Jerk Season 2 Episode 72

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 Join me on "The Objective, Jerk," as I recount the unexpected challenges of the rainy season, including a daring rescue of my wife. This episode takes a deep dive into the technical world of recording with OBS and the complexities of integrating video into a podcast. We'll also compare the searchability of content on YouTube versus Rumble, providing you with insights on which platform may be better suited for your needs.

The heart of this episode centers around the gut-wrenching story of Gary Plaché, a father driven to a psychotic state after his son was kidnapped and molested by his karate instructor, Jeff Doucette. Gary's dramatic act of vengeance at the Baton Rouge airport, captured live on television, spurred a heated public debate on vigilantism and justice. Through this narrative, we'll explore the emotional and psychological turmoil that led to this moment, drawing parallels to similar cases like that of MMA fighter Cain Velasquez. Tune in for a nuanced discussion on trust, justice, and the profound impact of unimaginable trauma.

Speaker 1:

What's going on everybody? This is the Objective, jerk. And I'm said jerk, how's everybody doing? Hope everybody's doing pretty good. It's a rainy season here, so it rains a lot man. It just, you know, god just turned on the faucet and like warmed those massive shower heads that just whooshed yesterday. I was just sitting there and also that just comes down and it's so loud it's crazy. I had to go rescue my wife because she took the little golf cart. Anyway, um, I'm kind of.

Speaker 1:

So this podcast, I am kind of testing the waters a little bit. I am still recording a podcast, but I'm also using OBS and I'm also going to talk about a subject that happened, kind of like the woman who shot the killer of her daughter in the courtroom I talked about. No, no, no, no, I didn't. I did talk about that, but no, it was the uh gosh, the other one, the alaskan avenger. I'm, I did a pod that's like my most popular podcast, um, so I'm like I don't, but I don't think it was popular on on my video platforms but anyway. So I just thought maybe I would give it another shot and then just kind of plus gives me a chance to kind of play with OBS and doing the whole. I'm not going to get all crazy with it because I don't have the keystrokes put in or anything like that. I just wanted to do like a quick little whatever and, as you can see down below, it says the objective perspective. So I tried to be objective, you know. I mean, obviously I have my opinions and I have, you know, my background and various whatever. But you know I try to look at everything as objective as I can. So, um, I don't know if I'm gonna put the. Oh, I guess if it's a video it would be better. So I'm gonna read off of like a website. So I'm going to read off of a website that talks about it and then show the little clip of the video. Actually, maybe I'll just do the video first. Yeah, maybe I'll just do that real quick so I can kind of practice this.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be lame, but here we go Ooh, my voice looks off or the video looks off. Great, I can see it right now on my son of a. Well, we'll see what we can do anyway. Alright, so I'm going to go to let's see desktop and go here, and then let's give it a shot, let's see what it does. But hold on, see, but Then go here and then let's give it a shot, let's see what it does. But hold on, see, but then the audio is gonna pick up on my microphone. So how's that gonna work?

Speaker 1:

This, I don't think I thought this all the way through, because I'm pretty sure that this is going to sound like crap. I'll edit it out of the podcast. This is probably going to be. I'm not going to be able to use this for my video, but anyway, here we go. Oh, actually, you know there is no audio, so you can see here on the screen.

Speaker 1:

This is a guy who, oh, got shot in the head by the father. There you go. So that was. That's a famous video. So I was going to just kind of talk about, give a little like background too, because I don't know if you know, some people would see that on facebook or whatever, and uh, but not know the whole story. So that's what I'm doing. But and then that video part I just showed will be, uh, it's pretty short, so I might just leave it in the podcast, because when I did the trailer reaction, I didn't uh, yeah, people are, why are and why am I listening to a trailer reaction which, you know, I kind of figured was kind of a stupid thing, but anyway. So the guy's name who was shot was Jeff Doucette and, um, the father's name was Gary Plaché.

Speaker 1:

Now, when, so, not to get off track, but that's what I'm doing um, you know I'm trying to not use YouTube as much as possible, but it's it's stuff like this. So you know, I get on rumble, right, and I'll put in gary blashe I don't know how to say his name and nothing really comes up, no videos, you know. But then you get on youtube and you put in gary blashe, or you could do, father shoots, whatever you know, and it'll chances are it'll bring it up, you know. So it's like, and that's what I've heard, the problem with rumble is, is the search, the, the algorithm that they have is just not that great. So, and I think that's you know, people try, like myself I've tried to go to to rumble and I use rumble for like channels that I follow that you you know I found on YouTube and then I'll, if they're on Rumble, I'll watch them on Rumble, just trying to stick it to the man I guess I don't know. But you know that's that's what I do. So that's kind of how Rumble is, though it's like you got to kind of already know or have the channel set up. Like I said before, if you want to learn how to clean your carburetor, it's better to look on YouTube than Rumble. But anyway, what's the saying? I digress, okay, so on March. So I'm going to just you're going to look at my face and I'm just going to read it. I'm not going to have the articles for you to read it. Let me know if that's stupid, if I should change that. I guess I'm just trying to be different from a lot of people, but this is from ATI allthatsinterestingcom. I was going to read off Wikipedia, but I don't know, this was actually written by somebody that can write, so I thought it would be a little better. Oh, and this was actually published not too long ago. That can write, so I thought it would be a little better. Oh, this is actually published not too long ago. Um, also, before I get started, I haven't really seen anything regarding this, not that I've looked for it, but when I, you know, I got on mumble, I looked up the guy's name, nothing came up. I get on youtube, I look up the guy's name and it brings it up, and then of course there's like some kind of podcast of some guys talking about it. You know that they uh put up like 12 days ago or something like that. So anyway, not that I'm ahead of any kind of curve, but anyway, so here we go.

Speaker 1:

On march 16th 1984, gary plache, french right lou, louisiana, waited at the airport for Jeff Doucette, who had kidnapped his son, jody, and did things to him if I remember correctly Now Jody is still alive, I think Anyway, then shot him dead as cameras rolled. Yeah, okay, so after Gary Blasch learned that Jeff Ducey had kidnapped and raped his young son, jody, he took deadly revenge right in front of cameras. On March 16th 1984, all right, on March 16th 1984, a Louisiana father's unfathomable grief and rage culminated in a homicide that was captured on live television. Gary Blaché's 11-year-old son, jody, had been returned to him from the clutches of a predator, jeff Doucette, who had groomed and molested him for more than a year. Oh, wow, so I didn't know that. Gary Blaché I hope I'm saying that right Blaché, maybe it's probably like Placé, huh, that's probably how it is Plassé was relieved to have his son back, but he had little faith in the justice system to punish the boy's kidnapper.

Speaker 1:

So when police marched Jeff doucette through baton rouge metropolitan airport following his arrest, placer was waiting with a gun in his boot. Man, if you notice too in that video, he could have easily shot that cop that was walking on the other side of placer, or not? Placer, doucette, what's his name? Yeah, doucette, you know what I mean. You see, you don't actually see the impact, but you, you know he shoots and you can kind of see some hair, you know, from the guy and then they go down and it's like man, he's lucky. I guess he probably didn't really care. I mean, he probably was. Like I'm trying not, I don't want to shoot somebody innocent, especially a cop or whatever doing there, but I gotta get this guy. So I mean he's lucky that he didn't injure the cop. As far as I know I guess maybe we'll see as news cameras rolled gary plashe, plashe already shot shot Jeff Doucette dead. When officers immediately asked him why Gary? Why? He simply responded if somebody did it to your kid, you'd do it too. Gary Placet's son, jody, is a Okay, so this is going to go in the background again.

Speaker 1:

Leon Gary Placet was born. Oh, this is going to go deep. Okay, he was born November 10,. This is going to go deep. Okay, he was born November 10th 1945 in Baton Rouge. He briefly served in the US Air Force when he earned the rank of Staff Sergeant After leaving the Army. Okay, maybe this guy's not too good Because he was born in 1945.

Speaker 1:

That's when the Air Force separated from the Army. But so by the time he did, it was like the 60s. He was in the Air Force, separated from the Army, but so by the time he did, it was like the 60s. He was in the Air Force, now leaving the Army. What's going on here? All right, anyway, plessé became a salesman and also worked as a cameraman for a local news station. All in all, plessé seemed destined to lead a quiet and ordinary life. Then one day, everything changed.

Speaker 1:

A series of events that would change P plus say his life forever, was set in motion on february 19th 1904 when his 11 year old son, jody, jody's karate instructor, picked him up to go for a ride. Oh, so he was his karate instructor. Huh, you know, that's one thing they say is you got to be careful about people that have either jobs or volunteer service where they're in close proximity to young individuals. You know those. You got to. Really they got a vet. I mean, I guess they are better at vetting those individuals, but that's you know. You got to look for that.

Speaker 1:

Jeff doucette, a 25 year old with a large beard, promised Jody Plusay's mom, june, that they'd be back in 15 minutes. June Plusay didn't doubt Jeff Doucette. She had no reason to. He instructed three of their four children in karate and was trusted in the community. Doucette enjoyed spending time with the boys and they enjoyed spending time with him, so they thought he's all of our best friend. Jody plus A told a school newspaper a year earlier. Well, according to June, her son quit football and basketball to spend as much time at Doucette's dojo as possible. Little did she know that Jeff Doucette wasn't taking Jody plus A on a ride Excuse me Around the neighborhood.

Speaker 1:

By nighttime the two were on a bus leading to the west coast. What on the way? Ducette shaved his beard and dyed jody's blonde hair to black. He hoped to pass jody off as his own son, while also hiding from law enforcement that would soon track them down, ducette and jody plus. They checked into a cheap motel in Anaheim, california, just a short walk away from Disneyland. Inside the motel room, doucette sexually assaulted his karate student. This went on until Jody asked to call his parents, which Doucette allowed. I wonder if that T is silent Doucette, I don't know. Police, alerted by Jody's parents, traced the call and arrested Doucette.

Speaker 1:

While Jody was put on a flight back to Louisiana, mike Barnett, a Baton Rouge sheriff's major who had I haven't heard that term sheriff's major, so he was like a major in the sheriff's major who had I haven't heard that term sheriff's major, so he was like a major in the sheriff's department helped track down Jeff Doucette and was friendly with Gary Place, took it upon himself to inform him about what the karate instructor had done to his son. According to Barnett, gary had the same reaction most parents do when they find out their children have been raped or molested. He was horrified. Gary Placette told Barnett I'll kill that SOB, which is an acronym for son of a bitch. Though his son had been found, placette remained on edge edge. He spent the next few days inside a local bar and not a good place to be the cotton club asking people when they thought you say might be brought back to baton rouge for a trial a former colleague from wbrz news who happened to be out for a drink, told gary plase that jeff Doucette would be flown in on March 16th via American Airlines. Damn, he had the flight number and everything.

Speaker 1:

Gary Plessé drove to Baton Rouge. I wonder if he got in trouble for that. Does it say his name? No, it just says a colleague. Okay, I wonder if that guy ended up getting in trouble for sharing that information.

Speaker 1:

Gary Plessé drove to Baton Rouge Airport. He entered the arrivals hall wearing a baseball cap. Now, this is back to when you could free, willy-nilly go through the airport. You know what I mean. There was no security or whatever. I remember being picked up by my parents or family members right off the plane. As soon as you walk out, they're right there waiting, not anymore. Thanks bin laden and the us government. All right, uh, he entered the halls. He entered the arrival halls wearing a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses, his face hidden. He walked over to A payphone, as we Saw in the video as he made A quick call. Oh, he didn't.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, wbrz News crew got their cameras ready, or he was pretending to make a quick call, I'm assuming I don't know to record the Caravan of cops that were escorting Jeff Doucette out of the plane. When they passed by, gary Plessé pulled a gun from his boot and shot Jeff Doucette out of the plane. When they passed by, gary Plessé pulled a gun from his boot and shot Jeff Doucette in the head. The entire incident was caught on camera On YouTube. Over 20 million people have watched. Yeah, so people have seen this how Doucette collapsed and how Barnett quickly tackled Plessé to the wall.

Speaker 1:

Why, gary, why'd you do it? The officer shouted at his friend as he disarmed him wall, why, gary, why'd you do it? The officer shouted at his friend as he disarmed him. If someone did to your kid, you'd do it too. He answered in tears. Alright, man, you know. Oh, what was I going to say? Dang it. When I was reading that, I had a thought pop into my little brain, but I forgot. Oh, that's what it was. Man, I would want to. Maybe this sounds sick, but somebody did that to my child. I would want to really punish and hurt them before that guy. He didn't even know what hit him, you know. But anyway, that's the sick side of me, I guess. Okay, I don't want him to do it to other kids told his attorney, foxy Sanders, while waiting trial in jail.

Speaker 1:

According to Sanders, he said the voice of christ had compelled him to pull the trigger. Oh, no, no, I mean, you know, there is. There is a, a, um, not a quote. I always want to say quote, but it's not. They're not quotes in the bible. What is it called? Why? Why can't I? There is man, mr Non-Word-Remembering-Motherfucker, you guys ever seen the big hit Scripture, anyway, that talks about Jesus saying those that hurt the child of Jesus have rocks tied to their feet and thrown in a lake or whatever. So it's not totally out of the realm of saying Christ compelled them to pull the trigger. But you know, maybe he read that in the Bible. But anyway, okay, I'm kind of getting off track.

Speaker 1:

Although Plassé had killed a child molester, murder was still murder in the eyes of the law. He had to be put on trial and it wasn't clear whether he would go free or go to prison. Sanders was adamant that Gary Plassé would not spend a single day locked up once the world learned how carefully Jeff Doucette had gone about grooming Jody Plassé. Sanders also argued Jody's kidnapping had pushed his father into a psychotic state in which he was no longer capable of distinguishing between right and wrong. And you guys heard about Cain Velasquez, the MMA fighter who kind of did the same thing went after the guy that you know. Same exact scenario and they end up shooting some people though innocent people, not killing them, but they got injured anyway. Maybe I'll read that one. Go over that one next. I don't think there's too much to it, though. I think I basically said it all. Alright. Citizens of Baton Rouge didn't agree. If you ask them, they said that Placé was in his right mind when killing Doucette.

Speaker 1:

From strangers in the street to boys at the Cotton Club where Gary Placé used to drink Miller Lights, locals had already acquitted him. According to one of these locals, a riverboat captain named Murray Curry Dude, that's a name right there, murray Curry. Do you think that's why they named him Murray? So it rhymed with their last name. You know, I wanted a name. I think my oldest Not. I wanted to name I think my oldest not I wanted to, but I suggested it. I wanted the first name to start with the same letter as my last name, which is not. There's not a whole lot of names, you know, but I thought it'd be cool. Like it would flow. My wife's like hell. No, we ain't doing that, okay.

Speaker 1:

According to Murray Curry, plus a was anything but a killer. He's a father who, done out of love for his child and for his pride. Like other neighbors, curry donated a bit of money to a defense fund set up to help plus a pay back his hundred thousand bail and keep his family afloat while fighting the trial degree. The degree to which public opinion swayed in gary plus a's favor was overwhelming. So much so that, when sentencing time came around, the judge decided against sending plus a to jail. Doing so, he had said, would have been counterproductive. He felt certain that plus a didn't intend to harm anyone except the already dead Jeff Doucette.

Speaker 1:

In the end, gary Plessé walked away from the murder trial with five years probation and 300 hours of community service. Before he had completed both, plessé was already back to living a relatively normal life under the radar. He died in 2014 from a stroke when he was in his late 60s. His obituary described him as a man who saw beauty in everything. He was a loyal friend to all, always made others laugh and a hero to many. As for J jody blasé, he needed time to process his assault but eventually ended up turning his experience into a book titled why gary why in it, jody relates his side of the story to help parents prevent their children from having to experience what they went through.

Speaker 1:

Jody also enjoys cooking and frequently shares his hobby with people online. Although he has come to accept what happened to him, jody still thinks about the horrific events of his youth. That's partly because the internet keeps reminding him of it. Yeah, good old internet. Huh, I'll post a cooking video on YouTube. He said in an interview, and someone will comment your dad's a hero. They won't comment that gumbo looks great, they'll just be like your dad's a hero. They won't comment that gumbo looks great, they'll just be like your dad's a hero. It's like yeah, I know, thank you, but let's check out my gumbo, let me see, let me read a comment, let me see. The site of this execution will live forever. My wife.

Speaker 1:

If there was ever a case when a person said, I would pull the switch. That's the thing, though, too, is like, most likely Doucette wouldn't have lived very long in prison because, child, you know, murderers and rapists don't live very long in prison. So I'm just trying to see if there's anybody who's like uh, yeah, it seems like everybody pretty much agreed. You know, it's pretty crazy man. I don't know, you know, I don't know if, I mean, if I think I could, um, do something like that, like, if I found the individual, I don't think he would make it into custody, you know what I'm saying. But if he's caught by the police you know what I'm saying. But if he's caught by the police and being, you know, and it's and it's over with, I don't, I don't think I would do what, uh, gary did. But you know, I haven't been in that situation. I hope, I hope to God, I never am. Um, but yeah, that's just that's just crazy. I don't know anyway, um, so, yeah, that's that's. Um, I guess that's it.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to kind of give this a shot, give it a try. Uh, I kind of want to see how this does, see if it, you know, it seems like this and conspiracy stuff seems to be, I don't know. But, um, anyway, let me know what you think. Uh, if you like how I went about doing this, or do you like the way I normally do it, or whatever. Um, I just kind of realized, of realized, though I can't make it look like, oh, yeah, that's the only thing. I can't make it look the same, the same look. I kind of like. Like I have my my videos there. I don't really do much to it, but I do, you know, add. So it's not I can't remember what it's called, but it's like a comic book look kind of thing, and so I add that to my just to kind of be different. I just kind of keep doing it. So I don't think I'll be able to do that with this. So we'll see.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, this might just be a podcast, who knows. Anyway, if you like it, you know what to do. If you like it, you know what to do. If you didn't, you know what to do. Let me know Whatever. If you want to tell me a story, let me know. All right, thanks for listening. I'll see you guys next time, all right, bye.

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