THIRD PARTY VOTERS ARE COWARDS!: Kamala Critiques, and Urgent Voting Pleas

Jerk Season 2 Episode 74

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Ever struggled to maintain focus while reading non-fiction? Join me on "The Objective Jerk" as I embark on a personal journey through the Bible, sharing my experiences over the past year and a half with the Old Testament and now venturing into the New Testament's Book of Matthew. Discover how choosing the New King James version with its red-letter text has brought the words of Jesus to life for me. Along the way, I navigate the challenges of staying engaged with such profound literature and reflect on the lessons learned.

Switching gears, I dive headfirst into today's political arena with unfiltered opinions. I express my concerns and criticisms about the implications of a potential Kamala Harris presidency, the transparency of President Biden’s administration, and the motivations behind third-party voters. By dissecting Kamala Harris's performance as Vice President and comparing her policies to those of former President Trump, I paint a picture of the current political landscape. We also take a moment to consider Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s candidacy and what his platform might promise for the future.

Our conversation doesn’t stop at mere analysis; it’s a passionate call to action. Reflecting on the polarized nature of today’s political climate compared to a less divisive past, I stress the importance of casting a meaningful vote in the general election. I voice frustrations with third-party voters and call for an honest, transparent election process. Drawing parallels to past political events and featuring a unique European politician's approach to social media engagement, I wrap up with an urgent plea for everyone to vote early in person and rally others to do the same. Join me for a thought-provoking episode that blends spiritual growth with pressing political commentary.

Speaker 1:

In this election cycle if you're voting. I think anybody who's a third-party voter is a coward. What's up? This is the Objective. Jerk and I'm a jerk. How's everybody doing?

Speaker 1:

Things are the same for me, I guess I finally, finally, after a year and a half has it been a year and a half? Yeah, pretty much a year and a half of reading the Bible, I got through the old Testament. So, you know, I didn't, I never, I, I don't know. I tried to read as much as possible, but, you know, and there are times when I would go through and I would read every day for a week or two weeks or something like that, but then I'd go through a couple of months where I wouldn't read it, you know, or I might read a little bit, but then it just wasn't very consistent. So it's taken me a while and I really wanted to read the Old Testament. I wanted to read, you know, from cover to cover. That's kind of my goal.

Speaker 1:

So finally, now I'm reading Matthew and I bought a New King James version, so it has everything that Jesus says in red, which I wanted specifically, just to kind of, so I could really, you know, cause when I read, especially like stuff like this. Sometimes I can follow along, but I'm very, I have a tension deficit. So it's like, unless it's like a fiction, action book, I my brain will start to trail it, like I can read, read and I'll be reading, but then I'll start thinking about something or whatever, like I'm not. It's hard for me to always focus. I turned off the fan but thinking, oh, it's not that bad, but it's kind of hot, all right, um, so I wanted the red lettering. So it'd be like, okay, this is Jesus. I want to really, you know, hear what he's got to say, right, so, yeah, so there's that. And then, of course, my wife has got to probably message me. I'm at the market waiting on your watch. Okay, well, I'm going to tell her that I'm doing a podcast, anyway.

Speaker 1:

So, as I stated before or at the beginning, was the third party voters like in this. You know, the Democrats are not wrong. When this election cycle is, you know, to save the country. There, they are correct. It's just they're on the wrong side of it. They, they think police, state and control and censorship and all that is saving the country, when it's not. But they are right that it is. This is an important election, um, you know, you got kamala scamala, who is just as bad as Biden. She's a socialist through and through. I mean, there's tons and tons of videos and remarks from her talking about it and she's basically just another puppet or lackey for the deep state, because if she was to win, war would be going like crazy, if not already starting. Because who's running the country right now? You see Biden do anything.

Speaker 1:

You know there was some traffic over the police banner. From Vegas this was a couple months ago, I want to say from Vegas, this was a couple months ago I want to say, and it's is Air Force One, an emergency landing, like they weren't going to Vegas, but they did an emergency landing and they had police officers anybody that could respond with, you know, to block roads off and whatever, to help the motorcade get to the hospital as quick as possible and then leave. And the retarded gene, whatever, lion bitch, um, when asked about it, said that, oh well, you know he had, he was tested positive for covid and um, you know, so that's that's what that was. Or he had to go and get a test. It's like, you know, there's like a little mini ER on Air Force One and there's a doctor on Air Force One. So you're saying that they don't have any COVID testing, they can't deal with anything COVID related, let alone, you know, er capability, injuries or whatever. Whatever they had to go to the hospital. So that's like it's another one of those like what, what is going on? Why do they have to go to the hospital? A lot of people think biden actually died or is so incapacitated that that's why he was taken out, because, like, where's he been? You know what I mean? Like it is weird, it's a little sus, as they say, right, um, so it's just, I don't know. Like it's just, it's all, it's all crazy.

Speaker 1:

And then you have like the whole thing about kamala's race. What, what is whatala going to? What's her platform for? Is she just going off of what, the original Build Back Better, which turned out horrendously? She has not said one way or another what she wants to do, except for she's copying Trump with some things, with taxing the tips, or, you know, not taxing the tips. What she was for was the deciding factor to actually allow the IRS to go after service workers tips. And now, all of a sudden, she's like oh no, we don't want to do that. She's saying that when she gets president, she's going to build a better wall, do this. It's like, well, what are you doing right now? I mean, I know you're the vice president, but you still have some pull. You can work on it some way or another.

Speaker 1:

It's because she doesn't do nothing, she's a complete moron, she's a puppet, and it's like it's things like this that, just like you know what's going on and I can't understand how people fall for the mainstream media and everything that they say and do. But you know what it is, what it is right. People are impressionable, impressionable, impressionable, impress, impressionable, impressionable. I can't think of what I'm trying to say. People are very easily manipulated and you know, controlled and everything, and it's obvious, you know. But the thing is, is like the people who are retarded, but but are you know, voting for, for kamala, because that's what they believe? Hey, okay, you're an idiot, but fine, at least you know you're not running away from it.

Speaker 1:

To me, especially right now, third party voters are running away from what's going on, like they don't want to not vote, because then you know they would look at it as like, why didn't you vote? So then you know, because there's that old saying, like if you didn't vote. You can't complain, right? So these people will vote for third-party candidates which have no way of winning. But then so then when you know if, let's say, somebody, you know somebody kind of would vote for Trump but they don't want to admit it because of the backlash or because what they're called or whatever, or even same thing with Harris, you know they would kind of vote for them, but they're like you know what? I don't want to get involved, so I'm going to vote for the third party. And then if whoever I was thinking about voting for does good, I can be like you know I was going to vote for them, but I was just like but if they do bad, be like yeah, that's why I voted third party. Like they don't want to own up to anything. It's like dude, don't vote. If you're too much of a coward to pick a side and see what's right or wrong, or at least what you feel is right or wrong, then why are you voting? I understand third-party vote.

Speaker 1:

Third-party candidates have affected elections in the past, but no third party has ever won in the history of the US. The closest one was Teddy Roosevelt and I think Ross Perot was pretty close, but and it's like at the beginning of the election cycle or whatever, I could see you like going for okay, I'm gonna go for um, so-and-so, rfk, right. But then when it gets to the nitty-gritty and it gets to the end and it's like, okay, you got to pick, you going to make a difference. But I mean, like I said, it has you know more. So Democrats that maybe would want to vote traditionally Democrat, they're like I don't like harris, I'll, I can't vote red, so I'm gonna vote for rfk and vice versa.

Speaker 1:

You know you have people that are libertarian or down the middle. They, they, you know they can't vote for harris because she's a complete failure. But trump is, you know this crazy toxic individual. So I'm gonna vote for like I sort of get it. But at the same time, just do your research, grow some balls and vote for who has the best platform. And right now, harris don't have shit. She's not saying nothing. She's been vice president for the last three and a half years or whatever, and look at what the country has become absolute trash. We're not far behind uk with all the bullshit going on, at least with trump.

Speaker 1:

You know he's, you know what he can do, you've seen it. He's got results. He's got receipts to show what he can do as a president. You know it's like you know I don't. I like RFK. To be honest with you, I can't stand to listen to him talk. His voice kind of drives me nuts. But you know, I think as an individual, from what I can tell, he seems to be a good person. Individual, from what I can tell, he seems to be a good person. He's done some good things and he has, you know, some some good ideas.

Speaker 1:

Now, if it was him against Trump right now, would I vote for him? No, because, like I said, trump has receipts. So I know Trump can do a good job. So I'll vote for Trump, maybe in the next election cycle, for whatever reason. Maybe I'll go that way because that's the thing, that's. I'm not, I mean right now, yeah, I lean more towards the right and I'm more conservative, but I don't, I don't just I'm not, I'm not a tribal person just because I'm conservative, so that's it. No, I look at what they're talking about, what they're doing, what they've done and just a little bit of everything. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I've talked at length about my decision to vote for Trump. I'm going to go over it real quick again, because it's not like I have a ton of listeners. So I was unsure about Trump 2016. I thought, like everyone else, that Hillary was going to win, but in the end and I almost voted third party, I almost was going to write in something I can't remember. But my wife, who is an immigrant who came over legally and eventually became a US citizen, she's the one that said no, you better vote for Trump. So I did, and then I was like, doesn't matter, but okay. And then he ends up winning and I was like, whoa, wow, that's crazy, because you know, I was a little hesitant to donald trump. What you're fired, you're fired. You know, I had the same reservations as a lot of people, um, but I just, you know, hillary was just pure evil and still is. You know so. But then we had four years, some great four years economy, interest rates, jobs, you know, everything was awesome. So, yeah, of course, I voted for him again, right.

Speaker 1:

And then now you got Biden, who first day, day one, did so many things that made America suck as it is right now. He signed so many presidential. What are they called? What are the things they can sign? They're not laws, but they're whatever. I don't know. I can't remember what it's called, but you go back and look at all the things he signed and that's why all the BS that's going on in America right now, for that reason. And who was vice president Skamala Harris.

Speaker 1:

So why would I vote? You know people that are like unhappy with whatever, but then all of a sudden they're like, oh wait, what? She's black, oh, I'm black, I'm going to vote for her. I mean, there's a lot of people that don't think that way, but there are some that do. And, first of all, she's not black. She's not what America calls a black person. She's not. She's Jamaican, she's Indian. All through her career and her life she's been Indian. Now, all of a sudden, oh, oh, she's black, she's gonna be the first black female. Because they know that that's a trigger for people. The first black female oh my gosh, that's, that's historic. Let's vote for her. They know that that's how some people think and it's retarded, and that's the thing that you know.

Speaker 1:

The biggest difference, or, in a nutshell, right now, that's what the left and right, the difference between the two. The left is all about pandering and and and going after your feelings, when the right is about results and the platform and what they can do to make things better, and it's just right now. It's crucial that people go and vote In person early, go and vote Early, go and vote and I would vote for the person that you believe between the two candidates that have a chance of winning. I mean, is it possible that a ton of people are going to vote for RFK and he would somehow win? I guess anything's possible, but it's not going to happen though. There's not gonna happen though you just there's not enough people, you know, um, so it's like I, you know, I understand. Like maybe trying to get at the beginning during the primaries, which he didn't get to go to the debates, or anything but like it should have been him against kamala or something, or b Biden originally, and then whoever won that would be able to go and run. Like to me, it should be RFK and Trump. Like that's old school politics.

Speaker 1:

Back in the day, you had two individuals who were pretty similar on their platforms, just with some little differences. Right Now, you have such polar opposites that it's just, it's insane, you know, but it again, I just I can't. The people that vote third party just they're hiding, they don't want to own up to nothing. They're cowards, I think, especially right now with everything that's going on. You know primaries, I get it. Or even you know you're supporting. You know primaries, I get it. Or even you know you're supporting. You know rfk.

Speaker 1:

But then when, when it comes time to vote and it's like there's no way rfk is gonna win, okay, I need to. I need to do something for the country. I need to make a vote that counts. Yeah, you know, vote that's gonna count. I don't know. Now, I know there's a lot of political analysts. I like that one. Um, well, I said it already. You know that it it can affect an election, but it's like it's, it's.

Speaker 1:

I'm just tired of like, all the, all, the I don't know all the moving around of numbers and polls and and and embellishments of this and that and whatever. It's just, man, if you know it. I just want an honest, transparent election. That's what I want. Because if most of the country really does want what the left is pushing right now, then what are you going to do? That's the majority, right. Then what are you gonna do? That's the majority, right?

Speaker 1:

But I know it's not the case because I see the clips from both sides. I see the videos, I see the pictures. I see, you know, people trying to be like, oh look, there's no one here at the, the, this rally. It's like, well, why don't you like pan the whole thing, or what time are you there, or whatever. And if you put all those into consideration, you will see that nobody I mean not nobody, but the majority of the people want Trump back in office. They want some sort of normalcy back in their life.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean, and I know there's people that are left that are voting for trump because they want that. No, they got it. It's like rebooting the computer. Okay, crap, I'm gonna lose all my work. I don't want to reboot my computer, I'm gonna lose everything. But it's like you know what, in order for it's frozen, so I gotta reboot it. So voting for trump for some people is like rebooting, getting things back in, and then maybe we, and then after this, then the left will actually get RFK or actually have, you know, an individual. That's not psycho, but the thing is, too is like it's. It's not even. It's not even harris, it's not even biden. It's the deep state that are controlling it that wants war. They want that war to make that money. It was the same thing when bush w bush was in office. You know what I mean same crap.

Speaker 1:

You know, I joined the military because of 9-11. And it pisses me off to think that I fought two years in Iraq, almost died I don't know how many times. Why were we in Iraq? For money, the deep state? For money. I could get okay, we're going after Obama, obama, osama, but I don't know. I could get okay, we're going after Obama, obama, osama, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

In the end, I'm not trying to turn this into a conspiracy theory episode, but I do feel and I think I've said it before I do feel, you know, I don't think the government made or created 9-11. I think they allowed it to happen. I think they could have stopped it11, I think they allowed it to happen. I think they could have stopped it and I think they removed as many people as they could and that as many, you know. And the people, a lot of people, died, you know, obviously. But I think it would have been worse if it was actually a legit government, didn't see it coming and didn't take advantage of it. You know what I mean. It's just, and when I think about that. It just makes me sad, man. It's like gosh, but that's who's pushing. So at that time you had W Bush right. Who did Bush go up against Gore, was that it? But it's like it's just everything flipped. It's like you know, I don't know, it's just insane. We need, we need a president with some balls that's gonna do what the people want.

Speaker 1:

You know, there's a, a politician oh man, I think I closed it. I don't have his information up anymore, dang it. Uh, I'm not trying to. This is real quick, but I might talk about it on another episode. But there's a politician in the european um what do they call over there? Not congress, but I can't remember his name, but he's. He's like a tiktoker, right, or that's where he started a youtuber, tiktoker, who ran for office in the european it's not coming to me um and he got like 30. He won enough to actually obtain a seat in his. You know, he didn't. He wasn't number one, like I don't know exactly how it works, but like he didn't win, win, but he didn't lose either.

Speaker 1:

So he is a politician and what he does is when he needs to vote for a certain whatever, he puts it on his social media as a polling and says, hey, should I vote for this, this or this? And whichever one of his followers vote, you know, whatever one wins the most votes, that's what he chooses and that's what he votes for. Whatever one wins the most votes, that's what he chooses and that's what he votes for. That's literally running or voting for your constituent. I can't say it. The people that voted you in. You know what I mean. He's actually giving them a voice and I think that's awesome. I think that's what every politician should do, and I think that's awesome. I think that's what every politician should do. Every politician should almost not be able to make a decision without some sort of majority from people that voted for him.

Speaker 1:

Now, if that was to be the case which I'm thinking it might like I think he's going toainted too eventually. You know people are going to see, oh, and then they're going to make a bunch of bots and fake accounts and they're going to up the votes and try and make things work in their favor, you know. So it's just like anything else. You know you need to have voter id. You should. You know if you're going to be able to subscribe to a politician where your vote on a poll on social media would matter. You would have to prove that you actually voted for that individual and you are a real person.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's just more craziness. I don't know like I like the idea, but it's like it's just. It's just more more bs that could happen from it, like it might be cool at first, but I think in the end it could turn out bad. Just don't know. It's crazy, but. But let me know if you want to hear more about him. I had his information because I was going to talk about him the other day, but I just didn't. Anyway, that's it. Get out Vote. Vote for who has a chance to vote or win. Go early. Vote in person. Bring some people, let's make a difference. All right, I'll see Vote in person. Bring some people, let's make a difference. Alright, I'll see you guys later. Bye-bye.

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