SPIRITUAL QUEST: Journeying Through Different Religions

Jerk Season 2 Episode 75

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Ever wondered if religion could truly bring a sense of peace amidst life's incessant interruptions? Join me, the Objective Jerk, as I recount my unexpected journey from skepticism to faith. After wrestling with maxed-out data limits and the chaos of everyday life, I embarked on an introspective quest to dissect the essence of spirituality. Through exploring Judaism and Islam, and casting a critical eye on Christianity's miraculous claims, I sought to understand God from a historical and factual perspective. My journey took a surprising turn when a profound moment of prayer led me to connect deeply with Jesus, steering me towards Christianity.

Transitioning from mere curiosity to committed faith, I navigated the complexities of Catholicism. Initially wary of the Pope and hesitant about the rituals, my spiritual experiences, such as praying with a rosary and feeling the Holy Spirit, guided me towards embracing Catholicism as the truest form of Christianity. I share the struggles and revelations of my conversion, from attending Catholic classes to participating in Mass, all while striving to fully comprehend and live my newfound faith. Tune in for an honest, heartfelt recount of my spiritual transformation and the continuous journey to deepen my understanding of Christianity.

Speaker 1:

What's going on everybody? This is the Objective Jerk, and I'm said jerk. It has been more than a minute, man, it's been a while, but I kind of I used up all my space for podcasting because I'm you know you pay for certain plans. For those that don't know, you pay for you know so many minutes or time or whatever, so much data that the platform will hold, and the more you pay, the more you get. You know how it works. I don't got to explain it to you. I'm not on like the free plan, but I'm not on like a uh, you know high end one. I guess you would say there's no need for it. I rarely go over my time limit, so the plan I have now is actually it works for me pretty good.

Speaker 1:

So, and I reached that kind of early, so I have not, I have not um recorded anything in a while because I didn't, I couldn't, you know, um, and I'm a little, I just got kind of a little irritated. We have our um maid, I guess you would call her. She comes every once in a while, but she just walked by my window, spooked me a little bit and I hear her making noise in the back and my dogs. It's always like, as soon as I start recording, it seems like, anyway, I said I was never going to drink coffee again, but I can't help it Anyway. So I don't never going to drink coffee again, but I can't help it Anyway. So I don't want to talk about politics. I mean, as far as I can tell, everything looks to be going in a good way, but I thought that last time too. So who knows? Anyway, again, I don't want to talk about politics.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to talk more about my spiritual journey and, um, it has been exactly that. It has been a journey, man, it's been. I've been. Well, let's see. Okay, people that have listened followed me a little bit. They kind of know I got some, some uh videos of me going through my search for God and and the type of religion and everything like that and and, um, so I well gosh, whatever. Okay, I'm just going to say it, I'm trying to like whatever. Who cares? Okay, so I'm not going to go to like when I was a kid growing up, I'm just going to go to my, you know, with the last couple of years, so I began searching for God through whichever way that is, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I researched the different religions and all that stuff. It started off, as you know, I was kind of the what do you call it? The fantastical side of, you know, christianity or religion, the, um, gosh, what is it called? Miracles there, so the miracles, I always kind of felt like I don't know. It always seemed like a little hokey to me, you know. So I immediately started looking at religions that, um, at religions that didn't see Jesus as the Son of God. You know what I mean, because I've always been very critical of the evangelists that I don't know, just some of the stuff that goes on.

Speaker 1:

Like before I was even really researching God, or even I've always kind of felt there was a God, but I didn't really think too much into it. You know what I mean. I was always, you know, yeah, there's probably a God, but he's like a watchmaker, you know that analogy where he built the watch and he wound it up and now he just lets it do its thing. But you know, there's a lot of the different denominations and just various cults and all that stuff that just kind of bothered me, you know, and I have experience with like Mormons and all that kind of stuff I've talked about before but I'm not going to get into that right now because, again, that's from my childhood but it's always kind of been there in the back of my mind, I've always kind of felt it. But so, like I said, I never was into the whole mystical God. I forgot the word again. I said it earlier. What's the word? I was just having trouble remembering and I said it Miracle man, it's a miracle. I thought of it. So that kind of stuff. I was like I kind of want to. I'm into history, so I kind of like I want to do the factual side and the historical side and this and that.

Speaker 1:

And so I kind of was like which ones don't really follow Jesus? You know what I mean? And it was like you know Judaism and and Islam, basically Islam, they do. Jesus is in you know, the Muslim uh, culture and in Islam. But he's a prophet, but he's not the son of, you know God, god and all that stuff. So I, I this is turning out to be way longer than I anyway so I started looking at Islam for a little while. Didn't work, um, I, it wasn't working for me.

Speaker 1:

And then so basically it was like, okay, I'm going to pray. They both involved praying. So I was like I'm going to pray, I'm going to try and pray to both God or Allah and Jesus as well. So, like I kind of prayed in like the, the Salah, you know the Muslim way, and I prayed with, oh you know what. I just kind of realized something but and I grabbed my wife's rosaries, um, and I prayed to Jesus, trying to like hey, give me something, give me some, give me a little direction here. And I felt which I, which I feel was, you know, the Holy Spirit, when I prayed to Jesus and everything, I was overcome with emotion and it felt you know what I mean like I felt good and it just, you know, I guess everybody has their own whatever, but that's you know. So I was like okay, christian, jesus, there we go.

Speaker 1:

So then I started on that. So I've talked about that before and I've gotten some some videos where I've talked about, you know, you got Israel and Palestine and stuff and it's like, just because I'm, I mean I was calling myself Christian, but I mean I'm, I'm still, you know, I'm still a a, a journeyman. No, not a journeyman, what is it called? Anyway, you know, I was still learning and I still am really. I mean, everybody is. But I think I might actually make a video, a long video that's scripted and has visuals and everything of my journey Once I'm baptized, I think I think I'm going to do that, but anyway, I'm kind of getting ahead of myself.

Speaker 1:

So then I just kind of was like I'm going to read the Bible, I'm going to pray just how I pray, just my own prayer, you know, I just okay, I'm going to. You know, no tradition, no, you know uniformity or anything like that, just do my own thing. So I've been doing that and I'm, you know, I'm in the Gospels now and I'm reading it. Finally, like you know, I'd go through periods where I'd read it pretty, um, religiously, no pun intended and then sometimes I wouldn't read it for a few weeks or even a month or something. You know, I was still praying, at least every night, but you know, it was just mainly oh yeah, that's right, okay, and I'd say a quick whatever. It's really kind of not genuine, I don't think, you know, and I just wasn't, I wasn't, I didn't feel right, you know. So I'd continue to just read, I mean, the Bible, or just read information online, watch videos online, get different perspectives, try and just, you know, do a lot of soul searching and everything, and so that's why I haven't really said a whole lot on my podcast regarding it, because I'm still I'm still working on it.

Speaker 1:

You know, I guess, and and I said some things about Israel and Palestine that I'm sure a lot of people were like what the crap? This guy's an idiot, which you know, I wouldn't say an idiot, but definitely ignorant. You know, to the fact, because I, because I was like you know, I was just saying I mean, that's the whole point of it, I guess is for me to just kind of share what my opinion and thoughts are at this time. I don't know everything and I haven't researched it. It's just kind of, you know, the initial thoughts about things. But you know, when you have your uneducated opinion about stuff, it's generally wrong, you know.

Speaker 1:

But I said what I said, but I didn't want to say too much because you know, and I haven't got to that point yet in the Bible, but I have through, you know, researching and doing other stuff that you know to not support Israel as a Christian is kind of it's it's kind of it's wrong in a sense. But I'm not going to get too much into that because I'm still working on it, but but yeah, so I have learned that much. So the things I said about being a Christian, do I need to support Israel or not? And I said, like, you know, what did I say? I said something about you know, god gave them their land and this and that, and they did what they did and I don't know who knows, I'd have to watch it again or listen to it again. So my opinions have changed from that. But I don't want to give them yet because I want, I want to finish the Bible and I'm still researching, you know, I'm still trying to learn as much as I can.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, so for the past, gosh, so I started really kind of probably about two years ago, roughly, is when I really was like, okay, I need to find God. And then it was, you know, islam for a while. And then I had my prayer and, okay, jesus and Christianity is the way, and you know, I thought once I made that decision that it was going to be gravy. But it's not, man, there's so much you know it's like you. Oh, man, it's just I can't even. I can't even. I mean people that know, know, but there's just so much, you know, I don't know, beefy, there's lots of infighting just in the Christian community.

Speaker 1:

So it's not just, you know, christianity and Islam or Jews or whatever. It's like inside Christianity itself. There's like people, you know, protestants hate Catholics and all this kind of stuff and it's like it's just, it's just kind of crazy, which I mean, I kind of knew that stuff, but not to the degree that it is and how I know now. But so I'm doing my reading my Bible, doing my little whatever prayer, and I'm not progressing. You know, I've kind of I've kind of plateaued and I'm noticing that. So I'm like okay, so I kind of look.

Speaker 1:

And then so I start looking at Orthodox. Right, I think I talked about it. I might've talked about it in another podcast, but you know, I was watching some um Orthodox priests and some stuff like that and I was, I was liking what they were saying, you know. So I started looking at it and and um, um, but it's basically, for those that don't know, it's basically like Catholicism is Catholic, you know just, you know the schism that you hear about that's. You know, basically um, um, you know Orthodox kind of separated from Catholicism or whatever because of the Pope and some other little stuff, you know, and they're like, oh no, it was actually. You know. And they're like, oh no, it was actually.

Speaker 1:

You know, catholics were the ones that moved away. But it's like, but but the? You know, back in the day, if you were a Christian, that was, you know, catholic. There was no ox or Orthodox and and Catholic and Presbyterian and Protestant and all this stuff. If you're a Christian, you're a Christian, that was it. And when you Presbyterian and Protestant and all this stuff, if you're a Christian, you're a Christian, that was it. And when you made that, when you were a Christian, it was Catholic. Does that make sense? But so you know, they had the Christian community, had the Pope for a long time I don't know, I'm not good with numbers, but for a long time. So it wasn't like at that moment that they were like, hey, we're going to have the Pope and they're like what, we shouldn't have a Pope? And then they split and that was a schism. So it was kind of more to it.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I'm not trying to educate nobody. There's far more better individuals, smarter, educated individuals and channels that talk about this stuff. So I mean, if anything I'm saying, maybe I should have some references, but there's so much stuff out there so don't, don't, don't, you know, take my word for it. Necessarily. I'm just trying to explain my, the way my brain went, the way I went. That's not like Kamala Harris, um.

Speaker 1:

But so I was looking at Orthodox cause, you know, it just kind of seemed kind of right and I was never really into the Pope either Right Like I was never really into the Pope either, right Like I was like I don't know, it's like a Jesus, they're trying to have somebody, you know an earthly Jesus kind of I don't know, like it didn't. It never really clicked for me. You know what I mean. So, but when I was looking at Orthodox it was kind of difficult because there's no like the closest Orthodox church for me here in the Philippines is Manila, which is eight hours away. I have a massive Catholic church that I've been to. You know that my wife went to as a kid and all this kind of stuff. It's just kind of weird, like it's. It's almost like I've had the devil was always there and was always steering my brain away from the true Christianity. You know which is the Catholic, which is Catholic that's. You know that's the closest. I mean. Someone argued Orthodox is closer or whatever, but I meanodox is catholic, just a little more traditional, minus the pope. So, like there's a lot of thing about orthodox I like anyway. So you know, peter was the first pope and if you read, like it all, finally it just all kind of clicked.

Speaker 1:

And then when I was telling my story earlier, when I was talking about islam and I prayed to allah and I prayed with the rosary, I prayed the rosary and I got an answer the rosary. I mean, I didn't do the right prayer, but I was praying with the rosary in my hand and that's when I got. That's when I felt the Holy Spirit and Jesus and everything. But I didn't. It wasn't like okay, so it's Jesus, not Catholic. You know what I mean. It wasn't like okay, so it's Jesus, not Catholic. You know what I mean? Like there was always like. And then it's like okay, the Pope, like I was always looking for a way to not be Catholic, like, subconsciously, you know, like the devil on my shoulder. No, no, no, no, no, no. You know no-transcript, and I said that before, but I wasn't talking about Catholicism necessarily, but you know once, well, okay, so I finally made the realization that I want to be the truest form of Christianity that I can, and that's being a Catholic, you know, um, so I've spent, I've only went the last two Sundays.

Speaker 1:

I've went to mass. I'm talking to the current um priest, that's. You know, I guess they're assigned, they change, the parishes change or whatever. So I'm still learning everything. So they're assigned, they change, the parishes change or whatever. So I'm still learning everything. So, but he's going to give me, I'm going to take the classes for um, um, ah, what's it called anyway? So I can, you know, take the Eucharist and get baptized and take communion and all that kind of stuff and be officially a Catholic, you know, so that's that kind of stuff and be officially a Catholic, you know. So that's that's what I'm doing right now. So I haven't started the classes yet, I'm waiting, but so that's kind of that's where I'm at right now.

Speaker 1:

So I'm still still reading my Bible. I have. I bought a Catholic Bible a while ago, so I've been reading the books that are in the Catholic Bible, that are not in traditional Bibles, um, and then I'll still continue to read my new King James version study Bible, you know, um, and then I have some other books just about the history and just more of you know, information, books, not the Bible necessarily uh, come in and everything, so. So that's kind of where I'm at right now. I guess, um, like I said, I'm, you know, I, I the only authority I am of anything is just myself. You know, I can, I can share my experiences and and the opinions on the limited, limited education that I have. But I'm working on it. I'm trying to learn as much as I can and and get the most objective view on the whole thing. You know what I mean. Um, yeah, I don't know. So it's like. So that's where I'm at, and and and and the and. The thing is, too is I've just, I felt, I felt great, I've been feeling so much better mentally, um, and I've been trying to pray, how you know, catholics pray, learning the, the prayers and and and everything.

Speaker 1:

I don't have. I mean I have we have a rosary, but it's like this massive, like decorative rosary that I bought my wife I think I bought it in Kuwait, if I'm not mistaken, when I was coming back from Iraq. It's, it's a, it's a, it's a nice. You know it's wood and but it's like, really it's it's not for you to pray with. I mean I did you know earlier in the story, but it's decorative and you know the, the. I do have another rosary that's like a cheaper one, but it seems like it's not, it's not correct. So it's like, because you have to pray, you have a certain prayers. You started the cross, the crucifix, and then move up into the, the, the Hail, marys and stuff like that, and so there are certain beads or knots or whatever, and the only one that I have is not anatomically correct. So I got to get a better one before I can start learning that.

Speaker 1:

But I'm also trying not to just overwhelm myself. I'm trying to just, you know, do the standard prayers, do a morning prayer, an evening prayer and the sign of the cross, you know, and and I have my little prayer corner thing and trying to just fill my YouTube more with that and not just like theology stuff, but just historical things regarding, you know, christianity and everything, because I'm more into history and stuff like that. So I love history. But I suck with dates. You know, every time I'm reading the bible or something and it gives you a date, it's like I really have to sit there. Okay, so bc it's 500. So you know what I mean, like it doesn't click for me. I've always kind of said, like I'm dyslexic with numbers, like I have to really think when it comes to numbers. It's annoying, but yeah, so I don't know. That's all.

Speaker 1:

I just kind of wanted to share that If anybody's really interested in, because I've seen some really good spiritual journeys from individuals, you know, and it was helpful for me. So I'm thinking, like you know, maybe I should do the same thing. Maybe somebody could watch, watch my story, my journey to come to the conclusion that I have in my, in my faith. Like I feel weird even saying that like my like it's still, you know, I've been, I've been reading the Bible for a year now and I still I consider myself Christian, but it's like I don't know. I think maybe once I get baptized even though I was baptized Mormon, I don't know I just I, I don't know. It's a weird thing, but but I'm hoping that you know I can share my story and maybe it'll inspire someone.

Speaker 1:

Um, so, whether I don't know. I mean really, if people are like no, I don't want to hear your story, I'm still going to do to do it, but I'm going to. Actually I'm going to write out the script and it's going to be, you know, written out and and and visuals and everything. So it's not just me blabbing. Oh wait, I forgot to say blah, blah, blah. You know I'm going to actually actually do some work on it. So you know I'm not gonna turn my podcast into like a Christian podcast or anything, um, cause there's so many out there that are so much better, but I mean it's, you know it's still gonna be me just talking whatever. I mean it may's still going to be me just talking whatever. I mean it may involve a lot more in Christianity, but, like I've wanted to talk about it in other podcasts, and I do talk about it briefly, like I remember I would say something about like, oh, I'm almost done with the Old Testament and this and that, but I didn't really, you know I wasn't preaching at all Um, just cause I'm still. You know it's kind of like.

Speaker 1:

You know, speech class, right, I remember taking my first, or I remember doing like little speeches in high school, you know, for a class and just really being underprepared, really, or nervous because everybody's afraid of public speaking, right, but I learned, though, being in the Army, like that's part of moving up to become an NCO and everything is. You got to learn how to explain, train and teach. You know soldiers and stuff like that. So what I learned is is I enjoy actually teaching and training and things like that. Um, and I don't mind getting on a soapbox and, you know, speaking in front of people when I know what I'm talking about, you know what I mean. So I mean, I know my experiences, I can share my experiences, but as far as you know what I think is right and wrong, I mean, yeah, everybody has their opinion and that's basically what it is, but I just don't have the education to back a lot of it up. So that's why I haven't really been saying too much about it.

Speaker 1:

Once after, you know, I've been going to mass, I've been baptized and everything, and I've got a little bit more under my belt. You know, I might get a little bit more open to, I guess, preaching or whatever like that, you know. But but if I do, I'll probably just do a different channel, but I don't think I will. But anyway, I'll probably just do a different channel, but I don't think I will. But anyway, um, if there's there's. So there's a lot of YouTube channels and and and podcasts out there. It's insane. If you've come across mine, then you you've, you know, seen, or you know you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

There's a YouTube channel, though, that I really like and this guy. It's called YouTube I Miss Christendom, christendom, I miss Christendom. So it's at I miss Christendom 5293. So I like this, this, this channel, this guy, a lot, because he's I feel like my stories are somewhat similar to his or my journey anyway, but he, you know, he grew up Dang it.

Speaker 1:

Did he grow up Catholic, or he grew up Catholic, or he went to Catholic school, but he didn't really care much for it, or didn't, you know? Didn't, didn't't, you know, give himself to it entirely. And then, when he was older, he started going to like protestant church, I think, and and then he went back to catholic and, and you know, his like mother-in-law is Protestant and she would always, you know like, go at him, attack him, like you know why did this blah, blah, blah, and he didn't know the answers, and so he started educating himself, and so this is, you know, this guy is older than me he has to be, from what I can tell, um, but you know, it's just just, it's 20 something years of doing his own research and having debates with people and this and that, and he's come, you know, to the to, to his conclusions and his opinions, but that's, you know. I've always kind of liked individuals that that are experienced as opposed to educated. You know what I mean experience as opposed to educated. You know what I mean Experience as opposed to book smart. Yeah, you can know some dates and times and this and that, but if you can't really incorporate it in the real life, it's kind of, you know, it doesn't hold a whole lot of water, you know. So this guy has some experience and then has, you know, these individuals that would question him, his mother-in-law or whatever. So then he would take it upon himself to research it through the bible or through whatever you know, and then he would come back and have answers and this and that. But um, but he, you know, so he's catholic and and I just like the way he presents it and I don't know, it just connects to me. So I enjoy his channel. So look him up, give him a, give it a try.

Speaker 1:

He's got some interesting topics. I think they're not like super long and they're not real short. That's the other thing too I found is, I don't like like two minute videos, but I don't like two hours either. You know, like a nice 15 minute video around there is good, but I miss Christendom, so check it out, but that's it. I've been talking for a half hour now, so I will see you guys next time. All right, thanks and god bless. All right, bye.

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