PROOF! TRUMP WAS THE VICTIM OF A CONSPIRACY! Memes, Chaos, and Conspiracies from JFK to Trump

Jerk Season 2 Episode 64

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Ever wondered how today's technology shapes our understanding of the world, often in ways that are both hilarious and daunting? Join me, the Objective Jerk, as I tackle the tangled web of staying organized while navigating the endless stream of current events from the Philippines. From the chuckles induced by recent Secret Service memes to the personal chaos of managing breaking news, this episode offers a candid look into my life—using this podcast as my much-needed "microphone therapy." With no close friends or family to hash out politics, this platform becomes my sanctuary for sharing the absurdities and challenges of our tech-driven world. 

Remember the good old days of slow-loading broadband? We contrast that simpler era with today's overwhelming information overload. Explore the double-edged sword of modern technology—from instant access to information to the murkier waters of censorship and controlled narratives. We'll take you down the rabbit hole of government conspiracies and political assassinations, pondering how intelligence agencies and rapid information dissemination shape public perception. From JFK to Trump, we unravel the intricate web of conspiracy theories and question what it really means to live in an age where truth can be just as easily manipulated as it is revealed. Don't miss this thought-provoking journey through the lens of history, technology, and a bit of objective jerkiness.

Speaker 1:

What's going on? Everybody? This is the Objective Jerk, and I'm said jerk and I do it every damn time. I start cleaning up my desk. How's everyone doing? Hope, everyone's well. Things are crazy. I guess you know you got the Secret Service talking about sloped roofs and all kinds of memes which are pretty hilarious.

Speaker 1:

I'm not. I'm not like, I'm not trying to be like on current events and trying to make videos on everything that's going on. That's not my thing, you know, I don't. I don't try and like jump on, you know, any kind of breaking news to get out before anybody else or anything like that, although I guess in my position that would maybe be a smart move because of where I live. You know, cause I'm in the Philippines, so time difference, so if something happens in the middle of night, everybody's sleeping. You know it's daytime for me and I make a video. You know I can be ahead of people, but it's just it's not. You know, that's just not what I'm trying to do. This is just kind of for my sanity, give me something to do. I don't.

Speaker 1:

This may sound very sad, but I don't have anybody to talk to really about this kind of stuff. Um, cause, like right now it's I can't call, like any friends back in the States and there's no one here that can really talk to about it. I talked to my oldest son and sometimes, you know, but I think he's just not really into it. Plus, it's like you know, he's young, let him enjoy his life, not stress him out about stupid politics and everything, and so I just don't have anybody to really kind of brainstorm and talk about this stuff. So that's you know the reason why I do this podcast, just for me, to my microphone therapy, anyway. So came across the story just for me, to my my microphone therapy, um, anyway. So came across a story that's just like just crazy, um, and it just further pushes the narrative of the conspiracy to murder our former and future president.

Speaker 1:

One thing, though, I wanted to talk about is what is before I get into what I just said, is technology, right, technology? I'm not a big tech person. Like I got a buddy back in the States. Obviously he's older than I am. I'm not 100% sure how many years no more than five, but I think it's less than that. I think it's like three or something like that. I need to find that out, I don't know. Anyway, but he's always been in, you know, really into.

Speaker 1:

I remember when, uh, broadband internet first came out and he was, you know, excited about that and he helped me hook up a computer in my little studio apartment and I had internet, you know, and and he's just like dude man, you got the world at your fingertips and he was all excited and I was just like, oh, okay, cool. And you know I was kind of excited and, yes, you know, there are some great things about the technology that we have today, but I'm going to, but for a lot of it, I, I, I just don't like it. Like I'm going to talk about what makes one good aspect of it and it has to do with this assassination. But you know, I just never, I don't know. I remember when I was younger and I used to imagine Things in the future and what you can do and we can do those things now, but now it's like I just don't really, I don't know. Sometimes I wish my phone would just die and my computer would break, and you know what I mean, and I could just work on my garden in the back and just you know what I mean, just get off this crap and stay off social media and everything. But the thing I think that's really great about the time we live in and Joe Rogan talks about how this is the greatest time. You know a lot of people like man I miss the days of the 80s and he's like no, now's the greatest time, and that conversation happens a lot on his show. And I agree with both because, yes, you know, life was simpler, um, but the thing was life was simple then because ignorance is bliss.

Speaker 1:

Nobody knew anything back then. Now we know everything. You know. Back in the day you didn't know anything until it came across your news desk or you got a newspaper, your parent, you know what I mean. You knew days later, or whatever. I mean assassination attempt would be pretty big news at any. You got a newspaper. You know what I mean. You knew days later, or whatever. I mean assassination attempt would be pretty big news any which way. You, you know whatever. But now you get information immediately. Everybody's on board, everybody's, you know.

Speaker 1:

So it got me thinking like what if JFK assassination happened today and it went down exactly as it did? Dude, there would be no. Who was the second? You know the grassy note. All these questions would not be questions. They would know they would have answers. There's so many people, so many phones, so many whatever. They can't. They can't, they would not be able to cover it up like they did back then. You know what I mean. So that's kind of a great thing about all this people.

Speaker 1:

There are people out there that find some stuff or whatever and they share it and it gets out there. Some stuff is is, um, you know what? Do you call it censored? I guess, um, like I swear some of my stuff. That's really more not. You know the memes I post about what's going on right now. My friends seem to come across, but my other stuff the more serious, doesn't? You know what I mean? Am I, am I, you know? Is it actually happening? Probably not. Who knows? I don't know, but it does make you think, right, but, um, but yeah, it's like you know, we wouldn't know, like anything.

Speaker 1:

Think about all the information that we know a week later, less than a week, when, if this was 1963, all we would know is this guy shot at Donald Trump and he was killed. That's it. We don't know anything. You know, we wouldn't know about this dude's tie to BlackRock. Is it like a significant whatever? You know what I mean. He was in a commercial, no, but it's still. It's a lead, it's a tie. You know what I mean. So he has a connection. Maybe it's not a strong connection, but it's still. It's a lead, it's a tie. You know what I mean. So he has a connection. Maybe it's not a strong connection, but it's still a connection. It's not to say that some handler involved in all that met him.

Speaker 1:

I talked about my last podcast. You know it's not inconceivable that that happened, but it's not. You know that doesn't make it necessarily concrete evidence that you know they're all together, but it's, it's. It's just those little, it's the little things. You know, it's those little things and you know. And and then, like I said, I'm not trying to make videos every every hour, every time there's new information, like there's information coming back from the shooters, um laptop and computer, like they've been completely wiped. There's no histories of nothing. This, you know, it's like so he totally got rid of everything, any kind of chats he may have had with somebody or whatever. So it's kind of kind of crazy. I mean that could go either.

Speaker 1:

You know, some people try to say, oh, there's a conspiracy to make trump look good, so they did this. So it was actually staged and it's like, dude, that would, I think did I talk about this last time. But that would make sense if he was losing, you know, but it's, he's been winning, you know, but it's he was, he's been winning, you know. And then it would have had to have been somebody that was like in the crowd and he came up and he shot, but it was like a blank, you know what I mean. And then he gets tackled and then they're like oh, he got shot. You know, like Ronald Reagan, even you know, obviously you had, um, oh man, what was the guy's name that got shot?

Speaker 1:

But that kind of that scenario, other than the fact that the guy, the one guy got shot in the head I want to say Rudy, but it's not Rudy, the hell is his name but that would be more of a scenario. That was like if it was faked from Trump's side, a guy shooting actual rounds from a rifle, like, hey, man, I'm a really good shot, I can just clip your ear. There's no way. There's no way, you're not going to. Ok, yeah, just get my ear. And when you see the whole thing, no, it's not, I'm sorry. I know the TDS and the Trump haters would really love it, but it's just no, it didn't happen that way. They did not fake the shooting to make Trump popular, even though that's exactly what's you know what's helping Trump, but he was already winning. So anyway, um, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

So technology sucks. I hate it for the most part, but I guess in this time and what's going on, it has become a blessing. You know, there is a great video on the deep state from a YouTube channel I don't remember. I'm going to see if I can look it up because I'm trying to like spread some. Now I don't know, I don't know the fact that this guy is on youtube and does like you know, you gotta kind of take it with a grain of salt like he has a lot of interesting facts and stuff like that. But again, it's like I'm very cautious. Man, what does he call? I'm looking. I'm looking in my, uh, youtube man, what is he called? I'm looking. I'm looking in my YouTube subscribe. Did I unsubscribe from him? Crap, maybe I watched something and I was like dude, this guy's propaganda and I unsubscribe, but it was a good video, damn it.

Speaker 1:

What was it called? It was talking about the deep state. You know, is the deep state real? Just Google that on YouTube. Is the deep state real? Probably, bring it up. This is blonde hair dude. But yeah, the deep state is real.

Speaker 1:

You know, the the military kind of couldn't say this last time, the uh, but it was the other word I forgot. It was something military complex, the geez. You can see why I, you know, my podcast is not successful Military industrial complex. There we go, right, anyway. So the deep state essentially is rich people that own everything. You know. You have individuals who are CEOs or own companies, that that invest on both sides and are just like the puppeteers.

Speaker 1:

You always see those memes of like the left and right, you know, it's like you got the the Republican and you got the the the Democrat. Uh, I'm right, I'm right. And then you look down, they're puppets from the same person. You know what I mean and that's. You know it's. It's a analogy, but it's true. I made a little meme about homer the homer one where he goes in the bushes, comes in and out, you know, and he's labeled as black rock and he's all. He's all you know. And he's labeled as BlackRock and he's all. He's all. You know. Democrat. Now things are going to shit. Now they're going to be Republican, because, and then everything good about the Republicans right now. 20 years from now, they're going to be on the wrong side and the Democrats if they're still around, it might be a new party are going to be the new saviors or whatever.

Speaker 1:

You know, it's just like this cycle that just keeps happening back and forth and these people don't care because, as long as they're making money and they're rich and they're in control, right and when, and it's like you know, you think, like when you watch debates and the politicians and the presidents and all this kind of stuff debates, and, and, and the politicians and the presidents and all this kind of stuff and when you see, like videos of all the past presidents, like just looking so chummy and you know what I mean you see the bushes and they're all buddies with obama and and, and and all of them it's like it makes you kind of like I mean there's a difference between you know, being in public and being respectful in this and that, but it just the things that you watch in the videos and the things that you hear. It's like dude, they are, they're all complicit, they're all on. You know You're, they're all Democrat or Republican, but they all work for the same person. They work for the deep state, they work and and yes, they're like, oh, we're going to, we're going to, we're going to lower taxes. And they have different, different ideas and different, you know, their platform, have different whatever. But in the end, there are certain things they cannot do because the individuals who are actually in charge and in power won't let them. You know what I mean here. You can do all this liberal stuff, but you're not going to do anything about this, keeping this as it is. Same thing. For you know, hey, you want to be conservative, cool, but you cannot change this. Otherwise you're going to lose money, you're going to get out of office and be poor, or you're going to lose money, you're going to get out of office and be poor, or you're going to be killed. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

And the people that fought against that presidents that were like dude, this ain't cool. No, I'm going to be president. What happened to them? Look at JFK the same thing. He's fighting against the CIA, fighting against the BS that was going on. They took him out. Abraham Lincoln the same thing. Ronald Reagan they tried. I don't know. It's just like. The thing is like people that think like, oh, there's no way, it's like dude, the CIA has been doing this in other countries for years, decades. They do the exact same thing. They take out an individual who's looking like is going to win an election but is not going along with you know they're not dancing to the right tune. They take him out and they put someone else in power. They do it all over the world. Why wouldn't they do it to their own country, world? Why wouldn't they do it to their own country?

Speaker 1:

Um but so, and then everybody was saying that you know, this was look at how I got a video on my uh, on my Facebook. It's not my pot. I should put it on my podcast. When I need to start doing that. I kind of get lazy and I have. I have my, my personal, which was my podcast podcast, and then, um, excuse me, sorry, um, but then my wife's, like you gotta have the personal line. So I kind of. But they kind of bleed over each other and because that's where my friends are, I'm usually on that one. I only post on my podcast one. I got figured out, anyway, the good stuff I need to put on there, but I'm kind of getting off track, as I always do.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, so you know, it's not surprising when you kind of look at all that information you know, and the thing is is like a lot of people are just like, oh my gosh, come on, it's like either they're too stupid to really take it all in and be like whoa dude, that doesn't make sense, or they're just, they're so just ignorant that they're just they, or they don't want to, because then they're not going to be happy anymore. You know what I mean, because ignorance is bliss man, and that's the whole thing with the internet and the technology and the information. You know what I mean, because ignorance is bliss man, and that's the whole thing with the internet and the technology and the information. You know, um, you couldn't question anything, because how do you? You know people back in the day, the conspiracy theorists, dude, they had to work hard to get their information, to find it, to get it out there. Now you got dipshits like me that just oh, yeah, okay, and then, you know, say whatever it's like. So I mean, and I'm sure conspiracy theorists from back in the day are like glad or like, hey, this is good, okay, you know it's. It's almost like we're. We're like, we're like um auto-tune. You know what I mean. Back in the day people actually had to know how to sing. Now they don't, they just have auto-tune. So we're all like the conspiracy theorists, auto-tune. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But now to get to the whole reason, I did this podcast. So technology, right, we have access to so much, so many things, so much information. Right, we have access to so much, so many things, so much information. Wall street just, you know, you got obituaries, news people, you know, getting divorced court proceedings, just all kinds of stuff people can. It's out there, you can find it right. So I mean, you still got to work for it if you want to get the truth. But this is kind of interesting. So a, a company out of Texas I wrote down a few notes Whoa, except my handwriting. I wrote down so fast Austin crap, some money company I'll just say that to say that started shorting on Trump's truth social, which shorting is like basically betting against the company.

Speaker 1:

So I don't, you know, I'm not a money person, I don't know. I just know that they, they shorted true social, which is exactly how they do it. I guess they put money somehow that the company is going to fail and then they will profit from it. And they did this the day before the assassination attempt 12 million shares against True Social right, the single largest bet or shorted bet that they have ever placed the day before. And this company is tied to BlackRock and the Bush family. Right Coincidence man, there's a whole lot of coincidence when. How many coincidences or how many oddities need to occur before people are like.

Speaker 1:

And the other thing too is like, just because it says look up conspiracy. Conspiracy doesn't mean fake. Conspiracy is a bunch of different people coming together to make something happen. You know what I mean? It takes a group of people, like-minded people, to make something happen. That's not the actual term for it. But people think conspiracy is like a crazy made-up idea. No, conspiracy comes from, just Let me look it up real quick for it. But people think like conspiracy, like, oh, it's like a crazy made-up idea. No, conspiracy comes from, just it's, it's, it's, it's, let me look it up real quick, just uh, I don't know. No, my computer. Of course it's got to be slow. And apple had it for how many years? And mac, and then of course it's going to turn out slow because it's time to buy. You know, when your Mac or your Apple product is turning slow, that means oh, I guess they want me to buy a new one.

Speaker 1:

A secret plan by a group of people to do something unlawful or harmful. It's a plot between a group of people. It's not, oh, it's a plot between a group of people. It's not, oh, it's a fake story or it's you know whatever conspiracies. All it's it's cause, if this dude, the shooter, was psycho which he was, but you know all completely on his own, went and tried to shoot the president which is where the whole conspiracy theory came from was JFK. You know, everybody could Well, a lot of people could see, like dude, there's no way it was just him. And it's so obvious with this dude, there's no way it was just this guy. He had help, and that's what makes it a conspiracy, because there was more people involved that are going to get away with it. Basically, you know it's just crazy.

Speaker 1:

But all the stuff I talked about, my previous video, the his phone and computer, just no information on there, it's just. And then now this it's like somebody knew something was going to happen. Oh, it's just a coincidence that they bet a bunch of the day before you know it could be. I guess I mean, yeah, it could be, but that's the problem. Is everybody just like, well, it could be a coincidence, because you just don't want to face it, you don't want to face the truth that our government is fucking shit. They don't care about us, they care about the deep state, they care about the people in charge. We're just the deep state. They care about the people in charge. We're just. We are just cattle for them. We pay our taxes and we help them build stuff so we can send things to um other countries and they can get more money, and then we just sit here and suffer. It's insane.

Speaker 1:

And that's that's the reason why I like trump, because he's not every politician. You know, they're getting rich. They're getting rich from being a politician. Trump is losing money and everything from being a politician. He was already rich, is he? Does he like the fact that people almost I know there's people that like worship him, you know. But yeah, I mean, I think he's got the ego to where it. He feeds off of that and you'd almost have to, you'd have to have an ego to be president, except for, I don't know, I don't think, carter. I don't think he did, but you know Trump is not. I don't think, carter, I don't think he did, but you know Trump is not the nicest, greatest human being, but he's definitely the president that we need right now to fight and to battle against this evil. And yes, it is a fight. It's not just voting. Yes, we need to vote.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to say that, by the way, just because everything looks like the Dems are just totally going down the toilet and it's like Republicans, oh, they got it, you still got to go out there and vote. You still have to go and vote. Do not forget, just because everything's looking good doesn't mean look what happened to last time and look what happened to Hillary. I thought she was going to win. Everybody was like oh, hillary's got it, so whatever. But then you know, it's just, you got to get out there and vote, man, don't forget. Anyway, thanks for listening. I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a like comment. Whatever, you know the drill and I'll see you guys next time. All right, bye.

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