed somehow or whatever, then I'm like oh man, is this guy another Patsy Like? Was he really set up? I don't know, because when you, when you, when you look at I hate to have that that you know the conspiracy, whatever. But and I don't think it was necessarily I think this guy legitimately was trying to go after Trump based off that video and kind of some of the stuff. But he might have made that video and then he got contacted by because the thing is that which I didn't know when I responded to that video, but you know, trump playing golf was not like publicized, like nobody knew about it, so only like inner circle people knew. So that makes you think that this guy was another manchurian candidate, like the last guy on reserve.

Speaker 1:

Psycho enough He'll. You know. Hey, we're going to government, we're going to hook you up, you're going to be a hero, we'll call you. You know what I mean, just like born identity kind of. And you know, they helped him set it up, they told him where to go, and you know he got shot at and he took off and it's kind of I don't know. I mean there's a few possibilities, I guess. I mean, could it have been staged on Trump's side? Yeah, of course I mean. This one, like I said, this one Would be Could fall into that category. I guess you could say you know the one at the rally, there's no way you can stage that, you just can't, so just shut up. But this one could have been. But again, when you look at everything, it's the same stuff. Dude, what happened last time? Trump was winning, he had a, a debate with Biden. Biden sucked, biden's numbers went down, trump's numbers went up. Then there was assassination attempt, the one at the rally. Then you have.

Speaker 1:

Then they magically switched Harris in to instead of Biden, who's not capable of running again for president, but he's capable to continue his presidency right now, which seems kind of weird. You would think he would just be removed and she would be the president because she's vice president. They would just move her in and she would swear and become president. But then they couldn't be like oh, I don't know, trying to think like why it just it wouldn't work because they, all they do is lie and talk about what she, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do this, you know so she can't do that. If she's actually president, she's got to like, dangle it, look at, look at what I'll give you if you vote for me, but they won't do shit. She doesn't do shit. She's a horrible person, um, but you know so.

Speaker 1:

Then now they have the debate, and, and the debate I didn't watch it live. I saw some, you know, highlights and stuff, but yeah, the moderators were just dude. You know he was debating three people. It was ridiculous. You know she's talking about. There's nobody deployed and yet there, you know, there was at least two things that me, as layman idiot, know. That was bullshit, lie, that she should have gotten fact checked on, and I'm sure there's many more. But no, all they did is, you know, they're trying to trying to go after Trump. So then they have the debate and they see it didn't work. Trump is still. You know, she didn't get no nudge. Maybe even Trump's getting a little better, better numbers. So then here we go. Oh, let's try and do another one again. Okay, um, another assassination attempt.

Speaker 1:

It's like it's, it's insane, it's crazy. Look at all the crap. That's the thing is that I don't understand how people. They think like, oh, we're getting rid of evil. It's like well, are you? Who's the evil one that's doing all the illegal stuff, trying to murder, trying to lie and manipulate. And then you have the other side. It's just the majority, you know the people. It's like let let us vote, let people vote, vote. And they don't get that. They just think because the media has sit there and brainwashed the liberals into thinking he's Hitler, and they're just like oh, what you know, and that's what they're doing, you know.

Speaker 1:

And then you got like the animal thing which I have acquaintances that are like oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it's just more BS. No, it's fact that Haitian immigrants are eating ducks and you know some fowl and whatever this, and that that's a fact. There's pictures, there's 911 calls, there's you know people talking about it at like you know city meetings, like you know community meetings or whatever. As far as people you know going in and like stealing people's pets and eating them no, I'm sure that's exaggerated. Are some people, some dogs or cats being eaten? Probably, but the evidence is just showing. Like you, you know geese and ducks and everything like that.

Speaker 1:

And then, when you point that out to people on the left, like, well, well, you guys hunt that, so what's the big deal? It's like your reasoning or your mentality is just insane. First of all, people that hunt ducks and geese and whatever, they get licenses and you can only do it during certain times of the year hunting seasons. You know it's it's and you're only allowed to get so many and you're all. You know what I mean. It doesn't matter, it's old people just going around eating like how is that? How does that make you think that, oh, it's not a big deal or it's okay or whatever? Like I don't get it. The liberal is, I don't know they're. They're getting more and more insane and.

Speaker 1:

But people are starting to notice it though. So it's good, you know, people see it. That's why trump is winning and that's why they're trying to take him out. So I don't know, it's crazy. We'll see how it goes. I'm kind of curious to see. I knew someone would try it again and you know what, I bet you it'll happen again. They'll try and do it again Again, probably even while he's president. They're going to try and get, they figure, maybe Vance would be.

Speaker 1:

Who knows what, if Vance is actually like you know, a ploy, not a ploy, but you know that's his he's, he's put because he was kind of a weird choice when he picked him for vice president, I was like really what, that's kind of strange. But I mean, I guess there's some. Him for vice president. I was like really what, that's kind of strange. But I mean I guess there's some, there's reasoning to it. You know political reasoning and he, you know, figure that some of the battleground states that trump um has to gain, that you know jd vance can help, but still it's like it's just kind of crazy. I hope trump doesn't suddenly die while in office and then JD Vance is actually a rhino or something.

Speaker 1:

Jeez, I mean you can't make this stuff up. I mean I guess you can, but it's crazy that all these crazy conspiracy, you know, thriller movie stuff, it's like it's all happening in real time and it's like it's all happening in real time and it's it's, it's like wow, wow anyway. That's all I want to talk about that. Um, let's see what's going on with me. What else is uh, hopefully I'm done changing the name of my podcast, let me know. Oh, excuse me, let me know if what you like better. I know it's a little confusing now, but so Objective Jerk, which I'm still kind of keeping that name in a sense, or Mic Check Medicine, I don't know, I'm just trying to think of something that's just encompasses what I'm doing and that's kind of how I look at it. I'm just I'm venting out, I'm using my microphone as a therapist and that's kind of it. I don't know. So here we go, here we are. Anyway, so a while back, let me end this on a little lighter note, I guess. So a while back, let me end this on a little lighter note, I guess.

Speaker 1:

So I had a cat that for a little while she was like a stray cat. A year and a half ago that just kind of wandered. She was little and she was looking for help and she had a funky tail. So we had her for a while. My plan was to get her fixed but she got pregnant. She had a litter of kittens and we were finding homes for the kittens and I was going to keep her because she was a good cat, she was a good hunter, but she did not get along with the dogs at all. I mean my dogs. If a stray cat comes in our yard, my dog gets it and kills it. So someone might be thinking, thinking, well, why would you have a cat? Well, yeah, I mean I wasn't planning on having cats, but I mean you know they're, they're stray. Cats are everywhere here. Um, mice and rats are here.

Speaker 1:

I bought those little plug-in kind of what do you call it? Pest control, like give off sonar, whatever, and suppose you know so, instead of using chemicals and mousetraps and all that kind of stuff. It's supposed to kind of deter insects and rodents. It says it takes about two to three weeks before it really works. Yeah, I don't know, I still see some ants. It's kind of hard to. I don't know. The proof will be in the pudding, right. I haven't seen it yet, but anyway. So, and I told myself, if it doesn't work then we'd have to get a cat, because we've already seen some mice in the house a little bit here and there, um, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

So was driving on one of this like back highway the other day, and I was just going, just driving, doing my thing, and then suddenly I could see in the corner of my eye, on the very edge of the road, like right on the white solid line on the side. It looked like a chipmunk and I was like what? What is that? Cause they don't have chipmunks here. So I was like, and then I, you know, right before I pass it, I could see it was a tiny, like tabby looking orange kitten. But it was just sitting right there like man, it's about to get ran over, little little thing. And so I'm like, oh, I don't want to get a cat, I don't want to have a cat, but it's like I couldn't just let it stay there, you know, damn it. But so I stopped, turned around and I was like if it's still alive, I'll take it home and whatever. So, because it was like right on the edge, you know there's still cars going.

Speaker 1:

So I was. I was like man, I hope I don't get there and see it get ran over right before I get there. It's not funny, but you know anyway. So I was able to grab it Tiny, tiny thing Like man, two, three weeks old, maybe, really really small. Eyes were completely gunked up. The tear ducts were like gunked up, couldn't see, one was like. Eye was like filled with the gunk. It looked like it had you know, a massive knot in its eye or whatever. So took it home, cleaned its eyes, the one eye open, and then it actually opened up and like a lot of the pus came out of the one eye. So it was good.

Speaker 1:

Um, and so now I have a little kitten in a box in my room and I'm just cleaning its face every day, giving it some, uh, you know, animal cat medicine, like vitamins, feeding it and uh, that's kind of it right now. So I'm like crap. I mean it's you know looking. It might be, I might have to get a cat anyway, but still, I just wasn't, really I wasn't prepared to have a cat just yet. It's like I got. I got my dogs and they're kind of enough, um, speaking of which, I got to make their food here after this, but I don't know. So my plan is cause it just seemed, seemed like we had.

Speaker 1:

We've had a few different cats, but they got killed, or you know. So the first, when I first moved here, I had a cat that was in the market. It was a kitten, took it home, raised it. He was our cat. He was pretty cool. I named him Goober, but he just disappeared. So I think he I didn't get him fixed yet, so I think he went out prowling and got killed or something who knows. So the second cat I got was an orange one, a lot like the one I have now, except it was a male and the same kind of thing. He disappeared. So I'm like crap, I was like Kent, so I'm like alright.

Speaker 1:

So, and then, with this guy, I so at this time we had him, and then there was the stray butch cat that kept visiting the house and at the time our, our little dirty kitchen, like our outdoor kitchen, which is basically our kitchen. Um, they had no door on it because we had to remove the small door to do some stuff and I hadn't added anything. So, you know, cats could come and go, but we had a. It's hard to explain. But but now we have, you know it's closed off and everything. But at the time this cat would come in and you know so I would leave some cat food for it or whatever. And he was a friendly, but he was like a stray, but he was like just, you know, he looked like like you would see an old lion on the prairie. You know just, and I was, I was really close to getting him fixed and just keeping him, adopting him. But getting him fixed and just keeping him, adopting him. But I was afraid of, you know, getting him neutered and then he was gonna run off. But it shouldn't matter, I should have just done it because it's just there's so many stray cats around. But I think something happened to him because all of a sudden he just stopped showing up. Um, so this was at that time is when this little black kitten showed up and then. So I had her and then, but she she was.

Speaker 1:

The animals here are different than in the states. They're a lot closer, you know they're. They're. You know the cats you have in the states. If you were to do like ancestrycom for your cats, right, the the nearest relative, that was actually a wild cat, not a stray but a wild cat was, you know, generations ago, you know 100 years ago or whatever. The cats here are a lot closer to you know, wild cats. You know, in the States most cats are domesticated for the most part here. They're straight up wild, so it's a little different trying to um, figure them out and they're. They're not like the last cat I had.

Speaker 1:

She was really weird. Like I had to. I'd have a thing set for her to eat food, but it's like she didn't know to go. I don't know. I had like a designated food receptacle for her, but she's like it was like it's in her dna to just see me. I want to eat, want to eat. I'm like, dude, there's food right here and I'd have to bring her there and show her, oh, and then she'll eat it. So it's really kind of strange. But she did not was trying to get her to get used to the dogs and I was afraid she was going to get killed. So we gave her to someone else. I hope she's all right, but I don't know. It was kind of you know, okay, and then it was.

Speaker 1:

So we got rid of her and then I'm like, okay, I'm not gonna have any cats. Just we got the dogs. We can't have cats with the dogs, even though, I mean, the dogs are basically outside most of the time, except during the, the full-on heat of the summer. Then I let them in the house to get, you know, into the ac when I have it on. But so that was my kind of plan. But then, like I said, I got the that pest control stuff and I'm like I'm not sure if it's working. And then we got a mouse coming in now. So I'm like, oh, of course, and the last cat I had, she was a good hunter man. She did her job though, that's for sure. Um, so anyway, long story short, I've got another cat or it's a kitten trying to take care of it and see how it goes.

Speaker 1:

But my plan is to, because it was always having a hard time timing like it was like when the cat was of age, and then it's like, okay, I need to take her to the vet to get fixed. But then, like the vet's not there or I don't have the money for it. I'm like, okay, next week or whatever. And then it was always like then, all of a sudden, she was in heat and she was gone, she'd get pregnant or whatever this, and that it was just like, oh, I just could not because I couldn't keep her inside, especially when she was in heat, you know, she'd find a way to get out, anyway.

Speaker 1:

So now my plan is I'm going to go to the local vet, I'm going to pay for a cat to be spayed and, like you know, get, pay for it right there, get a receipt. So then, as soon as this cat is old enough to be fixed, I'm going to take her in, get fixed and then, hopefully, that's it. She stays in the house. She, you know, doesn't go into heat and try and run off, do whatever, and she just chills in the house, lives a good life and killing mice. That's what I'm hoping. So I don't know, let me know your thoughts about the cats, about the shooter, about the name of my podcast now, mic Check Medicine. I don't know. Is anybody listening to this? No, anyway, all right, thanks for listening. God bless, and I'll see you guys next time. All right, bye.

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