REFLECTIONS IN THE RAIN: Podcasting Insights, Political Predictions, and Fitness Journeys

Jerk Season 2 Episode 65

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Ever wondered why some podcasts stick to rigid schedules while others wait for those moments of inspiration? Join me as I candidly reflect on my podcasting journey amidst the relentless rain of a tropical storm. I reminisce about the mixed reactions to my takes on filmmakers like Zack Snyder and Quentin Tarantino, and share why I believe trailer reactions struggle in an audio-only format. We'll explore the surprising popularity of my political and conspiracy-themed episodes and debate whether to dive into more compelling stories like the hunt for pedophiles. This episode promises raw insights and honest reflections on what makes podcasting meaningful.

In a spontaneous recording session, I tackle the ever-evolving political landscape, from Joe Biden's potential decisions to Kamala Harris's future. With a sprinkle of humor, I draw comparisons to "The Sphinx" from "Mystery Men" and ponder the influence of donor money on potential candidates. Switching gears, I share my fitness journey, discussing the pros and cons of home workouts versus the gym scene, and recounting my experiences across various fitness centers. Wrapping up, I reflect on the growth of my podcast, the challenges of promoting it on social media, and my excitement for Zack Snyder's "Rebel Moon." This episode is a rollercoaster of personal anecdotes, political musings, and fitness reflections you won't want to miss.

Speaker 1:

What's going on everybody? This is the Objective, jerk, and I'm said jerk, how's everyone doing? Hope, everybody is doing. Splendid. I say the same thing every.

Speaker 1:

You know I do listen to my podcasts, you know, just to make sure that I don't sound like a complete moron, I mean, I know that's kind of impossible, I guess. But anyway, to be honest with you, I don't really have. Usually I try to wait until when I'm really like, have something to say and want to talk about something to record a podcast. I used to, um, do a podcast, like I had days scheduled so I'd always have one, you know what I mean, and so I'd find something to talk about, you know, and that was fine, I guess. Sometimes maybe I don't know, but really, um, I just I think it's better when I don't, it's just when I'm in the mood to talk about something and I'll talk about it. So I think that kind of works out better.

Speaker 1:

But today is there's like a storm happening, there's like a tropical storm off the coast, and so it's been raining pretty like when rainy season comes here, starts which is like June roughly it's like it'll rain every. If it's going to rain it'll, like it starts off raining in the afternoon, like every day or every other day or something, there'll be like a light, some cloudiness, and it'll rain a little bit and that's it, and then it seems like it turns into the morning, I think. I don't know, I'm still trying to figure it out. Anyway, right now there's, like I said, a tropical storm, so it's been raining. It rained a pretty good storm, storm, wind and lightning and thunder the other day and then it started raining. Was it yesterday? I think? It's been raining pretty much all day yesterday and then today and it's looking like, you know, looking on my little app thing for the weather, it's gonna be for a couple days of kind of. So right now it's just drizzling right now, but it's like earlier I was like, okay, I'm gonna go and try and get something done, and of course it's gonna start raining, pouring down heavier. Now that I'm inside I'm like I'm gonna do a podcast. Now it's raining a little bit, but that's the way it goes, right, I um, I don't know, I've done some movie type podcasts.

Speaker 1:

Some of them do away, do, okay, some don't like. I guess, when I did the when I talked about Zack Snyder oh hey, speaking of Zack Snyder, okay, I did the when I talked about Zack Snyder oh hey, speaking of Zack Snyder, okay, I'll save that, but I talked about Zack Snyder and I talked about Quentin Tarantino stuff. Those did okay. The my reaction to the trailers are doing all right, but I guess the it doesn't work on the on the podcast, because the person listening to the podcast does not hear the trailer, even though you know if you can still listen to what I'm kind of. So it's kind of stupid. I don't know. I was sitting there listening and I was like, yeah, that's kind of dumb. I don't know why I did that, but so of course those aren't going to be real popular.

Speaker 1:

Um, one of my trump videos was was the most uh, viewed and listened to one that I've done so far. So but man, I just don't really want to talk about politics or it kind of seems like conspiracy. I mean, I do want to talk about politics but I don't want to make that like my channel or anything like that, but it does kind of seem like my conspiracy. My conspiracy videos do better. And then when I talked about the, the, when I read off talking about this guy that was killing pedophiles and stuff like that, maybe I can, I don't know, maybe I can find some other stories to kind of talk about, share my thoughts and opinions about it. Maybe I'll try that.

Speaker 1:

But today was just like I said, it was raining. I'm like I'm going to do a podcast. Today was just like I said, it was raining. I'm like I'm gonna do a podcast. So I don't know what I'm gonna talk about, except, well, a little bit about, obviously, kamala Harris. Right. So Biden, he, he got out, which I knew he would. I didn't, I didn't know how they would do it, I just knew he wasn't going to run. So yeah, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Kamala is she's, you know, she's almost worse because Joe is senile and old and his brain is just not working right. She's a lot younger and her brain, for the most part, seems to work fine. But she's a lot younger and her brain for the most part, seems to work fine, but she's she's a whack job too, like I don't know if you guys have seen um mystery men with um ben stiller, or it's like a bunch of wannabe superheroes and stuff. Um, it's a hilarious movie if you've never seen it, but in in it they have the Blue Raja. No, no, no, that was the guy that threw the forks. My wife is here. I just heard her come to the door, so I'm gonna have to yell.

Speaker 1:

I'm doing a podcast. Um, what was his name? The Sphinx, I think that was his name. So it was this guy that was the Sphinx that comes in and like is training them. And he would. I'm doing a podcast. Are you free? Yeah, I'll back, but he would sit there and just tell them, like you know how to have a balanced attack, you must learn to attack your balance, or I can't remember exactly, but exactly, but it was just like what.

Speaker 1:

And Kamala Harris every time she speaks that's what I think about she does these little, whatever kind of stuff that she's trying to make people think, but it doesn't make sense. I don't know. She's retarded, she's officially retarded, she's like officially retarded. And the other thing is, too is like you know who? You know Biden obviously hasn't been doing. He hasn't been running the country. He can't. So who's been, who's been doing it? Is it multiple people? Is it Jill Biden? Is it Kamala? Maybe she's been? I don't know who's the same, but regardless, if it is, then we know that she can't do it and she's failing. So it's just kind of funny, how you know.

Speaker 1:

But the thing is too, is like they have no choice. They have no choice. They can't pick anybody else because all the money from the donors is all put. They can't just switch it over and use that money for someone else. That money is for Biden and Kamala, so all that money is no good if they were to grab, uh, gavin newsom or something like that. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So, which is good? I mean, you know it keeps people from just changing. Oh hey, we're just gonna pull this person. And it's like, well, what happened to um doing primaries and people electing the people to run? You know what I mean. So it's, it's a good thing, but like that's, you know, that's the reason why, you know, I think some people are like, why would they pick? Come off, it's a good thing. But like that's, you know, that's the reason why, you know, I think some people are like, why would they pick Kamala? It's because they don't have a choice. They have to. It's either Biden or Kamala at this point, or don't run, and just you know.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I think the whole thing's crazy and I think they just need to, and I'm kind of thinking they have already. They've already just accepted the fact that Trump's going to win. So let's start getting ready for that and let's start getting ready for the next election. You know what I mean? So let's just let Kamala try and run. She's going to lose, and then we'll just focus on the next election. And that's what I'm kind of thinking. Or they'll try and take out Trump again, or something I don't know, or Trump will have a heart attack his first year in office, or something I don't know. Heart attack, quote-unquote, but um, but yeah, so that's crazy. Um, so, yes, um, to not to just jump ship.

Speaker 1:

But um, zach, I just saw my arm, my muscles are getting flabby, I need to go back to the gym. Um, actually trying to find, I'm looking to just get some stuff for home, cause I just don't like to be at the gym, I don't like being around people. And there was a gym that I was going to. That's kind of a long drive. The owner of it became acquainted with and actually enjoyed that gym, but it was kind of a long drive, and then we had family death in the family and the whole thing just stopped, and so it was like, okay, why even go again? And then my son started going to the gym close by, which is actually a really nice gym, but man, it gets packed and it's just I don't know. I just don't enjoy it. You know what I mean? I'd rather just get a couple things here at home. I have my own little home gym and then that way maybe I'll still go to a gym occasionally, because obviously I'm not going to have everything that they offer, but for the most part I can get my workouts at home and then maybe occasionally when I'm feeling like I want to socialize, I'll go to the gym.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so why did I talk about that? What was I talking about? I don't even know. Oh my gosh, you know I talked so much crap about biden, but man, I ain't much better really.

Speaker 1:

But, um, so, yeah, so I don't know, I'm trying to figure out some things for my podcast. I mean, like I said before it before, it's just for me to kind of get things off my chest and you know my microphone therapy or whatever. But you know, it'd be kind of cool to get a little bit more interaction with people and get some you know people to be like, hey, dude, talk about this or whatever. So it's like you know I'm still pretty minimal. Of course I get emails for people trying to like hey, I can help you.

Speaker 1:

It's like I don't want to spend money, okay, help you. It's like I don't want to spend money, okay, maybe if I was to actually make some money like I think I've made like two dollars on rumble I don't know, I don't even know how to collect that if I wanted to. But, um, yeah, you know, like if I started actually getting money, even if it's a little bit, maybe I would use that to go back into, you know, whatever, because I tried doing a little promoting on like uh, tiktok, or even did some facebook stuff, but it didn't really result in any like. It was like there was like there was a little bit of a surgence or whatever, but it didn't last and it was probably all bullshit anyway. But so I was like, yeah, whatever, but yeah, so I don't know, I'll try and find some stories to maybe kind of read and just maybe talk about, because that one I didn't the Alaskan Avenger, that's what it was that one was like that was my most popular podcast. I mean, this is a podcast that I do, but I have, you know, like I said, rumble. I have pretty regular views on Rumble but some do better than others, obviously, but that was the most popular one on the actual podcast.

Speaker 1:

For the podcast, the audio side I don't know how well it did on Rumble. I'd have to look, you know, look real quick, just for my own curiosity. I don't even know how long ago was it I did that. It was a while ago. Let's see, let's see. Let's see, let's see real quick. Dang, was it a while ago. What was it? It was called. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I called it the Alaskan Avenger or something. Dang, maybe. Well, maybe I called it something else. Oh, it's right here. 15 from Rumble. See, it didn't really do that well on Rumble. See, it didn't really do that well on Rumble. So I don't know, we'll see, maybe I'll try it again, but anyway. But so I saw that.

Speaker 1:

You know, speaking of Zack Snyder, I saw that the Rebel Moon, the trailer for is R-rated or not R-rated, but director's cut, it's coming out and I was thinking about doing a reaction to it. But I was like I'm lazy man, that's like the most editing I've done, doing those two reaction videos and, like I said, it doesn't make any sense for the podcast. But you know, zack Snyder man, his, his, his director's cut, whatever you want to call them, they're always better. The Sucker Punch movie director's cut's way better. The Batman versus Superman is way better and the Justice League is a hundred times better, times better. So I'm actually after watching it. I'm actually kind of excited to watch it. Like it, like you know, I was excited about Rebel Moon just because I do like him as a director and I like a lot of his stuff. I didn't like Army of the Dead so I wasn't overly excited but it was okay.

Speaker 1:

Watching this trailer, it almost looks like a completely different movie, or it looks like it's the third one. The third because it shows so much and you already kind of know the characters and stuff. Then you're like whoa, what's going on. The third, because it shows so much and you already kind of know the characters and stuff and you're like whoa, what's going on? So, and of course I think I watched well, I had to watch the Red Band trailer or whatever, because it was pretty gory and you know, just because gore doesn't necessarily make a movie great, but it it does kind of add to the visual style of it. I guess it'll be kind of interesting to see. But I'm actually kind of add to the visual style of it. I guess It'll be kind of interesting to see. But I'm actually kind of looking forward to watch that which comes out next month, sometime at the beginning, I think First week or something like that. So see how that goes.

Speaker 1:

But I haven't really been excited about a movie. You know I don't get excited for movie, theater stuff because I'm not going to really go. I mean, I might go see Deadpool and Wolverine, but with my son for his birthday, but I don't know. Uh, I'm not really. I'm not even really looking forward to it. You know it's probably gonna be good, but I don't know, man, it's just, I just don't, you know. And then you have all the retarded pretending actors and celebrities that talk about how you know they're upset that the shooter missed Trump and stuff like that, and it's like dude. And they all sit there and say the same crap If Trump wins, I'm leaving the country. Man, I hope you do, I hope you do and you never make another movie again. It's just kind of annoying, you know.

Speaker 1:

And like what was the last one? There was some. Oh yeah, it's Jack Black, right? So he's a musician, obviously. I think he started off as a musician and then started working as an actor to get by and then, once he got once became successful as an actor, then he started doing a little bit more of his band, tenacious D or whatever, which I've always.

Speaker 1:

I like the Tenacious D movie. I mean it's stupid, it's not really well made, but I still liked it. Um, and for the most part I liked Jack Black. But it's like things like this, it's just like it. Just it, really, and you know, caused everything. So anyway, for those that don't know, he's at a concert.

Speaker 1:

It's the other dude I can't think of his name right now the other guy, tenacious D. It was his birthday, so they did a birthday thing and for his wish, he was like don't miss Trump next time, or whatever you know. And it's like this is like the day after, or whatever. And you know, I don't know like I'm. Well, you know free speech, I don't believe in cancel culture, but there, you know, if you say something, you got to be prepared to deal with the consequences, and I don't think people should just like, oh, I'm never. I mean, if you want to not follow him anymore because of it, then you know, hey, if you think it was distasteful and you're like grossed out and you're like dude, I don't, I don't want to support him anymore, cool, if it doesn't really bother you, because it's a sort of, then that's cool too. You know, but the thing that that really kind of shows the kind of people that they are, that that actors and celebrities are.

Speaker 1:

So the guy goes and says this and then gets all kinds of shit for it. What he should have done is be like, hey, you, you know, sorry if that offended you, it was a joke, maybe it was bad taste. I don't like Trump, that's no surprise. But you know, sorry if it offended you. Maybe it was not a good joke and I'm sorry, or whatever. You know, that would have turned out better than I think the way they did it, because it was just, I mean, they kind of did that, but it was like, oh crap, we're going to lose all kinds of whatever. So then he comes up with this apology and it doesn't really work. And then he goes in and he deletes his apology. So that, right there, shows you that he didn't mean the apology. It wasn't sincere, he didn't care, it was all just the, you know, saved a few bucks in his pocket and whatever. So it's just like, you know, and I don't know.

Speaker 1:

You know, I thought about it. I was like what if? I mean, I made a little joke on one of my podcasts like if it was, if it was Biden getting shot and he would, he would look the same, you know, going down like because it wouldn't really do much damage to him or whatever. And if it was Biden that had gotten shot and I made that joke, that would have been a little distasteful. Would I have still done it? Probably, because I'm kind of, you know, a lot of vets are kind of sick minded. We have a sick sense of humor, that's for sure. Kind of sick minded, we have a sick sense of humor, that's for sure. But you know, at the same time, like I said, I'm not, I don't like, I wasn't enraged and and like, oh my god, that's so disgusting. You know the joke. It was like I was like dude, that's not a good joke, um, but you know, because I mean, when gfk was shot, there were people that were happy about it and this, and that you know. But I don't know, I don't know what to say. It's just, it's.

Speaker 1:

It is kind of hard to look past some of those things and still support and or, you know, buy the movie tickets or buy the concert tickets. To these individuals that say these things. That you're just like what. You know what I mean? Like it makes it tough. They should just stay out of politics, man. They really need to, and most people do. It's just a few that just can't help themselves. So it's like what's his face?

Speaker 1:

Robert De Niro it's like can't stand the dude. I haven't watched anything new from him in the last couple years because it's like, dude, shut up and I'm just like, whatever, okay, I'm not going to support anything. And then now it's like it's even hard to watch some of the classics that I grew up loving. You know like I love Heat, goodfellas, godfather, but it's like I thought about watching them and I'm just like you know what it makes it hard because you sit there and you watch it and you're just like this guy's an idiot, I don't know, and you know they're actors. So it's like I've always said you know Tom Cruise is a psycho but he makes good movies and that's true and I still believe that, but it's I don't know man, it's hard to.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, like how come I can look past Tom Cruise's? You know affinity Affinity, that's not the right word, but his, you know his relationship with Scientology. But I can't look past individuals that Well. I can look past people that don't like Trump. If you don't like Trump, I get it.

Speaker 1:

But the things that bother me are when they it seems like they're being paid or told to say the things, because there's so many things that like the news and everything that they say that's just it's like complete lies. That like the news and everything that they say, that's just it's like complete lies and it's and nobody calls them out on. I don't know, it's just, I don't know what to think. Maybe it's just because you know tom cruise going to scientology and doing whatever that's that affects him and him. Whatever they choose that, choose that, but you know whoever's in office right now, as the president affects everybody. So maybe that's why you know it's just. It's like don't like Trump, that's fine, but don't like vote against him or say a bunch of stuff because you don't, because you think he looks funnier, the things that it's like.

Speaker 1:

Just look at the results, look at they. Just try to make up so much shit. Like he dude he ran for. He was president for four years. Did he do any of this crap? You guys are saying no and they just keep making up stuff. Who's been calling him hitler and and a Nazi for the last eight years?

Speaker 1:

But I don't know, it's just the left is like. So I don't know, man, and I'm talking about the far left too, not the center left, center right, like I said before, far left, far right, they're psychos, you know. Right, like I said before, far left, far right, they're psychos, you know, and most people I do. I think that most people are in the middle, like me, I guess. But I've gotten more and more to the right, just seeing all the crazy bullshit that comes from the left. I don't know, I've talked about it before, but anyway, that's it. I've gotten more and more to the right, just seeing all the crazy bullshit that comes from the left. I don't know, I've talked about it before. Anyway, that's it. I've been talking for a little while now, so I think that's about it. Thanks for listening, thanks for hanging out, and I'll see you guys next time. All right, bye.

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