POLITICAL CHESS and Family Dynamics: The Intersection of Life and Beliefs

Jerk Season 2 Episode 69

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Ever felt like you’re spending more time grappling with tech than actually creating content? I kick off with a light-hearted greeting before diving headfirst into the tech chaos that defines modern content creation. From the constant upgrades of today’s cameras to the nightmare of software subscriptions, I open up about my personal journey with a DSLR gifted by my wife and the struggle to stay present in life’s most important moments. We also tackle the headaches of setting up live streaming with outdated gear, reminiscing about the good old days of one-time software purchases.

Next, we navigate the emotional rollercoaster of political discussions within the family, highlighting generational divides and differing viewpoints. I share the heartfelt story of my ambitious nephew, a successful nurse who also happens to be gay, and his complex interactions with our politically diverse family. We touch on the heated debates surrounding figures like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, exploring the misunderstandings and emotional hurdles that come up when politics hits close to home. This segment offers a raw look at how personal experiences shape our political views and the challenges of maintaining family harmony amidst conflicting opinions.

Finally, we turn the spotlight on the strategic chess game of politics, peeling back the layers of election tactics and media influence. We ponder the calculated moves behind early debates and the possible conspiracies that may be at play, including the idea that Kamala Harris could be a strategic decoy. The conversation also delves into the power wielded by organizations like the CIA, considering their historical involvement in political maneuvers. We wrap up by contemplating a new direction for the podcast with live streaming on Rumble, inviting your thoughts and feedback on this exciting possibility. Tune in for a compelling mix of tech frustrations, family political dynamics, and high-stakes political strategy!

Speaker 1:

What's going on? Douchebags, how y'all doing this is the Objective, jerk, and I'm said jerk, you're not douchebags, I'm just joking. What is going on? It's been only a couple days since my last podcast, since my last confession. What did I talk about last time? Oh, yeah, the German director. Yeah, I was actually trying to. I'm thinking about doing some live streaming on Rumble. See how that goes. Like I don't, I do, like I want to try it, but I kind of don't. I'm like, but I was kind of.

Speaker 1:

Is anybody else fucking just tired of subscriptions and memberships? And just I don't know man, you know, back in the day I would say what, in the 60s or something, probably you could buy like a nice camera and that camera would be badass for you know 20 years or whatever. You know what I mean. Now it's like like so my wife bought me a camera, canon, like dlsr. It's not the most expensive camera, it was, you know, maybe low, mid-end, I'm not sure to be honest with you, but she got it for me for a photography class class. This was 2014, 15, something like that, I don't know. Um, so yeah, 10 years, I guess roughly, but maybe a little less, but anyway, um so yeah, so I have that right.

Speaker 1:

I don't I'm not a huge photographer, cause I kinda just like with my cell phone and like I like being in the moment. I'm not one to grab my phone to record what I'm witnessing, because I don't want to watch it through my phone. You know what I mean. Like if I need like some kind of if I'm recording something for to benefit, like like evidence kind of thing, to be like look to prove someone's a douche or something like that, then yeah. But I mean, if I'm in, like some, I'm witnessing something cool, I don't want to use my phone to record it. I don't care about posting it and getting views and all that bullshit, I just want to be in the moment.

Speaker 1:

You know, and that's how I kind of felt with the camera and taking pictures and it's like all I was worried about is trying to get the angle and this and that, and I talked about it before, how it just kind of ruined, like I had when I was taking that photography class. It was for Halloween and we had to do like it was like a night shoot or something, so went trick-or-treating with my kids and I was just thinking about all the things I had to do for the assignment and all the different stuff, and I was just worried about the, the taking the picture that I, you know I lost out on what was more important, which was trick-or-treating with my kids, you know know. So because of that it was like, eh, I don't know if it's, I mean, maybe by myself, I try and maybe go somewhere and take some pictures, maybe I'll, I don't know, anyway, kind of getting off track. But so, you know, I'm thinking about the, the live streaming, you know, and I'm like okay, so I have this camera that I use, you know, and I'm like okay, so I have this camera that I use. That's just part of the Mac, the, you know, the webcam, FaceTime, whatever camera you call it, and it's not bad, I guess, but you know it doesn't look as good. So I was like, okay, well, I will use my, my DLSR, right now.

Speaker 1:

I did in the past, I set up my DLSR as a webcam when I did, like my first, I, you know, I try to. Uh, this is like my third, I guess. I mean, I have a YouTube channel. I say YouTube, it's not, I don't really care much for YouTube, I'm just more rumble anyway. But so I started.

Speaker 1:

You know, the first time I thought about doing something as far as like content creating crap I can't remember what it was called, but I had set it up I got OBS and and I set up the camera and it worked and I could use the camera and I did it. But then I kind of lost interest and I was just like, yeah, I don't know, and I think what I was doing was I was like trying to find my niche and I couldn't figure it out and I don't know, so I quit doing it. And then I started the objective jerk. But I was just doing the podcast and then, and then, um, I remember I was like, okay, okay, I'm going to do, I'm going to do for rumble, which is what I'm doing now, like you know. But I was trying to set up the camera and you have to download, like a driver, and just all the crap again, and I was tinkering with it. But it was like man, whatever, I don't like dealing with it, I'll just use the camera on my computer, which is what I've been doing. So now that leads me to now, obviously. So I was going through all the crap again, downloading OBS and trying to get the web.

Speaker 1:

What is it EOS webcam utility drive that you use for your camera to use? Use it, you know. I mean, it's just a camera. Why can't you just plug it in and use it? Stupid. But it's no longer there, so the only camera is my camera's too old now and I was just like dude.

Speaker 1:

I'm just so fucking tired of the crap. I'm tired of my, I'm tired of of of, uh, illustrator and photoshop. I'm tired of paying monthly. I mean, I get why they do it, because they make so much more money off people than people just buying a program. But I really miss the days of just buying a program the one time and having it and using it how you want or I don't know. And now it's like I'm on the canon website and it's like they're really kind of not exploiting but they're really taking advantage of the whole webcam using it and they got little packages, you know, and it costs all this and they want to do and it's just like I'm just I understand, I get it, you know it's, it's capitalism, but I don't know, it just gets it's I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of people my age are just kind of tired of it and so it's like you know what. It's not really. It's not really worth it. I don't. You know, I don't know how many times I've gotten rid of um, adobe, whatever, and and they change the way they do it. Now they do it's like oh, you'll pay less, but then you're contracted in. You know what I mean. So of course I did that like an idiot.

Speaker 1:

I use it, but not now, nowhere near what it's worth or what I pay for it. You know and I don't know, it's just just all that crap. It's just, you know, music, everything is is streaming and subscription and they're trying to get movies and everything, and it's like that means that they have control over your stuff, you know. So it's like, um, I, I have some vinyl records, um, most of it was like my parents records. I have a couple that I have purchased over, you know, some time. The record player that I have is older. It was my dad's. I don't have it hooked up. It needs a new needle, which I have. But then you know, old school, like stereo systems, you have all the various components and plus I have here it's like 220, the voltage. So it's like, am I going to go through or I could just buy a record player, which is probably what I'll do something for here or whatever, but I don't know. I was just trying to keep something old and that was my dad's and stuff.

Speaker 1:

But you know, having the physical copies, I have a lot of movies. I never got rid of my movies. I got rid of my music, though, just because I kind of fell for the, you know, the oh man. You know you have everything you could listen to or want to listen to is right at your fingertips. And I was like, well, since, you know, since, um, I have, you know, I can just stream my music or whatever. I don't need the cds. And it's like, because I'm always you know, they're always taking up space and you know, from movements like you'd have a couple boxes full of cds. So then I had a garage sale and I sold my CDs, I mean, except for like a few here and there. But basically and but I never got rid of my movies. I kept my movies, and my dad had a lot of movies too, and so I still have those and I'm glad that I did keep them and I'm just now kind of starting to have the urge to buy uh vinyl a little more active, more actively than I do now.

Speaker 1:

Um, because, like I said, the last time I bought a record was five years ago. Four years ago, um, I did order like a Deftones when their, when their Ohms album came out, but I never got it, I don't know, just cause overseas kind of makes it difficult. It's kind of hard to order stuff from, I mean, amazon. I order something from Amazon, I'll get it. You know what I mean, whether I got to pay extra for shipping or if it's part of the free shipping, whatever this, and that I'll get it. But you order from something else, you know it just doesn't. You know, you're kind of risking the chance of getting it or not. So I don't really, I don't really mess with anything like that.

Speaker 1:

As far as that goes, what was the whole reason for this podcast? What was I? I forgot, like what I'm talking about. Um, what was I saying? The um? Oh, just, oh, just kind of. Oh, that's right, because I'm gonna live stream.

Speaker 1:

So, thinking about live streaming, I guess because just to kind of keep things a little interesting for myself and I guess maybe it kind of helps with getting more eyes on the podcast, because when it's live it'll I don't know people will see it more, you know. So I'm thinking about trying it. But now it's like when am I going to do it? How am I, you know? So that's why I was kind of downloading OBS again and I was getting my camera ready and then, you know, came across that I can't use my camera, like it's not like the most expensive camera, but it's not a cheap camera either, you know, and it's just like I don't know, it's just kind of annoying. So then I don't know, so then I don't know. So I'm just sitting there trying to figure out what I want to do. As far as I'll just record on my FaceTime thing to do the streaming, I guess, see how that goes and if, for some reason, if I get some more views or, you know, it seems like it does help then maybe I'll splurge and get a better web camera or something. But I'm not gonna pay for that right now. But yeah, so that's what's going on with me. Um, what else, I guess I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So so, you know, I got into, I was going to talk about trans athletes and stuff like that, but my the other day was getting vehicle work done, just sitting around waiting and she was messaging with her nephew, who he's my well, so he's my nephew, you know, but through marriage, obviously. But and um, he's young, he's, you know, he's a little, he's, he's a nurse, he went to school, he's, he's a smart kid. He went to school, he's a smart kid, and he's ambitious and he's successful. So far, I never was able to finish school, something I just couldn't do. I think it's due to my depression and stuff like that, but still, people are able to get their degree with their depression. So it's not like you know. I think I talked about before how I wouldn't have like a quarter or a semester where I did really good and you know I'm interested, and then I'm like man, why can't I always be like this? And then all of a sudden I just have another where I don't want to do any homework and I just get shitty grades and it just was, it sucked but anyway.

Speaker 1:

So this, this nephew of mine, who's who's gay? Um, you know he's, he's not really political, but of course you know he's getting pulled in through the things he watches and people he hangs out with. Probably, and of course now the, the left, the liberal, they're all loving kamala, when before she was like the least popular, you know candidate for anything and now all of a sudden, they all love her, but whatever, um, but that's the thing I think about is like do do people not who are blue? They don't see this. They don't look. Do people not who are blue? They don't see this. They don't look and be like gosh, they hated her, now they don't. They don't think for a minute like that's kind of weird. They're just like oh yay, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

So he, he, he got on the little you know Kamala Gay train about the debating, right, how, oh, trump doesn't want to debate Kamala, and uh. And so I told my wife I was like, well, tell him, it's because she's not, she hasn't been voted by the Democratic Party as the nominee. And then he comes back with well, neither was Trump when they debated, and it's like okay, here we go, all right. So this is the thing it's like. I don't go looking for arguments. I don't sit there and try and get people to argue with me with politics, because I don't go looking for arguments. I don't sit there and try and get people to argue with me with politics, because I don't know everything. I'm only going to debate stuff that I feel somewhat passionate or kind of know. And so this was one of them and my wife's like, be nice and dude, I love my nephew. Like I said, he's a good kid. He's a little airheaded with some things like that, but most of us are at that age Well, I guess he's like mid-20s now, but anyway, so you know, I explained to him I was like, well, trump was not the official nominee yet because they hadn't had the Republican National Convention, the RNC, yet, because they hadn't had the republican national convention, the rnc, because the left democrats wanted to debate earlier.

Speaker 1:

Usually the debate happens after the nominee and it's a few months later, but for some reason reason they wanted to debate early. So when they do the debate july, july, wasn't that? It the beginning of july, end of june? I can't remember now, but it's like three, four months before they generally start having debates. You know, and I remember I mean I didn't catch that. You know I was like, oh, it's kind of early than normal. I don't follow and remember enough to know that, but you know, other people do. It's a little early compared to normal, right, and I remember thinking like that is kind of weird, why'd they do that? And this is obviously a conspiracy theory and it's a little out there, but at the same time time it holds water. I think Now I haven't heard this anywhere.

Speaker 1:

This is my own brain churning away but Biden has been showing his senile capacity whatever you want to call it for years really, but it's slowly getting worse and worse and his administration has been trying so hard to cover it up, to keep it. Oh no, that's a. What do they call it? Not a deep fake, but a. I forget what they called it, but you know they're, oh, it's fake. And this blah, blah, they kept hiding it over it, over and over. You know, like trying to deny that he was a senile, and then you would only see, like, if you watch, like liberal media, they never showed any of the stuff. They were the ones hiding it. And then you know, and then you go and watch someone else and then they're showing you him falling and doing this and all this kind of crap. So we all knew, we all.

Speaker 1:

And now, with the way things are going and how they're all trying to push Trump to debate Kamala Harris, and this isn't like this is the only end-all, be-all way to try and get rid of him. They've been trying through the courts. They've had all these different tactics and stuff that they're trying to get rid of them. You know they've been trying through the courts. You know they've had all these different tactics and stuff that they're trying to get rid of Trump. You know they're already planned out well in advance and they're like, hey, if we do this, then they're playing chess. You know, freaking long-term con all the way right.

Speaker 1:

So I think the reason I'm getting another table so my camera don't move around so much I can't not lean on my table but I think the reason that they debated as early as they did because they knew Biden was going to look stupid, they knew it was going to hurt him Because, I mean, he was already getting his ass whooped by Trump. So this was a plan to get rid of biden and to possibly hurt trump. So they did that early, they got rid of biden. Now they're trying to be like, oh look, here's kamala, who hasn't even been voted in yet as the nominee. You know, and I don't even think she's the one they actually want to be in office. I mean, I guess maybe, if somehow miraculously did I say that right, miraculous, miraculous, miraculously um, she, you know, starts pulling high and whatever this and that maybe they'll go with her.

Speaker 1:

But I think they are sitting there trying to get trump to debate kamala before she's the nominee, to hurt trump and then they'll get somebody else as the nominee, because you know his history with how he is with Rosie O'Donnell or whatever. They're thinking he's such a pig that he's going to say something about Kamala with her history and everything, and it's going to make him look bad and he's going to lose points. And then, when that happens, they're actually going to pick someone else to be the nominee and then go from there. That why I think they're keeping kamala in, because why did they go early? Why did they? Why did him and biden debate early? Why is that? I mean, maybe they're hoping biden would do good, but they're like, okay, if he sucks which we pretty much know he will be there's a chance for them to find someone else and recuperate, right. And now they're like, hey, kamala's gonna come in, but maybe we can get.

Speaker 1:

You know, kamala she's not doing so great people still don't like her. They're really trying to push her as, like a black person and it's like it's the left are the only ones that come out. Remember, remember during the 2020 campaign runs, when Biden came out with some Latino fucking music on his phone Trying to like I, like Mexicans. You only see that with the left. They're always trying to pander to everyone, and so it's like Kamala starts sounding black all of a sudden, when she's not, she's not. Kamala starts sounding black all of a sudden, when she's not, she's not. She's not black, she's not African. Sorry, like they say, elon Musk is more African than Kamala Harris, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I think that's kind of their plan is, or their hope is that they'd be forced, or they would fall for it and debate Kamala. She would say some stuff or whatever, and then Trump would attack her, kind of like the old school Trump oh, you only got where you are because you were on your knees or whatever. You know he'll say something and then people are like, oh, my God, he's so mean. Okay, I want Kamala, or at least, at the very least, it'll hurt his poll, and then they'll pick someone else like Gavin Newsom or whatever. You know. I mean, I think it's all just to try and hurt him, try and hurt his momentum. That's the whole reason Kamala is even where she's at right now and why they're trying to push for them to have a debate, because if, if they wait which trump should wait, and I hope he does if he waits till she gets the nominee to do the debate, then you know she's it no matter what. So I think they're hoping that she can at least hurt his momentum and then they'll just put someone else in, in in place. You know that somebody else will actually get the nominee.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, I don't know, because it's that she can at least hurt his momentum, and then they'll just put someone else in place. You know that somebody else will actually get the nominee. Maybe I don't know, because it's just just sit there and think about it, like, why did they do it so early? And what's the big? Why are they so pushing? I mean, she just became pushed to be maybe, the president, like they're just now talking about it and she's getting the endorsement from everybody well, supposedly endorsement.

Speaker 1:

And all of a sudden they're like, oh, debate, why doesn't trump want to debate? Oh, it's like dude, he just debated biden, like a month ago. You know what I mean. And see, he did it early, he, he went along. They want to do it early, they want to do it with cnn. You know what I mean? All this crap. He was like, okay, we'll do it, he's letting him do it. But now it's like no, no, when she gets the nominee, and then we're gonna do it, not on cnn, we're gonna do it with like fox or whatever, or have someone else to have the.

Speaker 1:

What are the people that are there? Not the commentators, but they're the damn it. I can't remember what they're called, the uh, help me out, chat. See if I'm talking about Um, but yeah, so it's like you know, everything's been in the left's favor, everything. And then so now that everything's kind of the momentum is what they're trying anything to do, and it's like I, you know, unless I don't think he definitely should not debate her until she's the actual nominee, and then they need to debate more on his playing field as opposed to the left, because they had their chance, they had cnn and and everything, and you know so. And no, no reporters, and no, nobody could be there.

Speaker 1:

Remember that there's so much crazy bullshit from the left, just like the fucking assassination attempt, just like so much all these little things. And it's like, how do you not see that? How do you quit being such the liberal mind virus or whatever they call it, or the TDS, the Trump derangement syndrome. Just push that out of your brain for a second and just look at the whole picture and just be like that's weird. And just be like that's weird. That's weird. What the hell? You know, nothing makes sense. But nobody does that because they're just they, just they're so caught up on Trump.

Speaker 1:

The only thing I can think of really for people that are in my family that hate Trump so much is because he said I cup them by the pussy. Nobody fucking cares about cupping girls' pussies. Okay, I've cupped pussies. You know what I mean. I mean, yeah, we were, probably I was with someone, but you know I didn't. You know nobody goes around just grabbing girls' pussies, except for maybe in a porno, and neither does Trump. You know it's just guys fucking talking locker room talk, you know, and, like I said before, even my wife is like dude. I've said more worse things about you know doing things to mit with her friends. Then you know what I mean. But like that's what everybody holds on to is like the cup in the pussy, like that's. Oh my god, oh my god. He said cup in the pussy. It's like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Quit thinking about your stupid ass emotions and your fucking woke mind virus bullshit. And look at the state of the country and look at the BS that the left is trying to do, like how do you not see it? How do you not see it? I'm not saying the right's perfect. Is Trump the greatest of all time and the perfect human being? No, but he's definitely the best president for the job right now Because he's the only one that's fighting against the bullshit system. Call it the deep state, call it whatever, but he's the only one that's got the balls to do it. And there's going to be another attempt on him. Believe that, just because they couldn't get it that time, I mean, they're going to probably try and do something different.

Speaker 1:

Trump needs to get a clone, somebody to take his place For a lot of things. He's going to end up crashing his car or his brakes are gonna give out or I don't know. I think it's gonna be something like that. He's gonna get it. He's gonna be, you know, sudden heart attack, cardiac arrest or something like that. That's what's gonna be, because I think maybe they'll be like, you know, if we try and shoot him again, that's gonna be a little too obvious. I don't know, but it's. It's not over. Even when he's president, man is still. He's going to be literally dodging bullets all the time because he's going to be.

Speaker 1:

If he becomes president, he's going to be the next jfk. They will make it happen eventually and you have to think. You have to wonder why. Why are they so adamant about taking him out or not letting him run as president? Why so? He's a douche, whatever, or like he's, you know, because he does the mean tweets or something. He's only gonna be president for four years. We've already seen his record before.

Speaker 1:

Things are gonna turn around. It's gonna be just like anything else with bush. You had bush and you had obama, but the thing is it's because the, the, the deep state, is afraid for the careers and their money and their control. They don't want to lose it. So now they're trying to scare the left.

Speaker 1:

No, if Trump, he's gonna the 2025, whatever the fuck the stupid ass think tank thing is. They're trying to scare. It's just and nobody sees it. Nobody's like. Well, what the hell? That's the only difference. That's the only difference. That's the only thing, because he's not like JFK. He wasn't like. No, I'm president, I'm going to make some changes and then he gets shot. I've said it before the CIA have been doing assassinations and coups for decades in other countries and even ours, and they tried to do it again a couple weeks ago, and they're going to continue because they don't want to lose their power, their money, their influence. It's the truth, holy shit. I've been talking for 30 minutes, almost all right. Well, so that's it. Thanks for listening, and let me know if you think doing live streaming on Rumble is a good idea or something. I don't know. Anyway, all right, I'll see you next time, all right, bye.

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