POP CULTUREPHOBE REBIRTH: Faith Shift, Content Fatigue, and Modern Media Navigations

Jerk Season 3 Episode 77

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Ever felt like today's movies and music are stuck on repeat? Join me as I rebrand my podcast from "The Objective Jerk" to "Pop Culturephobe" and share how my evolving faith journey has reshaped my views on pop culture. Discover why I find the entertainment industry increasingly uninspired and how this shift impacts my search for genuinely engaging content. From personal reflections on my dwindling interest in mainstream films and songs to an amusing family interruption that adds a touch of everyday chaos, this episode blends introspection with relatable moments.

Struggling to decide what to watch? Let's tackle the art of making informed entertainment choices. I'll walk you through my critical process of researching movies and shows, stressing the significance of trusted opinions and the growing skepticism towards lackluster remakes. Using "Prey" as a case study, we explore how initial biases can shift through diligent review. Delve into the modern trend of valuing directors, writers, and producers over actors, and learn how YouTube has become my go-to platform for both information and entertainment. This conversation is sure to resonate with anyone navigating the labyrinth of contemporary media.

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's going on? Everybody this is okay, I changed it. So now this is the pop culture phobe and I am still jerk, I guess I don't know what's up. So I, people that are already like, regularly following it, are probably going to notice too much. Maybe, I don't know. I guess it'd be hard, we'll see. But, um, I, I changed my, um, my podcast moved it around a little bit. I guess you would say, um, I just, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I talking to some people and some friends, you know, I always get the question the objective jerk, what does it, what does it mean? And I'm just like, well, I don't know, I'm talking to some people and some friends, you know, I always get the question the objective jerk, what does it mean? And I'm just like, well, I'm kind of a jerk, you know, I'm kind of a smartass, but I try to look at things objectively. You know, that's where it came from, you know. But I thought it was clever and everything. But I don't know, people just aren't really. They're like what? So I don't know. And then, plus, you know I'm not documenting, but I'm recording, not really recording either. I don't know if that's right, but I'm annotating Whatever. I don't know what to write, but I'm annotating whatever I don't know. You guys are all. You guys are following me on my little spiritual journey, as it were. Now, you know, and with that, you know, I'm trying to better myself by, you know, not being so condescending, so negative, so cynical about everything, just kind of enjoy the moment and be happy and praise Jesus and all that kind of stuff. But I'm not, you know, just because I'm converting to Catholicism or as a Catholic, I'm not going to, you know, start a Catholic channel, or you know, I'll talk about it. But you know, I'm not, I'm not trying to just focus on one certain thing, cause I'm not, I don't know which. I still could have done, I guess, with the objective jerk, but I don't know. I just, I guess with the objective jerk, but I don't know. I think that sounds pretty good. The objective jerk, now it's let's see, I got to think about it Pop culture, phobe.

Speaker 1:

Pop culture, phobe. I don't know. I played around with it today. I changed the names of everything and I'll see how it goes. I guess, I don't know. I was trying to. I went through so many um, figuring out this, trying to get two words to put, to get make my own kind of whatever. And it's just, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Pop culture is a good general because it's popular culture. So it's what's popular now now is, you know, catholic is not really popular, but it's kind of it's there, it's in it, it's in the zeitgeist or whatever you know. So everything I talk about is popular culture. It's what's going on right now. It's a. It's the culture, you know, but I named it, you know, pop culture phobe, because what people generally think about when they say pop culture is, you know, films and music and, and you know just more like the entertainment side of pop culture. So, and right now, it's just it, it's horrendous, you know. Yes, there are some shows and some movies and some comic books and things that are coming out that are still good, but most of it's just crap. Man, it's regurgitated crap. I just just now, when I was opening up my crap here to to record this podcast, I see a thing how they're like they're about to green light a um Goonies sequel and it's just like gosh man, enough is enough. You know, a Goonies like. All the things that are going on now is stuff that my generation wished for 20, 25, 30 years ago. You know what I mean. That's when they should have done the sequels. That's when we were wanting it. But now the entertainment industry is so bankrupt and lacking ideas that they cannot think of anything new. It's all just repurposing all stuff that's already been done and it's just it's disgusting, it's gross. None of it is entertaining, none of it is good, it's just it's disgusting, it's gross, None of it is entertaining, none of it is good and I don't know if it's.

Speaker 1:

You know, I had this conversation with my son I think it was yesterday actually where you know I was talking about you know podcast to how, for the last year roughly, maybe a little less, where I just wasn't interested in music and films. You know, it's like I used to be huge in the music. You know, like my whole tattoo on my one arm is all all about music and I loved music. Um, but it's like I just find myself not like, it's just not interest, like I have no urge to listen to music. And sometimes I'll force myself and I'll listen to it a little bit and I'll enjoy it, but it's just it's not like it used to be. And it's the same thing with, like movies, especially new movies or tv shows.

Speaker 1:

So and I told him I was like, you know, I kind of think that it's it has to do a little bit with with God in my my faith that is growing and becoming what it is. Because, you know, pop culture the entertainment side of it, is a huge distraction for people that are trying to maintain their faith. Lost track because I had to stop it for a minute to yell at my family. Because I had to stop it for a minute to yell at my family, they kept knocking on the door. But I just, you know that's kind of how it is.

Speaker 1:

It's the things that I used to idolize. I guess you could say you know, I used to idolize musicians and bands and certain actors, I guess, and movies and this and that Like. It was kind of like my, you know, my idol, my idol tree. I can't say it, I would idolize it right, and I kind of think it's and it's God's way of helping me to find Jesus and my faith. You know what I mean, because it makes it a little easier when nothing seems interesting.

Speaker 1:

I can't figure out what I want to do to occupy my time, but lately it's been reading the Bible, not just the Bible. I can't read just the Bible nonstop, but reading the Bible, watching videos, getting other books to kind of teach myself and just to immerse myself and learn about Catholicism and Jesus, and you know life as far as that goes, you know the spiritual life instead of the pop culture life, um, I don't know, I don't know if any of that makes any sense, but that's just kind of how I feel right now. So, um, but I mean, I still, you know, I would, I would like to, you know, enjoy movies and films. But it's like I, for the most part, I am very conservative when looking for something to watch, like I don't just watch just.

Speaker 1:

I think I've said it before, but I don't just watch just anything. I have to kind of do a little research, get someone whose opinion I trust on a movie and see what they say and just see if it's, like, you know, just bull crap or not. And most of them aren't crap, most of them have, you know, more and more I start watching something and I quit because it's just like you know, it is not, it's not working, you know. And then you have all this, the, the crap that's coming out, and all these remakes and reboots that are coming out are just straight up trash and, and you know some of you might be like, well, how do you know you're not watching it? Yeah, no, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I did watch the He-Man, masters of the Universe or the Revelation show, which was wasn't garbage, but it wasn't. It wasn't good. But then I've seen, you know. You know a lot of people are like, well, you can't, you can't judge something without watching it. It's like, well, that's, that's true to a point. You know a lot of people are like, well, you can't judge something without watching it. It's like, well, that's true to a point, you know. But if something doesn't look good to me through the trailer or sound good or whatever, I'm not going to waste my time and watch it. I'm just not, unless somebody I trust says, hey, it's good, it's good, you should watch it. Then I'll watch it. I'm just not, unless somebody I trust says, hey, it's good, it's good, you should watch it, then I'll watch it. You know what I mean. But I'm not just going to blindly watch whatever.

Speaker 1:

And then I see, you know that's, the new entertainment is YouTube. You know YouTube has the most subscribers out of anybody, out of Netflix or anything. You know, everybody watches YouTube because it's just it's so broad. You know you can Netflix or anything. You know everybody watches YouTube because it's just it's so broad, you know you can watch anything you know, whatever you're in the mood for. You want to watch somebody make a little log, mini log cabin out of sticks, or something in the woods or whatever you know, make stop motion, do cook something, paint this, whatever you know. It's there, um, and that's where I watch, that's where I get my information, whether it's news or whether it's, you know, movies, reviews, shows, you know, and these individuals will show clips. You can watch some that totally break down a show and like you're basically watching the show, but they, you know, break it down and do whatever. And then I'm watching it and I'm just like, yeah, this looks like crap.

Speaker 1:

Now there has been a time where I was going through that and was is like okay, that, what movie was it? It was the. It was a predator movie, the one with the, the indian girl, native american, whatever, um, I think it's called prey. But I remember when that first came out or when I heard about it, it was like man, whatever, I don't know. So you get like a, you know, and then the first trailer kind of turned me off because you know she's like she's wanting to be a warrior, which is cool, which is fine, you know, um, that's who she wants to be. But, like the way they did, like, why do you fight against the? I can't remember the mark, but it just said something that was very condescending, very like um, what do they call it? Mary, sue, kind of thing, and it's just like man.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I wasn't planning on watching it and then I I think I was watching somebody who was basically dissecting it and going through and doing the review, like a spoiler review, telling you everything. And as it was going, it was going, I was kind of like gosh, I don't know, it looks like it's kind of good. You know, that might be kind of good. So I stopped watching what I was watching and then I went and watched someone else do a review of it. That was more, you know, non-spoiler general review and they said it was pretty good. So I was like, okay, okay, I'm gonna give it a shot. So I watched it and I liked it. I mean, I love it. I don't own it, but I liked it. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So there's just, there's a different way to get the information about entertainment. You know whether it's music, tv shows or film. You know, back in the day it like you could just be like, here's this movie, the gargantuan star in Arnold Schwarzenegger. And then people were like, dude, I'm going to go see it. You know, cause they had Arnold Schwarzenegger and it was an action movie or whatever. You know they were going to go see it.

Speaker 1:

But that time has passed. Man, nobody cares about actors anymore, cause they're all douchebags for the most part. Um about actors anymore, because they're all douchebags for the most part. Um. So now it's just like and then you have the same thing with the directors or the writers. You know, before it was like it was just all about the actor.

Speaker 1:

Nobody paid attention to who the director was. Then, after a while, then it was like, oh man, I really like quentin tarantino or whatever. I like this director. And so then you would just, if he did a movie, you would watch it. And then now it's to the point to where, okay, actor, check, director, check. Now you're looking at the writers and producers. What have they done before in the past, you know? So you get a movie and then you're like, oh, this looks so awesome. And then you go and you look and see who the writers are and you click and you see what they ripped before and you see all the stupid bullshit they wrote and you're like, oh man, this is going to suck, you know, and you don't watch it. That's just kind of how it is, you know.

Speaker 1:

It's like, I think, like Zack Sny man, he's not. He's got good ideas. I think he has a good story idea, but as far as like a screenplay, he needs to let people do that part of it. Um, I think rebel moon could have been awesome. I like his style, but I think he was too much involved with the overall thing. He should have let some other people Maybe. He felt it was like his pet project or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But you know, so I like, generally, I'll go see a movie of his or you know, martin Scorsese movie. Or I don't know Steven Spielberg, even though I don't know he kind of seems like he's a douche. But you know, I'll, I'll, I won't go and see just any. So like, okay, let's say Martin Scorsese. Okay, the last Martin Scorsese movie I I didn't see, I didn't really appeal to me. Um, because I don't know Robert De Niro just is a complete loony, and that's not to say I won't ever see anything with him again. But you know, the Irishman I liked Just so many of the people I don't know. It's just I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Is anybody else kind of going through the same? They feel the same dilemmas? I guess that I am. It's just it's, I don't know, like in. You know, like I said, it's not a bad thing because it's letting me focus on myself and my spirituality, spirituality. It's letting me focus on myself and and my spirituality, spirituality and and going that route which is fulfilling for me right now.

Speaker 1:

You know it's just like, every once in a while I'll be like you know what I kind of feel like watching a movie. So I'll go down, I'll try and I'll lay down or whatever, and I'll try and watch something and I either spend most of the time researching about this movie or I'll start it and then I end up like and I'll stop it, I don't watch it. But generally what I do is I watch movies that I have seen before, or older movies that have been around for a long time that I haven't seen. So I like that. Um, netflix is putting, you know, 90s movies and even some old, some like old westerns and stuff like that. So there's been a few older westerns that I either saw as a kid but didn't pay attention or I've never seen, you know, and um, it was nice, you know.

Speaker 1:

Know, it's like I mean, and you know there's always been propaganda in films and whatnot, but it's just lately though, it is just, it's just nonstop and it's just. You just want a good story. You want an interesting story that's well written, with some interesting characters, story that's well written with some interesting characters. You know you hate, you hate characters that that are supposed to be the good guys and they're just stupid, making stupid decisions, and it's just like what. You know you can't, it just takes you out of it. You know it's hard to find a movie today that just sucks you in and you lose track of what's going on and you just completely are in the movie and then all of a sudden the movie's over and you're like whoa, you know that's crazy, it's over and I didn't, wasn't even paying attention. You know, like now it's like you're constantly like checking your phone for something else or you go do something else. It's just movies, just don't grab you like they used to. I don't know it's crazy, but you know that's kind of so.

Speaker 1:

That's the reason why I picked um the name for the podcast, or changed it to the pop culture phobe, I don't know. I went through so many different things trying to figure out something that was pretty broad in general, because you know I do, I talk about kind of everything. So I don't want it to be, but I'm kind of worried that that's going to make people think that I just talk about pop culture, which sometimes I do, but I just talk about whatever's going on that I feel like talking about. You know, um, but yeah, so let me know what you think. Should I just stay the objective jerk, or or is this pop culture phobe or does it even matter really? You know, I mean, I could do the objective jerk and do I thought about that for a minute, maybe, like, if I want to talk about um religion, I could have like a channel focused on that or a podcast focused on that, and then, but it's like man, I don't know, that just seems like too much, that just seems too crazy.

Speaker 1:

You know, here I'm going to talk about pop culture. Here I'm going to talk about politics, this one, I'm going to talk about my faith. This one I'm going to talk about family, which kind of goes with faith, I guess, or my life in the Philippines or whatever. I don't know. It's insane really, but that's all I guess. I just wanted to to share that, and it's been a few days, so I thought I would kind of talk about whatever. You know, I'm trying not to be overly religious. I mean, I want to be, I want to live that life and I love that. My mind is going there right now, like that's all I'm thinking about, you know, and I'm afraid that I'm going to lose interest because of my past ADD kind of whatever. But it all kind of. It all kind of is coming together, it all fits I. You know I would.

Speaker 1:

I was always trying to find a passion or something to really hold my interest, and it would for like a week and then it kind of weaned. I mean, it always comes back, you know. But this one seems to be holding pretty strong and it's helping me out mentally and just my mood is a lot better, which is awesome. So anyway, I think that's it. I'm going to end it here, or no, I have to. I'm supposed to do it 23 minutes, I think, if I'm not mistaken, right Dang it. But dude, let me know, Pop culture phobe, it doesn't roll off the tongue as objective jerk and I was looking to do objective perspective, but then there's there's a YouTube channel and there's some other stuff with that that had to do with, like, hallucinogenic mushrooms or something I don't know. I can't remember, but I was just trying to find something, a name or a title that was completely unique. Anyway, but that's about it. I appreciate your time and let me know what you think and I'll see you guys next time. All right, god bless and bye.

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