TRUMP SHOOTING: Security Failures, Conspiracy Theories, and BlackRock Connections

Jerk Season 2 Episode 63

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Was the recent shooting incident involving former President Trump a coordinated attack or a tragic failure of security protocols? Join us in this compelling episode of the Objective Jerk as we break down the immediate rush to judgment and the flood of conspiracy theories that dominated social media, particularly Facebook. We express our frustration with the misinformation swirl and question the authenticity of the event, despite Trump's lead in the polls. With a two-minute gap between the shooter's initial sighting and the actual gunfire, we explore the possibility of a calculated effort against Trump rather than an act of a lone, influenced individual.

We dive deep into the suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident, scrutinizing the Secret Service's apparent lapses and whether they were intentional. Examining the protocols that should have been in place and the troubling timeline of events, we uncover a potential link between the shooter and a previous appearance in a BlackRock commercial, igniting suspicions of grooming by powerful entities. Our discussion also touches on the pervasive influence of BlackRock across various sectors, adding a layer of complexity to this already intricate situation. Tune in for a thought-provoking analysis that aims to uncover the truth behind these alarming events.

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's up everybody? This is the Objective Jerk, and I am said jerk, hope everybody's doing well, this is man. This is like the most, the most podcast. No, that's not right. This is the most I've recorded in such a short period of time, in a long time. I mean, when I started doing this I was all I'm excited to do a podcast, and you know. But things are just kind of crazy and so I just kind of wanted to talk about some stuff. You know the, I don't know. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Uh, trump. You know the whole shooting and you know immediately, you know you have people I mean you always have. When things go on, things happen, people start jumping to conclusions right away. You know both sides, both good, both bad. You know, um, I mean, even I did, but it was like I I saw the video and it was like, yeah, somebody tried to shoot him. You know people were like, oh, it was staged and all this kind of stuff, and it's just like I could get that and that would maybe make sense if trump was behind, but trump was already winning. There's no need to stage it. And you can't stage somebody with a bullet bit whizzing by their head and then other people getting shot and dying. So that's staged, which I think most people, if not all, get that now.

Speaker 1:

But it's like you'll see, um, some posts, like on facebook or something, and uh, and you know what, probably like I don't know at least half of the posts on there that aren't like your friend, like, does anyone else seeing that? Like, you're just getting more and more crap. That's why I don't really get on too much, but I've been on more, um a little bit lately, but, um, it's like I just want to see the post from my friends. Maybe they're not on anymore, but I'm not seeing. It's like, it seems like Facebook is pushing on dude, I'm always getting crap for, for, for vegetarians and I don't know, just a bunch of crap that I'm like I don't care about. Why am I seeing this?

Speaker 1:

But I've seen a lot of like people just claiming that the whole thing was staged and this has been a couple days later, you know. So it's like it's it's clearly just trying to get clearly, just trying to get some interaction, trying to get people to comment and stuff like that, because it's it's ridiculous, it's not. And if you even think that, then you're just, you're retarded straight up. So you're either retarded or you're just trying to be a troll. You know so. But yeah, you know that's that's kind of how it is.

Speaker 1:

But you know, through Not researching it, but just, you know, going about my daily whatever, come across some things and it's like I I'm kind of at the point now where I do think that the whole thing was a conspiracy to get Trump. It wasn't just some crazy person who was influenced by the media Although I mean, I'm sure, some future president Trump and the reason I came to this was, um, you know, when they showed, you've seen like they've got videos now that show the people who saw the shooter. You know, you saw the beginning there was the guy he was talking about. Oh, we saw this and that, and they pointed him out and everything. And from the beginning, from when there's a, there's a video out there that somebody had put together all everybody's phone, whatever and Trump's speech, and they put it together based off because you know you can still hear his speech going, you know people recording stuff on their phone, they can hear him talking and they put it together and it's two minutes, two minutes from when the first time somebody saw the individual To when shots were fired at Trump two whole minutes Now. Granted, it wasn't a cop that saw at the beginning, but it's not too much, from the beginning Of those two minutes that somebody informs a police officer, you know. So you have that right.

Speaker 1:

And then you, when you think about or you look at the, the layout of the um, the area, and when you know, you know I've, I mean I'm not, I'm not an expert, you know I wasn't, I wasn't secret service, um, I did some PSD, personal security training and various things like that. But, um, and you know I watched it in the line of fire. It's a funny one right now. But you know when, when people granted he's not the president right now, but you know, still there are people that are not the president for years. They retain Secret Service detail and stuff like that, but anyway, so he has a Secret Service detail, they know where he's going to be.

Speaker 1:

So they will send people out to see all the danger zones. Danger zones, all the. You know the angles, the threats, anything that could possibly happen. They go and they check that stuff out and then they mitigate whether they lock something, they secure something, they keep someone there as a guard, they put a sniper in that spot, whatever.

Speaker 1:

So the fact that the roof of this building was left open is like what. You know. There's some things where it's like, okay, one thing is like, hmm, that's crazy, but okay. But then you get two things and it's like, hmm, that's crazy, but okay. But then you get two things and it's like, hmm, it's a coincidence. But when you start getting three or more, then it's like whoa, something's going on.

Speaker 1:

So you have the failure, which I think was done on purpose, because it's just dude. Even an idiot like myself would be able to. You know, hey, that's a possible threat. We need to have, at the very least, a police or somebody that's armed just standing up there making sure nobody goes up on top of the roof. You know what I mean. And this guy grabbed a ladder, so it seems like he got some help. That's debatable, but what we do know is he got onto this roof, which he shouldn't have been able to, he and was seen by people and warnings were given, and it took two minutes, not even two. It took trump getting shot out before they even did anything about it. You know, and then I've. So that's fact.

Speaker 1:

Right now there's there's there's some talk about the guy saying that he was. He was the Secret Service sniper or MO and he, he was saying that there was somebody there and he was not given the green light, supposedly. That I don't know. I mean, if that's true, then that's like just another. Okay, well, then you know. But that, you know, that's debatable, I guess, at this point. So there's that the whole incident itself is just like ate up. Now that alone you could be like, okay, secret service messed up, pretty bad, and you got some crazy dude that was able to get on top of the roof, which still, I mean, he only had like a couple of days knowledge. Like just just that alone. To me and for a lot of people were like, oh yeah, there's something fishy going on, right, but it's again, you know, just theories, right. And then, uh, so for me there's that, obviously.

Speaker 1:

And then you have this dude, or this kid, whatever you want to call him, who shot at a former president who's running for future president and is killed trying to shoot the former slash future president, right. And a year ago he is seen in a black rock ad. He's not like a main person in the ad, but he's in there. I mean, you can see him. When I first heard it and I was like, okay, he probably just looks like him. But no, when you see a still of it and you see it's the dude, it's him like in a classroom and he's there. So Black Rock was filming a commercial for something and this kid is there.

Speaker 1:

And everybody knows the whole thing with Black Hawk, black Rock, how they're involved in everything good, bad, indifferent, whatever and we all know who's in, who's like the CEO of Black Rock and just everything. If you don't know who Black Rock is, when you're done listening to this, look them up. Look them up like legitimately, and then look up the conspiracy theories of black rock. So like basically they have their hand in everything. Okay, because they literally have their hand in everything, like they own so many companies and they have so much money writing in writing on. You know the BS that's going on right now. So it's kind of.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of weird that an individual who was filming a commercial for BlackRock is now just got killed for shooting at Donald Trump. You know what I mean. Coincidence, maybe, but still okay, it's just kind of, I don't know, okay to me. I think you know he, at that commercial shoot, met an individual that's involved in whatever and maybe some kind of conversation came up and this and that, and then he was. He was basically flagged as a possible what's the word I'm looking for? I mean not like I'm ensuring candidate, but basically, but that's not what I'm trying to say Um, you know, just like, just like the, the, the, the um born identity movies. You know how they got people all over the place just ready and waiting to do whatever they need to get done. Right, same kind of thing. But I mean obviously they weren't just like hey, let like hey, let's keep your number and then we'll call you.

Speaker 1:

They saw this individual and I'm sure he's not the only one. There's probably, there's probably hundreds of people like this that they see as a possible asset that's the word I was trying to look, think of and they groomed them, you know. So apparently he wasn't the greatest shot. He was part of, like some kind of rifle shooting team or something like that. But you know they could take him to the range and teach him, try and prove his shooting and everything, because based on his background, knowing the kind of individuals I mean, so I think he was used. I mean obviously he chose to do it, but I mean I don't think he would have done it if he wasn't approached by somebody involved with them. Does that make sense? So there's that too. It's like, ok, that's kind of crazy.

Speaker 1:

And then the other thing, which this is kind of like, but still, you put it all together and it's like the dude, I mean. So like I guess he registered as a Republican before he could even vote, though, but anyway, but he donates to the Democratic Party, but that doesn't even matter, it's like. But I think it's funny, though. I mean, this whole thing is sad, but what's weird, I guess, is is this guy decides to shoot at the former slash, future president of the United States, right Of a YouTube channel that Is solely Catered to firearms and In training and various, you know, whatever, as much as you can get away with on YouTube Regarding firearms, right, and those that don't know, youtube sensors and blocks Craploads Of different channels and stuff that they don't want. So I mean I'm kind of even surprised there are any of those, but like, so you have that, which, okay, I mean, is it nothing? Maybe, but then and then also.

Speaker 1:

So then he's using an AR-15, which you could argue, you know, it's a lot more. I mean you can break them down if you're if you know how you can break them down fairly easy to kind of transport them and then put it together. Maybe once he got on the roof maybe he was able to put together, and plus, even when they are put together, you know they're pretty small put together and plus, even when they are put together, you know they're pretty small. But if you're seriously wanting, like, if you're a serious individual who wants nothing more than to get that pink mist from an individual, you're not going to use an ar-15. You know what I mean it going to use an AR-15. You know what I mean. You would use a bolt action rifle, semi, I don't know. You know what I mean. It's just, it's just kind of.

Speaker 1:

So when I heard that he had an AR-15, I was like what, that's weird. So basically, you know, I heard about the AR-15, the shirt he was wearing, and then the Black Rock, and then last was the. So I kind of went the opposite order of how I kind of learned of it. So, beginning AR-15, like it was like oh, that's kind of weird, but whatever, and then the shirt I thought was kind of strange. So to me it seems like the individuals who were, you know, training this individual, who were God, I'm Biden straight up, I'm like the conservative version of Biden, I swear. But handling you know the person, that's like handling them.

Speaker 1:

So you know they've been planning this for probably at least a year as a possible. You know, this is what we're going to do if things go south. We're going to use this dude to do what he tried to do, so get going on training him to shoot and various whatever you know. And they were hoping that they wouldn't have to because, you know, probably at the time Biden was leading and you know all the crap hadn't happened.

Speaker 1:

What I'm trying to say is it just seems weird that they would pick that weapon and he'd wear that shirt If it, you know, if it wasn't somebody trying to push a message or an agenda. I mean, look at what the left's trying to do. They're trying to to. I mean, if they could, they'd get rid of the second amendment. You know they don't want people. They don't want people watching YouTube channels, you know, showing weapons and this and that. So that's just gonna. I mean that YouTube channel is probably going to be taken off of YouTube. I'm sure I bet you they're going to lose their channel or it's going to be demonetized or something I bet within whatever. And then I got the AR-15 because they're trying so hard to get rid of the AR-15. They want to get that out of there.

Speaker 1:

So you know they were like, ok, if he gets shot and the guy is successful, they know he's going to get killed. They know, and maybe even if he doesn't, they got him like they don't even he, the individual, he doesn't even know he's being handled or being trained. You know, it's just, you know they have some person that acts like their friend and do you know? So the kid or dude probably didn't even realize. You know, and I think it's similar to Lee Harvey Oswald. You know he had, he had some skill, he had some um, the motive, I guess politically, and you just had someone kind of push him and help him. And hey, you're going to go to the book, but the depository and you're going to, you know, try and take out the president, not knowing there was other people there to hit the individual and take him out if he failed and take the fall anyway. You know what I mean and it's the same thing here, I think, except that you know they're like. If he takes them out we win, if he doesn't, we can at least maybe make an argument for the second amendment.

Speaker 1:

Ar-15, kind of crap that's going on, you know what I mean, like they're trying to kill two birds with one stone, because it's like, I don't know, it's just, it's just weird that they, you know the, the shirt just seems a little convenient. Having the ar-15, like I said, is not ideal. I mean you can, you can totally, especially at that distance. You know an ar-15 is, is a great weapon. So I mean it's, it's totally not, you know, crazy to think that you couldn't use one. But it just seems, I don't know, you know it's like, it's like the, the bullet that supposedly went through two people and three different whatever, and then it was perfectly perfect on the gurney. You know what I mean. It's just like what it's just. It's just, you know, it's just too much.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know, that's kind of what I kind of noticed today. It felt like Sharon, I don't know, let me know what you think. Um, hit like, subscribe, all the crap. Um, like I said, there's a link on the buzzsprout on the description. You can, you can make a comment that way, or however you're watching this or listening to this, you can make comments on this and that. I don't normally post on YouTube, but I have been anyway. But I'm sure this one's going to get buried, but Rumble's better. I get more traction on Rumble. But anyway, let me know what you think about what I said. If you think I'm crazy, why, if you think I'm onto something, tell me why. And you know all that good stuff. Anyway, appreciate your listening and I hope you have a good one. See you next time, bye, bye.

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