CONSERVATIVE VOICES SILENCED & MEDIA MANIPULATION: Podcasting Perils, Trump Assassination Plot, and Securing Information Integrity

Jerk Season 2 Episode 71

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Do you ever wonder how much influence mainstream media has over public perception? Today, we start off with some humorous anecdotes about podcasting challenges like fan noise and earbud woes, before diving into the left's unwavering trust in media narratives. We'll explore the disturbing trend of conservative content suppression on platforms like YouTube, especially during critical election periods, and why you might want to consider checking out alternatives like Rumble and Odyssey. We'll also share our journey of distancing ourselves from Google's grip on search results and how it frames information about political figures like Trump.

Later, we delve into the arrest of a suspect involved in a Trump assassination attempt and dissect the media's portrayal of the incident. Is there a hidden agenda behind labeling the suspect as a Pakistani national? We draw on our military and civilian security backgrounds to discuss the complexities of inter-agency communication, echoing past failures like those seen during 9/11. Finally, we reflect on our podcast format and consider incorporating OBS for a richer visual experience. We value your feedback on maintaining a relaxed, conversational style, and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Speaker 1:

What's up? This is the Objective Jerk and I'm said jerk or I am said white person. No, I was watching something and they're like white people Anyway. Oh, that's right. I was going to start wearing my earbuds at the beginning because I hate wearing earbuds, but my last podcast I had the fan pointed directly at the microphone so I tried to keep that from happening too much, or I edited it to where you know it wasn't as bad, but you can still hear it and everything sounds good. But I can't do it because there's like a slight delay. Maybe I need to adjust it, but I think just listening to it makes sure, because if I would have been listening to it on my last podcast I would have heard the fan. You know what I mean. So I apologize for that for those that listened. So I got the fan turned off but I got my coffee cup. So anyway, hope everybody's doing well.

Speaker 1:

God, I'm kind of like posting pretty regularly all of a sudden, every, it's like every three days like I'm not meaning to, it's just kind of something's coming up and I feel like talking about it. But so you know, I talked a little bit about how a lot of people on the left, how they kind of don't, they don't question anything, they don't see nothing. You know they don't, they don't, they don't see the bullshit. You know what I mean, and I guess you know, and I don't get too angry programming that the news and social media and everything is. Does that make sense? Did I just do a Kamala anyway? Um, so, you know, I don't know if anybody. If, if anybody listening to this which most likely you're not, but I do have maybe I should post something on my Facebook, because that seems to be where I get my most interaction from my left-sided acquaintances.

Speaker 1:

You know, like I posted how, like um, youtube is like all of a sudden, uh banning or, you know, shutting down uh conservative channels, and it's for reasons for like videos that were like a year old and they're now just stopping them. You know, because it's election season. They like videos that were like a year old and they're now just stopping them. You know, because it's election season, they don't want anybody to share any kind of information that might harm. You know the deep state. So that's why, and I so I posted, you know, stop using YouTube, use Rumble or Odyssey. To stop using YouTube, use Rumble or Odyssey.

Speaker 1:

So the problem is, though, youtube? It's been around for a while, so it's a well-oiled machine, you know what I mean, except for the fact that they like to silence people and there's no freedom of speech, really, but other than that it's it's a well oiled machine. Um, rumble is awesome, but I don't like some of the things. Like, I don't, it's hard to explain, but just some of the functions that you can do on YouTube you can't do in rumble, and that's kind of the big thing for me. And then, of course, you have like everything and anything on YouTube. You know, if you need to I don't know make your own, make anything you know, fix your car. You're, you know, somebody doesn't know how to replace the blade on a lawnmower or something they can get on YouTube, and there's a video of someone showing them how to do it. You know what I mean. Multiple, so, and that's kind of how I started watching YouTube was when I was replacing a transmission in an old truck, and that was my, you know, when I started watching, and from there's kind of how I started watching YouTube was when I was replacing a transmission in an old truck, and that was my, you know, when I started watching it, and from there. I kind of just kept going.

Speaker 1:

But you don't have that kind of stuff on Rumble. There are some, but it's you know, it's not the same, so it's just going to. I think Rumble's really good and it's going to, it'll get there eventually, but I don't know, it's tough. My point is it's hard for people to kind of try and quit using stuff like that, you know, because rumble is not that great and then odyssey is a lot more similar to youtube. But you go and you'll go to watch a video from somebody that you follow that's posted, but then it's like it has a problem and won't play it. Like that happens a lot. So it's like man, you know, so it's trying to find a good substitute. It's difficult, you know, and those are the things that we go through.

Speaker 1:

But the whole reason I'm talking about this is the. If you like, I try and tell some of the people that you know is like, get on. So I don't use Google. Right, I quit using Google, which was kind of hard at first, but it's fine. To be honest, I do use it sometimes when I want to look up images. Like if I'm trying to find images for like a meme or something, then, you know, I'll use Google Images and then I get on Google Chrome just to get on to post stuff on Twitter, because that has my Twitter stuff I talked about before. It had issues with my Twitter, so that's it. I, you know, I quit using um Google and and I can't remember the thing it was that made me but.

Speaker 1:

But another thing is happening now is like if you get on Google, they just they really try and control what people are looking at, watching and whatever and searching. You know what I mean. Google is the largest search engine and you type up trump, does it come up with trump assassination, or you know what I mean. Stuff like that. No, it says like trump, uh, indictments and this, you know it trying to, it's pushing all the negative stuff and it doesn't say the trumpet like you have to put in assassination before it'll bring it up. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

And it's just crap like that. It's like it's that people just don't see. They don't see like okay, this is just why. Why is this? You know, they don't question anything. Man, you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist, but just look at something and use your brain a little bit.

Speaker 1:

That's what makes me think that just liberals are idiots. No, not liberals. I keep doing that. I keep saying liberals, but it's not really liberals, it's. It's um, what is it? You know, I kind of talked about the difference. So you got, you know, you got conservative, liberal, Republican, democrat, and then you have the far right and the far left. So the far left is the far right and the far left so the far left is Dang it.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, there's different extremes. You have people in the middle right who maybe will have some liberal policies, but they're more right, and then you have some that are a little more. Oh, I'm never. You know all Democrats are evil and this, and that I'm never voting Democrat again. I'm kind of there, but I'm not really like. I'll never vote, not, you know, it depends on what's going on and I would pay attention just because you know, because I don't want to, because the things change the whole thing. It's like a big cycle. So the evil, the evil, well, you know, the evil, corrupt government has now become the democrats, when it was like the republicans were the ones doing all kinds of shady shit or they were the ones in power at the time. You know what I mean. So it kind of, but anyway, I'm totally getting off of the whole thing I want to talk about. I gotta hurry up anyway.

Speaker 1:

And then you have the extreme right, which are, you know, the, the actual people who are racist and this and that. And then on the left you have, you know, again the same thing. You have people who are more left, but they might agree with some, uh, conservative, um, platform or not, platforms, but talking points or whatever, right, right Policies. And then as you get a little more left and left, then it's like, okay, I'm never going to vote for a Republican, ever again. And then you got the, the, the left. That's just like the whole, you must. If you don't, if you wouldn't date a trans, then you're transphobic. And how is it wrong that a trans who was born a man and five years ago decided to become a woman, beats the shit out of a woman? That's fine. How is that wrong? I don't get it. You know that's the crazy left and the ones that are communist and all that kind of crap. So there's different degrees.

Speaker 1:

Why am I talking about this? Why I totally forgot, like, what I was talking about. Oh, my gosh. That's probably a good thing, though, because I'm not even talking about what originally I wanted to talk about. Point is people are crazy anyway. Um, oh, that's right, because well, no, I don't know if that's right, but so.

Speaker 1:

So Google. So you know, you got to get on DuckDuckGo or whatever to look up various things, and I'll do that. Sometimes is I'll get on DuckDuckGo and Google and just kind of compare, if I put in Trump, what comes up, if I put in Trump on the side, what comes up? Or Biden, you know what I mean Just to kind of see and you can see what they're trying to push. You know what I mean Just to kind of see and you can see what they're trying to push. You know what I mean and it's, it's insane, but anyway, yeah, so you know, get rid of the mainstream.

Speaker 1:

Try, try some of the, the, the um, the other stuff. You know, try, duck, duck, go, try. There's a few of them out there. There's um, what's it called? I think I have it on my phone. I don't use it as much as I want to. I don't know, I just don't. It's a. What's it called? Do I have it on my phone? I thought I did. Oh, right here. Free spoke, I think, is what it's called yeah, free spoke, um, so there's that.

Speaker 1:

You know there's other things out there, um, and it's like you know you don't have to completely cut google out of your like, I quit using, I still use gmail, but, um, you know, just try and cut back on it. You know they'll see it, they'll. You know they'll start being, oh man, man, people are less people are using our website. What's going on anyway? And you see, it happens, it happens. It happens, but I mean it works. You know, when people stop using stuff, they notice they work. Look at Marvel now they're firing all their people, all their woke people, and woke started off as just like a black thing and it was just referencing, you know, black culture. It was more, you know, in line with, with, with, with black folks, and now it's just turned into it's just the retard left agenda is what woke means. Now you know what I mean, but anyway, um, okay, so Trump assess.

Speaker 1:

This is what I want to talk about. This is going to be a long episode, I think, because I'm already at 12 minutes and I'm thinking I don't think I can get through this very quick. So the whole point of what I'm saying is like nobody's talking about the Trump assassination. Like you, don't Nothing. You know what I mean, dude, when Reagan was shot, all the news, bam, bam, bam everywhere. That was a story covering this net. Nothing with trump. Oh, it's no big deal, they don't care. Yeah, they're trying.

Speaker 1:

And, oh, some people be like, oh, because he was staged. It's like, dude, if you think it was staged, you are a moron, I'm sorry, but you are, um, but see just that right there. It's like, why are they not talking about it? Why are they trying to cover it up? Like what's going on? You know? I mean, I bet you, if he was actually shot, I bet you what the plan was was he would get shot and they would make this dude out to be an extreme maga or something, and you know what mean. And then they would be like, that'd be all over. Oh, we need to get rid of the guns and this and that, but it's like, it's really just kind of like oh shit, it didn't work out. Let me sweep this under the rug a little. Okay, let's talk about this now. Hey, let's go to a war with Iran. What do you think? Yeah, I'm gonna talk about that too. Dang, you know what? This is going to be a long episode, all right, so well, I guess I'll just hit on that real quick.

Speaker 1:

So there was, I don't have anything pulled up for it, but there was an individual who was from Pakistan who was arrested for paying and dealing with an undercover individual with the FBI to assassinate various people, one of them being Trump. I guess they knew about this guy, like back in March, like they were, you know, he was in their radar and they were handling him various ways and doing whatever, and they arrested him July 12th or 13th or something like that. Right, and they're just now reporting it. And when you see the reports, this is the press release. I'm not showing it. Let me know if you guys want me to do OBS so I can show you what I'm looking at. I don't want to, but if you want me to, I will. Um, but the press release pakistan national with ties to iran charged in connection with foil plot to assassinate a politician or us government official.

Speaker 1:

Right, who is looking to go to war with iran I mean not me, but america, right, that's. It's all over, that's. You know, the, the democrats right now are just like war hungry. The reason they're war hungry. There are no more wars. Really, man, it's all just to fucking make money because they get rich off the wars and that's the title pakistan national with ties to iran.

Speaker 1:

They're trying to get people like, oh my god, iran, we need to go to war with them. That's know what I mean. It's like come on, like they arrested this guy almost a month ago, and then that's the thing that comes out and then they're Pakistan national Dude, they never talk about. They don't want us to think that there are illegal immigrants from the Middle East that are bad coming over. Oh no, you know what. Illegal immigrants from the Middle East that are bad coming over? Oh no, you know what I mean. So it's like, generally, if they were not trying to push, you know, to help push the to go to war with Iran and whatever, this would be you know a migrant caught by the fbi, whatever, this and that, and that's what another report was, the fbi foils, uh, of whatever.

Speaker 1:

And the first thing I thought when I read that was okay, look at there. Because it was like foiled, an attempt on trump, right? So my thing is like oh, they're trying to make it. Oh, look at, look. No, we're protecting Trump, we got his back, we got it. And then when he gets assassinated again, they can be like what we're trying, man, we stopped that one, we stopped it. So you know, sorry we didn't get this one, but you know, we're trying. It's like they're trying to cover their ass and make. That's what I was thinking on that first headline that I saw.

Speaker 1:

And then you see the other ones from the press release and it's like what? That's just kind of weird. Pakistan they never bring up, like you know, middle Eastern, whatever, this and that trying to, I don't know. It just seemed kind of weird, you know. And then someone else brought it up too the Iran war. And it's like, yeah, like what ties to Iran war? No, really, no ties. We just want to get people on board so we can go to war with Iran. You know what I mean. Like what? This is all just bullshit. All right, now I'm going to the.

Speaker 1:

So there are some audio clips released from during the Trump assassination attempt. Right, rossi? What's his name? Roe? He's like the, he's like the fill-in, he's the covering down director, but he's not the director, he's the chief, anyway. So he said a couple things. So, um, local authorities and secret service agents were using different communication channels which prevented the warning from getting through, before a 20 year old assailant opened fire on the Republican presidential candidate.

Speaker 1:

One guy I watched the quartering. What does he call him? Lee Tardy or Lee Tarded Oswald, it's kind of funny, anyway. So he blamed the failure on local law enforcement, while also saying he was ashamed of the security lapse. And then he was ashamed of the security lapse.

Speaker 1:

And then where'd it go? So urgent message crackled over the radio inside the white. So there was two trailers. They had a Secret Service command post and they had the Butler County command post right. And then this is what came over the radio. Just FYI, we had a younger white male, long hair this is quote lurking around the AGR building. The count is 9% of 542. He was viewed with a range finder sighting the stage. We lost sight of him. Dude, right there. They should have been looking for him like crazy. Right, there was something else. Oh man, where'd it go? I need to start highlighting. I missed it. There was another one I wanted to read, but yeah, the title of this we Lost Sight of Him. Radio Traffic Shows, failed Search for Trump, relay Shooter and no one from the Secret Service. Primarily, no one from the Secret Service, the agency okay, the agency primarily responsible for protecting Trump was inside the trailer, so they didn't have someone like a uh, what do you call them? Um, like you know different, like okay.

Speaker 1:

So all my experience is from the army. I was, so they, I kind of got off track there, but anyway, whatever, I was an mp in the army working like civilian law enforcement and then being deployed, and then I worked as the da police basically the same thing but as a civilian, so da police for the army and then I worked security at a chemical testing facility way out in the desert it's not Area 51, but it's similar to it. So I worked security for them. And then I worked security for a hospital, for an army hospital. So that's kind of all my security and law enforcement jobs. But that was, you know, over it's like 20 years and stuff. Was it 20,? No, not 20, because now it'd be 20 from? No, almost 18 years or something anyway.

Speaker 1:

So my point is, when I know some things, I don't always know the words. I'm not very good at remembering some terms, like I can't even remember. Like I'd have to ask my buddy who was well, he's out now but who was in the army. I was like dude, what was the name of that medal or what was this or what was that? And he'd be like that's blah, blah, blah or you know what's the acronym for this. I can't remember. I don't retain that stuff, sadly, but anyway. But I do have some experience and know what I'm talking about, for you know a little bit. I'm not an expert, but I do know what I know, if that makes any sense anyway.

Speaker 1:

So when 9-11 happened obviously that's a whole other conspiracy, whatever, and I've talked about it, I think. But anyway, I mean it was pandemonium, not only because buildings are falling down, there's people everywhere and whatever, but you had so many different boroughs and fire truck units, firehouse and different PD. You had the port, you had the you know all these people and they couldn't communicate with each other. You know they had a problem communicating with each other because they had different types of radios, different frequencies and this and that. So that was like a huge lesson learn the hard way, right. So that's 2001. So I don't remember if they brought it up.

Speaker 1:

When I was in the army I joined, like, right after 9-11. I'm like a sucker, no, but as a civilian, um, but as a civilian. You had individuals who are there to kind of be the bridge to the civilian sector, right, so that that that that vehicle, the trailer that the local pd command had, should have had a radio so they can listen on the secret service, you know, and vice versa, or at least a a person there that can be there and then talk back to them on the radio. And the radios now are set up to where you can communicate. Now I, you know, I'm not Secret Service I did have an army buddy who worked for Secret Service like Secret Service Police.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if he still does or not, but you know, I don't know. I would assume that their radio traffic is pretty tight-knit, you know, for them. But regardless they should have it shouldn't be impossible to have your radio, at least be able to. You can pick up, you know you could be able to still listen to certain things. So the fact, but okay, even if, even if secret service like, hey, we don't want you listening, that wasn't the problem.

Speaker 1:

The problem was the secret service didn't hear what was said on the local. Why can't like that? Just to me that's like like that's a problem that would happen in the 80s and 70s. There's no reason in 2024, secret service can't hear the local pd channel. That's bullshit. That's bullshit and worst case. And, like I said, and if any of that's true, just have somebody, somebody in the in the, you know, have a local pd guy. Just be sitting there in a secret service trailer fucking with a blindfold, if they want it, so bad, and he's just listening to his radio so he can be like, oh shit, hey, they're saying they saw somebody. You know, I mean there's like contingencies that you can do or something, but none of that kind of stuff was made.

Speaker 1:

So the whole radio thing, I think, is bullshit. They were in on it. They were facilitating the assassination attempt. You know what I mean. There's no, in today's day and age, there's no reason they should not. Oh no, there's our radios, we didn't. There's no reason they should not. Oh, we know, there's our radios. We didn't have a line of sight, this and that. And then you look at the map. You didn't have line of sight. There was one little shack building in between them, huge open area.

Speaker 1:

It's like whatever, dude, they're so full of shit, they're so full of shit, I don't know. It's just our government, our media, dude, we are. We are living in north korea and we just don't know it. You know what I mean. It's like we're it's the whole saying we're in you, we're in a boiling pot right now and we're just chilling. You know, you throw a.

Speaker 1:

I said I kind of messed up what I was gonna say, but you throw a frog in boiling water, he jumps out, but you put him in a frog in cool water and then turn it up, it slowly starts to boil and it slowly cooks him and then he dies. We are the frog and our pot is like on the verge of boiling and we're just chilling here. You know, it's like I don't know, it's just insane and nobody sees it. They just they live in this fantasy like oh no, people are inherently good people. Our government's here to help us, they're here to protect us, dude, no, no, no, they're not. They're there to protect themselves. Anyway, they just need us to pay taxes and help build stuff that they can export and stuff like that. Anyway, that's it.

Speaker 1:

I've been talking for a long time. Uh, let me know if you guys want me to do the whole thing with the OBS and doing the thing showing. I don't know. I just kind of like sitting here bullshitting, getting a little bit. That's kind of like what I like to do, but if you think it would make things better, let me know. Um, um, anyway, hope you all have a wonderful day and or a couple days until the next time and I'll see you guys later. All right, bye.

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