BIAS IN TRUE CRIME AND MEDIA: Dissecting Narratives, Misinformation, and Society's Misconceptions

Jerk Season 2 Episode 67

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Is it possible that your favorite true crime documentaries are skewing your perception of justice? Join us as we dissect the biases and complexities in Netflix's "American Nightmare," a series that, despite its gripping start, morphs into a one-sided narrative vilifying men and law enforcement while overly trusting women. Drawing from my personal experience as a former military and civilian police officer, I'll share insights on the real challenges faced by law enforcement, from false rape accusations to the intricacies of psychological interrogations. This episode underscores the importance of considering every angle in criminal cases, reminding listeners that every story has multiple sides.

Moving beyond true crime, we delve into the broader issue of media bias and misinformation that permeates everything from TV shows to social media. Frustrated by the negative portrayals of men and police in recent media? So am I. We'll discuss how social media snippets and manipulative posts fuel societal divisions, and the impact of ubiquitous smartphone usage on public accountability. Then, we explore the subtle yet pervasive nature of propaganda in entertainment, sharing personal stories that reveal how media stereotypes shape our misconceptions about different social groups. This episode challenges you to seek a more nuanced understanding of the diverse communities around us.

Speaker 1:

What's going on everybody. This is the Objective, jerk, and I am said jerk, hope everybody's doing well. Yeah, I wanted to kind of talk about something else I guess I've talked about it before but or this kind of topic. But I just want to kind of get away from Trump and politics, even though this is kind of political, I guess I don't know, but even though this is kind of political, I guess I don't know. But I just plus, I only got like I got 24 minutes left on my monthly whatever for my podcast. So I'm just getting that done, I just got done watching. So this is this right.

Speaker 1:

Here is why I don't like watching shit and I'm very, very um cautious with certain documentaries. You know, I'll, uh, whatchamac you call it, I'll kind of research the individuals that are making it to see if there's like some kind of agenda which a lot of them have and do. It's kind of like one-sided argument or whatever. So, like a lot of people, I like watching those true crime documentaries on Netflix, a lot of them, especially the older ones. I don't like watching anything that's happened recently, I don't know why. A new one, oh yeah, about, uh, this guy who was on like a love triangle and there was all kind of crazy stalking. It's not really something I like watching, but I watched it and it was really good and then I was all in this mood to watch, you know, whatever. So then I come across American Nightmare, which started off really intriguing, and I'm watching it and I don't want to say, well, whatever, if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't seen it, I wouldn't. Whatever, I don't recommend it. I gave it a thumbs down. I didn't even finish it. I think I was on the last episode, but it was just.

Speaker 1:

It started off as a neat crime, whatever, and then it just became this man-hating law enforcement-hating, trust-all-women kind of thing. You know what I mean. Like the third episode is just non-stop shitting on men, law enforcement and you know. And then, like the only law enforcement that's shown in a good light for the most part is a woman, of course, but you know I'm not the type of person that's like, oh, you know, all law enforcement are right and good. No, there's shit people. In every, every, everything, you know, in every, every profession, every profession has a piece of shit. Okay, here's the thing. Is like, this show is very one-sided. Here's the thing, this show is very one-sided.

Speaker 1:

There is evidence that the show shows. As I'm watching this, I'm like dude, these cops are kind of sucky, I don't know. But at the same time, being an MP and being a civilian army police officer for a time, I can see some of what looks to be just flat out negligence on the law enforcement side, like it had like an FBI agent who was in charge was dating the ex-girlfriend and everything. And yeah, that doesn't seem right. But the thing is is like we don't get somebody from then saying why they let it happen or whatever. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Um, and the thing is that people have to understand and the thing that normal people will watch the show and just be like, oh my gosh, cops don't fucking care, they just and you know there are some, they're disgruntled, burnt out cops. You know the thing is, people need to be more upset with the people who cry rape when there actually was no rape. They need to be more upset with them than law enforcement. Police officers deal with fake rape accusations way more than actual ones, because women that get raped don't want to report it. So I'm not saying all of them, but a lot of the rape cases that get reported end up being bogus and bullshit by crazy men and or women. You know what I mean. So when a law enforcement officer is dealing with, you know the 5,000th rape charge that they dealt with and you know 60% of them have been all bullshit. You know, yeah, they're going to be a little jaded, I guess you would say.

Speaker 1:

But the thing you gotta think too is the story of how it happened, the original one. I mean, you know there was multiple cases involved with this guy, but the original story was insane. So it's like you're gonna be like, dude, what you know and they're all you know. Oh, I'm getting questioned and this and that, and blah, blah, blah, they're not even, they don't even care, they just they're going after me. It's like, well, yeah, because statistically that's how it is, a woman disappears. It's the fault of the, the boyfriend, the husband, you know, or some guy that was like stalking him, maybe.

Speaker 1:

But you know there are things that you have to go through and it shows like the guy took a polygraph with the fbi and then the fbi is like, hey, it came back inconclusive. I know you did it. I know you did it. Dude, that's interrogation. That's how they get people, they break people down, they tell them, tell them lies a little bit to make them think oh, we got your dna, we got your DNA. Oh my God, okay, yes, I did it. You know, that's what they do. That's how they do interrogations.

Speaker 1:

The thing is is I bet you that a lot of the conversations that it shows the law enforcement, it's all like edited and just kind of shown the parts to make the law enforcement and the men look like douchebags. I'm not saying that those guys did a good job. It does appear that they kind of dropped the ball. But the thing is is like people need to understand there's always two sides, you know, and you can't just and this show is just really showing one side look at this. And then this show like this makes people who have no clue, have never been raped, never been dealt with the police, never anything, and they see this and they're like, oh my God, police are evil, defund the police. I mean you know the whole defund the police happened years ago now, but it's still like people watch these shows and they get these opinions about shit that they know nothing about, because these shows are very biased, you know, because these shows are very biased.

Speaker 1:

You know, I don't know how many times I've watched a show and just been like oh my god, and I've turned it off, just like this one. You know, it was like dude. It just it should have had some other people. You know, like I watched. I watched the show about the Indian chick who was like Her sister was kidnapped and it ended up being her daughter and she was like famous and rich or whatever. That bitch is crazy. But it had both sides. It had her side, it had everybody's side that was still alive. So you could kind of, okay, you know, come to the conclusion that that bitch is crazy. This one was just all the victims and the good female cop and that was it.

Speaker 1:

And they just paint this thing saying like, oh see, men don't believe women when they're raped, men don't like women, cops are evil. You know what I mean. It's like dude. This is the kind of shit that causes problems in society. When they keep seeing shit like this over and over again, it's not a well. I mean, it's a well like edited and shot documentary, like it was dude. It started off great but it just became this man bashing, whatever. You know, all women are telling the truth, kind of shit, and we all know that that's not true. The fucking Johnny Depp. And what's her face? You know, women lie, they lie. Do men take advantage and rape women? Yeah, all the time. Fucking, yes, yes, it happens, we get it. It's just.

Speaker 1:

And the show should have had the individuals, because I mean, I understand like you know I'm watching the show the main dude who came to the police, my girlfriend's kidnapped, and the whole thing was like what the hell? You know, and you're watching it and you well, I guess at the beginning you don't know what really happened. But there does come a point where, okay, we do know that she was kidnapped and so you're like, oh man, that would suck having like, and I'm sitting there picturing, like what I would say, and be like dude. Okay, you know what, I get it. The situation is crazy and, statistically speaking, I would be the one to do it. But the thing is, if I'm telling the truth, what are you doing to help that Like? You're not doing anything? You know what I mean. Like it, just, I don't know, that's the kind of shit I would say.

Speaker 1:

And then if, like, if it was me, that's the kind of shit I would say and then like if it was me or if I was, if I was the individual who was, who was doing the documentary, because it seems like the person that directed it had an agenda to just paint law enforcement and men in a bad light. And if they would have just been a little bit less biased and let them. You know, one of the victims say, hey, I get it. You know law enforcement deal with whatever this and that, but you know they fucked up here. You know people fuck up, they do, and I don't know, I haven't. Even I haven't. I actually meant to look up and see if, you know, I think the law enforcement officers, nothing happened, but we don't.

Speaker 1:

Who knows she was released, but so far I'm thinking it's going to be very similar to what Sherry Poppy and Quinn Gary did. Can't wait to see if I'm right. I kind of hope, but I saw like a lot of reviews and stuff about it and they're just yeah, oh my gosh, it's disgusting. You know what I mean. It's like it's doing exactly, it's almost it's like propaganda, man, like they're trying to. I gotta get a mount thing for my or I gotta get a better table. I noticed that my table keeps wiggling around but oh, I need my glasses.

Speaker 1:

Getting old, getting old, all right, but all right, see, let's see true crime directed by burnt and I can't click on it. See, bernadette, both women, probably one of them, was like assaulted, which sucks, man. You know, I have family and friends that have been sexually assaulted and it's, it's horrendous. It's like you, you know, I don't know if it's like I get it, but you know, there's always two sides to every story and it does appear that you know these guys, some of these law enforcement officers, were dropped the ball, right, but the thing is is like they don't really show you so much. I mean, they're giving their opinions like, oh yeah, they dropped the ball, but it's like, okay, well, you know, I don't know you, just you got to have from the. You know, I don't know you, just you got to have from the other. I don't know the other individuals, all right.

Speaker 1:

So I'm looking at the producer, slash director, the, bernadette, higgins, tinder, swindler. See, there's not much on here. See, this is usually what I do, because I've been see, like just now, I just watched this show and I'm like gosh, this is fucking stupid. Um, or it's just they just went about it, the wrong they really just you know, it's obvious that they had an agenda. You know, let's see, she did the tinder swim posing as a wealthy jet sailing diamond mogul. He would woo women, then con them out of millions of dollars. Now some victims plan for a payback. So again, it's like, you know, bad man taking advantage of women. You know there is kind of a let's see till death do us part. What is that?

Speaker 1:

Investigative series that chronicles the relationship of couples that end with a fatal destiny. So usually it's probably the women that got killed or something, that's all. In 2014, police were called to a lifeless body. Let me see. So this is somebody's review of it. He has suffered a series of misfortunes and put their marriage under enormous pressure, but nobody expected it to lead to murder.

Speaker 1:

Wait, what happened to the review thing? I clicked on user reviews be the first to review. Well, where is their review? I just looked at it. See, that's the thing, too, is they have professional critics that review it and, of course, they're all like, oh my God, it's the greatest thing.

Speaker 1:

Men are horrible. Yes, men are men, men are human. Humans do horrible shit. And you notice, I said humans, not just men, not just women, everybody, but it's just, I don't know, man, it's just. These are the things that I notice and it sucks because it's like I was really enjoying it and it's like I think they could have. They could have went about it a little different.

Speaker 1:

I mean, maybe the law enforcement individuals didn't want to comment or be a part of it, and that's I didn't finish it all the way. So maybe that is true and it probably is true, you know. But I mean I watched most of it. I didn't watch like the last, what was it? What was left? So I was on the last episode dude, I had like three minutes left.

Speaker 1:

So I basically watched all things, except for the end where they have fucking some information or some shit, but it's just very agenda driven, one-sided and it's noticeable. But then you have people that don't catch those things and don't know and then it just creates more shit. Now you have people that hate I don't like fucking, you know, I don't like the fbi and corrupt. You know, whatever dude I've had, I've been a police officer. I've had guns drawn on me for a bullshit reason. You know like I get it. But the thing is I don't know, it's just shows like this will make people hate police. And for what? Because you watched a documentary that was edited by somebody who you know what I mean. It just drives me nuts. I'm sure this thing was critically reviewed. It's a masterpiece. Maybe I should do a review on it or something. I think you've got to log in.

Speaker 1:

I don't even think I have an account with IMDB or whatever, but it's just this kind of crap that just kind of irks me. That's why I'm doing this. I was sitting there thinking about I'm like dude, this is annoying. And again I wanted to like share my thoughts. And um, here we are, but I don't know, it's just see, it's this crap right here.

Speaker 1:

You know, the indian one was pretty good, the one I watched before that, you know I'm I'm not like fucking Sherlock Holmes or anything, but it's like I do catch things, I do notice things. And I watched the one before that, you know, and it was like I kind of guessed it the way before the big twist in the whole crazy story. I was like dude, I'm thinking you know what I mean? I mean I didn't get exactly right, but you know, I watched it, I enjoyed it. Okay, I didn't catch anything wrong. I wasn't looking for anything wrong, but I wasn't looking for anything wrong with this show either. I was just watching it and then, all of a sudden, it's like I just start noticing all this crap.

Speaker 1:

Men are horrible, police can't do their job. Why would do this? Why? You know what I mean. It's like those are all valid questions. You know, if I was that guy in that place, yeah, I'd be, I would have been a little more. You know, like I said aggressive, I would have been like dude. Well, I said it earlier. You know, I get it, I'm the prime suspect suspect, but I don't know. But see, you, don't?

Speaker 1:

We don't know exactly everything that's shown, because they just show little parts. It's just like. It's just like. It's just like tiktok and whatever. You just get little snippets. They show something.

Speaker 1:

What do you think about this? And everybody's on tiktok like oh my god, that's bullshit, he should be dead. You on TikTok like oh my god, that's bullshit, he should be dead. You know what I mean. And a lot of that's like other countries just trying to fuck with us. You know they're all bots. And on Facebook people post shit that just to get people, just to get interaction, you know, to get people to say something and they never say one other thing. They just post this thing because they know people are going to be like what, you're stupid? Or like oh yes, I totally agree. And then get people arguing and fighting and hating each other. You know what I mean. I think the world would be a better place.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I talked about this on my other podcast and here I go back into politics, but you know it's harder for people to get away with an attempt or an assassination of the president in today's age, with everybody having a phone and all that kind of stuff. You know what I mean. So it's good in that aspect, but at the same time it creates a lot of division and so does like stupid ass documentaries, like this american nightmare, I don't know it's. I'm trying to think if there was like another show that I watched another document and the same thing. I just was like dude, what this is stupid. Oh, it was the. I know it was. Um, oh man, what's it called? It was one about like you know, the cold war or something, and you know it's interviewing people, and then all of a sudden it's fucking interviewing Zelensky from Ukraine, like he's, and I'm like what the fuck? Why is he on here? And as soon as I saw him say something I was like what? I stopped it.

Speaker 1:

I started watching, or I started looking up propaganda. And there is so much, so much of it too. Man, it's insane. I mean, I would say like 60% of entertainment is propaganda. You just don't realize it. You know what I mean? And it's just the kind of form Because, dude, I used used to I think I talked about it before but I used to have this opinion of rednecks, you know, country people thinking they're all stupid and you know all they care about is, you know, killing black people and gay people and all this kind of shit.

Speaker 1:

And that's because of movies and everything. And it's not like movies that are dealing with racism, it's just regular movies, you know, and they just portray people in these very. You know what I mean. And it's like that's how I thought of my family. You know that my, my other half of family that were kind of, you know, listen to country and did all this kind of stuff, and you know, like that's how I kind of was, like that's how they are. I'm cool Cause I'm liberal. I know, I know the real world, you know it's like it's all bullshit, man, it really is, it's insane, but I'm getting close to my and, uh, I'll see you guys next time, all right.

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