ALL MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT SUCKS, Politicians suck too, plus I left my fan pointed at my mic.

Jerk Season 2 Episode 70

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What if the first day of school was more chaotic than you ever imagined? I recount the mayhem of my kids' first day at a Catholic school and compare it to the more structured approach seen in U.S. schools. From the initial assembly madness to the differences in classroom setups, I propose a more organized method to turn that chaos into something more manageable. This episode also dives into a recent online debate about political figures like Trump, Biden, and Harris, where I stress the significance of getting news from multiple sources to counteract bias, much like how police handle domestic disturbances by listening to both sides.

Are you tired of Hollywood's constant reboots and superhero saturation? Tune in as I evaluate my growing disillusionment with the entertainment industry and its controversial decisions. From the endless remakes of Batman to the portrayal changes for diversity’s sake, I argue for the creation of new, diverse characters instead of altering existing ones. I also discuss my newfound preference for older, reliable films over the lackluster new releases. To wrap things up, I draw a parallel between bouncing back from life’s setbacks and adopting a healthier lifestyle, highlighting the importance of patience and perseverance in overcoming challenges.

Speaker 1:

What's going on everybody? This is the Objective, jerk, and I am said jerk, hope everyone's doing well, I don't have. My kids had their first day of school today, so we dropped them off. They all go to a Catholic school here and so we go there. And I want to I mean, you know, usually the first day I'm always there anyway, just to you know, because I'm a parent, that's what you do, and but I wanted to see where their classrooms were.

Speaker 1:

So if I had to go get them doing a, um, what they call an assembly, right, like what we called in the states, what we called an assembly. But like, like that's where they, they line up all the, all the classes and that's where they have the assembly and they go through and they're like introducing people and all this kind of crap. And I'm just like this is so stupid, because then you got people, you have kids standing there, but then you got people and kids walking around all over the place, like it's just, it's like it's a big mess. And I'm just like why do they start it off with an assembly, get everybody to their home class, and that's the other thing too is here they don't really, you know, in the States. You go to your first period and then you walk to your second period and then you go to your locker room and then you walk to your third or whatever. Here they have they stay in the same classroom and the different teachers they travel who teach the different subjects. So you have your homeroom teacher and then you have teachers that come in and teach other subjects or whatever, which is cool in some ways, but but I don't know. But anyway. So you know, I was like why don't they have all the kids go to their class, get attendance. All the kids are there. You know, hey, I'm this teacher. You know, let everybody kind of get to know each other, the kids or whatever.

Speaker 1:

And then after the first hour then go and have an assembly and you know, do all the crap they do. You know, because it's like, because you had a bunch of parents like stand there, it's like we don't want to sit there and sit and listen to this crap. You know, this is for the kids, not us. I don't know, it's just kind of weird how they do things here, and you know it. I understand. You know it's not and I'm not saying America's better the way they do stuff, but I mean it. Just that would make more sense. You know, and I don't know, I just I don't want to be there. You know, to me it's just it's for the kids, it's not for us parents. Why do us parents have to sit there for the? It's just kind of weird. It's not, it doesn't annoy me, but it's just like it's a little frustrating.

Speaker 1:

I guess, kind of I don't know like, because you know I'm thinking I'm gonna take the kids, take them to their classroom, see where the classroom is, see their teacher, okay, see it, and then leave. But then we get there and they have the assembly going on and everything, and it's just like what the crap is going on. It's just kind of weird, it doesn't. And, like I said, it was such a chaotic mess. It's like it's just it doesn't, it didn't work, it doesn't work, it doesn't work, it didn't work. You know, it's like get everybody there in the proper classroom, the proper whatever, get them all situated, put their bags down, and then you know, at 9 o'clock we're going to have an assembly, and then that's when you get everybody out there and then they have the assembly. You know what I mean. Then it wouldn't be the hot mess that it was Hot mess. That's not the right word. I was looking for um, but yeah, so I don't know, it's kind of weird anyway.

Speaker 1:

Um, you guys kind of wanted to talk about, uh, unfortunately, politics a little, seeing some stuff. You know, I got into a uh, not an argument, but, like you know, a little debate on Facebook. This is a while ago, like a week or two ago or something, and I mean it's happened a few times. So I have one friend that I'll post some, you know, pro-trump or anti-Biden, and now Harris, I guess, or whatever kind of stuff, and he'll chime in every once in a while. You know, or whatever kind of stuff, and he'll chime in every once in a while. You know. And you know he's made the remark about like, oh, you need to not just watch Fox News and watch you know what other kind of stuff. And he's not wrong.

Speaker 1:

Except I don't watch Fox News, I don't watch any news. I don't like any of them, and actually I watch CNN and NBC more than Fox News because I like to see the retardness, because I mean before it's like the only way you could see the negative stuff, fox would show the negative things that happened at certain whatever. Cnn is really great Well, not just CNN, but MSNBC, all of them are really great about editing things to look To put, you know, liberals in the good light, the good light in a good light. Um, so you know you can watch some CNN or whatever and you can see something, but then you know you should watch Fox too, to see the other side of it. You know, it's just like when you're a police officer and you go to a domestic disturbance, you show up, you don't just listen to what the guy has to say, or the woman oh, he did this, arrest him. Okay, well, arresting you. Wait what? You have to get both sides of the story. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

And that's kind of the problem with a lot of people. I'm noticing, um, people that I know who are on more on the left, that they're not getting the whole story. They're getting the story that the left is pushing and they take that as, oh, okay, and it's like, dude, you have to learn to question things, man, you trust media too much. So when they say, oh, don't just get all your new and like you know and I've had strangers on facebook say the same thing don't you know, don't watch, don't just watch fox and it's like I don't even watch fox.

Speaker 1:

The only thing I watch that's Fox is. I watched like the opening, I guess monologue or whatever of the gut filled because it's funny, but other than that I don't watch Fox. I don't. I don't watch the whole episode. I don't watch any news. What I do is I watch content creators that watch all the news and then they show you the stuff that's being said on both sides, because I can't stand it. I hate watching somebody that I follow and they bring up something and then they show a long clip I cannot stand to listen to. Kamala is. I don't know what happened there. I hit a button so I stopped my my thing. I need to move my keyboard. See, I used to do that. I used to always move it out of the way while I was recording anyway. So you know I watch it.

Speaker 1:

And then when they show like so much of it, I start getting annoyed and it's like I just can't stand to listen to the hypocritical bullshit that they're trying to push and just how stupid they sound. And the reason I get so pissed is because people watch it and they they just eat it up. You know I don't have to watch fox to know that these people are morons. You watch it and it's it's. It's it's straight up garbage. The shit they should. The stuff they try and get you know they'll have, you know, a senator from a republican senator come on and they're trying to goat them into saying shit and it's like that's not even the point this is, and they're oh, but, but do you think you should? It's like I already answered your questions because they're not saying what they want them to say and they just keep going. It's just, it's retarded and I can't stand it like.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I like to watch content creators that watch all the news and then show you know that, and then they break it down and talk about it and they show the clips that support it. You know what I mean and that's what I like, but I what I don't like is when they show like three, five minute segment. It's like I don't want to watch. If I wanted to watch this and watch the news, just give me. You know what I want to know. But my, my, I told him, or I said it on Facebook. I was like dude, you can't, you can't just watch CNN, or you can't just watch just Fox, or you can't watch just NBC. You have to either watch all of the news or none of it. You know what I mean it, you know what I mean or go about uh, other ways. You know what I mean it's like either don't watch any of it, like I guess I do, and watch people that show you unedited, both sides of everything you know. Just recently, uh, msnbc, I think it was showed snippets of joe rogan podcasts where they're talking about kamala and they're talking about tulsi gabbard and stuff and and basically in it they're making fun of kamala, kamala and then they and he talks about how tulsi Gabbard is like a much better female politician, but they edited it up to make it look like he's talking about Kamala's awesome and is going to win, you know. And then when they got called out for it, they take it down.

Speaker 1:

And my question is is like, how does the left not not see that? You know what I mean. Like, how do? How do not just the left, but just anybody? How do how do people see this stuff? And it doesn't. They don't. I don't know. I guess everybody has, like, you know, the red pill or the whatever, I don't know. There's a couple different's, a couple different sayings, but everybody has that moment where they see something they're like what, wait, hold on, that doesn't make any sense. Then they start looking for it and then pretty soon that's all you see. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I always say it's better to question some things than nothing. You know, people complain oh, you know, conspiracy theorists, they question everything, yeah, but it's like, but you people don't question anything, you just everything comes out okay. I believe you, you know what I mean, dude, you should question some things. You know. They just, you know, give the benefit of the doubt way too much, too often, and you know they're getting exploited because of that. I just, I don't, I don't get it. You know, like, like I said, for me Was right at the very beginning of covid. I think I've said it before, but For those that have watched me close by, I'm sorry I regurgitate things, but I guess that's kind of how it goes, but for me it was Trump stopping anybody coming from China into America, you know, and there was a couple other countries too.

Speaker 1:

And then they start the left and CNN start talking about how racist Trump is and why is he not letting blah, blah, blah. And then Nancy Pelosi goes to Chinatown in San Francisco and, oh my god, look, it's so great here, everybody's. You know what I mean. And then like a week or two later they're bitching because Trump didn't do more. It's like dude, he was trying to fucking close you down and you guys fucking talk shit about it. And then now all of a sudden, like what? They flip-flop so much and it never makes any sense. So that's the first time politically where I was like what the what? So then I kind of started watching some stuff. But I couldn't take it, man, I couldn't listen to like Nancy Pelosi, she's just a complete idiot and just some of the stuff I started. So I I checked, I quit watching anything, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

And then I just slowly started finding content creators that would watch a little bit of everything. If you guys want to know who I'm talking about, hit me up. But you know I have some that are a little more biased to one side than others. But then I have some that are just pretty much down the middle. But they just see the BS too. You know, it's like dude, it's just, it's retarded. What is going on? You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

And then it's the same thing with, like the wokeness and entertainment and everything you know. I remember people were I were, I would get snippets of people complaining about Star Wars and stuff like that. I would hear some stuff, but I didn't pay any mind. I was going to work and raising a family and just whatever this and that. And then it was when the Masters of the universe on Netflix was coming out and somebody had reported that basically it's not, it's a He-Man show without He-Man, you know. And then they were getting, oh my God, getting just like drudge through the through, the, through the mud, because they said that. And then the show comes out and that's exactly what it was. It was like what he man's in it for the beginning and then he's not in it barely at all and then he comes in at the end and it was just like you know.

Speaker 1:

So then, once that happened, then I started seeing it and noticing it and in kind of everything. Then you know you noticing it in the TV shows and the movies and just some of the bull crap that's being pushed on us. So then I got to a point to where I just don't even care to watch, I don't even like. At first it was like I had to force myself oh no, I'm not going to watch that, because, you know, whatever or this looks, but now it's like I don't even Like the Deadpool movie. I haven't seen it. I'm not in no rush to see it. Will I see it? Yeah, probably, and you know it's not that I heard it's bad or it's woke or anything like that, but I just I took that away from me.

Speaker 1:

It's like a drug. You know it's for me. It's like it's like a drug. You know it's like you, when you're, when you're, when you're taking it, you can't say no. But if once you've cold turkey, get rid of it, then it's like okay, it's not, it doesn't appeal to you anymore, and that's the same thing for this. It's like it's just a movie and all these people are all like pedophiles and I don't know, degenerate, I don't know, but it's like there's so many of them that are degenerate, whatever.

Speaker 1:

How do you know who's to say that ryan reynolds isn't actually, you know, I mean, or I don't know, it's just like it's just who do you know it? There's just so much crap that's come out about all kinds of people in the movie industry or the film industry that just I'm just like I'm done. I'm not even, you know, I'll watch stuff occasionally like I started watching the rebel moon director's cut, but it's like I'm having a hard time, you know, because it's kind of a long movie, so I'm trying to really set myself some time to watch it. Then every time I start, something comes up and then whatever. So I've started it like two or three times and I'm only like not even an hour into it yet it looks pretty good, it seems pretty good.

Speaker 1:

But I just that urge or that fire of wanting to watch a movie or get excited, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Dude, I don't have that anymore. I mean not that I was ever one of those people like, oh, but I would get excited. You know, I got excited about the iron man movies, the captain america movies, the avenger movies you know what I mean. Like when infinity war, you know I was, I was so excited for that, you know. And then punisher, I remember being just jazzed about that trailer and everything.

Speaker 1:

But then now I don't really care, I just don't. I don't care. You know what, if Deadpool I might buy, when Deadpool comes out on Blu-ray the third one, the newest one, I might buy the package, the trilogy or whatever on Blu-ray. The third one, the newest one, I might buy like the triple, you know, the package, the trilogy or whatever on Blu-ray. Um, because I don't have any of the, I think I had um, the second Deadpool on on um, voodoo or whatever digitally. But yeah, I just. Yeah, I just I don't. I'm not in a big rush, I don't care. If it comes out on Netflix, then I'll probably watch it, but I'm not going to get another subscription to Amazon or to Disney Plus or whatever to watch it. No, I don't care, I'll. Just if it comes to Netflix I'll watch it. Other than that, I'll either buy it or you know that's about it. Like I'm just not, I don't. You know, I didn't watch the last Batman movie because it just didn't appeal to me. Like I don't have to watch everything, you know.

Speaker 1:

And I remember thinking when zach snyder was doing the batman versus superman and it was all just talking and they and they and they and they got um ben affleck to be batman. And I remember thinking what they're doing? They're redoing batman again. I was like they just got done. I mean well, well, yeah, so 2000,. When was it 2012, when the Dark Knight Rises came out, and then, yeah, so it was like four years later, you know, and it's just like that was one of the things. It's like dude, they're just really trying to milk it for all it's worth. You know what I mean. Oh, let's do another one, let's do another one, let's do another other one. Come on, we gotta keep that money going. You know what I mean? It's all just like. So I was kind of like really they're gonna do batman again already. But I loved affleck's batman and I loved the take on it and the way he looked and stuff I did. But then they go again and they're doing you know, another batman movie and it's like what the f? There's nothing really appealing about this one. I remember the first set photo of Ben Affleck's Batman. It was like dude, that looks badass. It got me a little excited.

Speaker 1:

Everything I've seen of the newest Batman I haven't seen. It's been on Netflix or it was on Netflix, didn't care to see it, it just didn't appeal to me. But that's kind of how everything is. I've just once you kind of make that leap. You kind of realize that, okay, all this BS entertainment is not a necessity. You know it really isn't. I don't miss it.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I find myself watching older films and you know, things that I know are good and that's the other thing too is like so they have the new Batman cartoon, the Batman I don't know what it's called, but you know I grew up during the Batman Animated Series. I have that on Blu-ray because it's awesome. And then they have this new one coming out and they got like a trans penguin or it looks like a trans penguin because it's an ugly ass bitch if it is a woman. But they have now Penguin's a woman and they're like changing the races of people and stuff like that. It's like, dude, if you want to add a little more diversity, just create new characters that have that diversity. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

And they just don't get it because they know it's going to fail. Nobody cares. Nobody cares about that shit. They care about the original ips and and all that kind of stuff, you know. And then and then people will sit there and like I saw something where it was like somebody was like oh well, you know, because it was like oh, it's rated, you know, 90% fresh by critics and somebody's like well, I'll just wait for the user reviews and see what they say.

Speaker 1:

And then people are like well, or you could just watch it and make your own opinion. It's like no, i'm'm not gonna waste my time and watch garbage. That's what they want you to do. They want you to watch it to the view. So then they oh, it's successful. It's successful. No, it's not, it's all failing, it all sucks. And they're trying to trick people into watching it, but it's like nobody like nobody gives it a chance because it looks like crap. Why should we? And then what people do is they wait until later, maybe to watch it after it's been canceled. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But it's just, and you got gotta look at the whole politics crap, all the fake BS. And then it's like the same thing with the comic books, the same thing with the movies, the same thing with the TV. And now you got the Olympics All this agenda pushing shit, and it's just all failing. Which is good, which makes sense, because that percentage of the population is so small. But now they get butt hurt when people don't rejoice in the fact that a trans woman who was born and grew up a male beat the shit out of a woman. They don't get why we think that's not right, what? No? But they're trans.

Speaker 1:

It is a woke mind virus dude. It is sickness and a lot of these people are just mentally deranged people and it's these people that were put in charge of the government, the charge of, you know, various companies. Now you got all of them just getting rid of it. Marvel fired all their woke retards because they're like, because the writing was on the wall, everything was failing. So they were like okay, we got to go back to what we were doing and that's happening a lot across the board.

Speaker 1:

So it's, it's, the boat is being corrected, the steering is being corrected to the right direction. You know it's slow but it's happening. It went from good to shit quick as hell, but you know the traverse back to normalcy is happening. You know it's like. It's like when you eat nothing but junk food and you get fat. It happens like that, but to actually be healthy and work out and eat sensibly, it takes a long time to get that fat off. It's the same thing, it's the same concept. Anyway, that's it. I hope you liked listening to me gripe. Yeah, let me know what you think, what you know, what you hear, and I'll see you guys next time. All right, bye.

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