TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT & POLITICAL TURMOIL: Discussing Theories, Political Agendas, and Future Implications with Objective Jerk

Jerk Season 2 Episode 62

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Could the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump mark a sinister new chapter in American politics? Join me, The Objective Jerk, as I offer my raw, unfiltered thoughts on this shocking event and its implications. We break down the theory that this could be the next desperate move after failed "kangaroo courts" and dissect wild speculations about political motivations behind the attack. Was it a lone, delusional individual or a deliberate plot by political factions? 

Tune in as we explore the tantalizing idea that this attempt might be part of a larger scheme, possibly setting the stage for a dramatic political upheaval involving President Biden. From my own predictions to heated family debates on social media, this episode is charged with emotion and reflection on the current state of American politics. Join the conversation as we navigate the chaos, challenge conventional narratives, and ponder what this could mean for the future of the nation.

Speaker 1:

What is up? This is the Objective, jerk, and I'm said jerk. Well, I woke up today and I'm in shock, but at the same time, I'm not surprised because I called this. I called not that I was the only one or anything, but I came upon it through my own reflection, whatever. But Trump was just had an assassination attempt upon him, right? Yeah, like just a couple hours ago, I haven't watched any news, I haven't watched anything. I just saw another YouTuber report on it. I watched the clip and here I am. So you know, for, dude, you know we knew was going to happen.

Speaker 1:

As soon as all these kangaroo courts fell through, I was like that's the next step. They're going to try and assassinate him. You know, and here they are. Could it have been just some deranged, delusional liberal? Yeah, of course, because you know I got those in my family, but I don't think it was.

Speaker 1:

I think I mean because, look, they've been trying to get rid of Trump since he's been president. You know what I mean. And this is the last step, although the other thing is, maybe it wasn't actually an attempt on his life and it was. I mean, it was legit, but it's to look, make it. You know, look at the left tried to assassinate Trump. To look, make it, you know, look at the left tried to assassinate trump. The democrats gotta get rid of biden, right? The only way they can get rid of him now is if he was to get assassinated. So they make it look like somebody tried to kill trump. They successfully kill biden because that's not gonna be hard, and then they blame it on a Trump supporter.

Speaker 1:

That's not my idea, but, man, it holds a little water, you know, like dude, dude, like, come on, and it's just insane. You know I, it's not insane, but it's, or I mean, it's insane, but it isn't at the same time, like I said, I'm like I'm like jazz right now. Not jazz, but I'm wired, I'm just like what. But at the same time, like I said, I'm like I'm like jazz right now, not jazz, but I'm wired. I'm just like what. But at the same time, I'm like, I don't know if it's because, like dude, I like, I Nostradamus, that you know, I mean, I wasn't the only one but, like I said, I did come up with it for me on my own that they were going to attempt to assassinate him.

Speaker 1:

The whole thing I just said about, you know, it being part of actually Biden's assassination or something is not my idea, but isn't that insane? Like, and people, I have a family member, I posted a thing on my Facebook and I have a family member, I posted a thing on my Facebook, and I have a family member that says like, oh, it was staged. And I'm like what? Like, how Dude, the level of TDS is just astronomical, man. Like, it is insane, you know, and they make fun of like conspiracy theorists. But it's like, dude, what do you call that? You know what I mean? Yes, he stayed up on stage and said something and they got a picture and it's just like it almost seems too good, right, but I mean, you know, trump's Trump is not stupid. He knows how Teddy Roosevelt won and it's the same kind of thing. So he knew and he's probably thought about it. He's probably been like, if I get shot or I get injured and I'm not dead and I'm not bleeding out, I'm going to still do something to kind of empower and whatever. And he did and that's what happened. You know, it's not good, dude, it wasn't staged, you can't stage, those were real shots.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of people that are like, oh, I think it was like a pellet gun or something like that. They're just. These are people that have no clue about weapons. The they make shooting. You know what I mean? It's obviously I've never been shot at, you know, it's not. You can't. Shooting a gun at the range means nothing. It's nowhere near the same thing. Even shooting out in in the out in the country, is not the same, you know, because the sound, the way it travels and everything, and, and so I mean it was a large open area but there's buildings and stuff the way. You know I have been shot at and Sounded a lot like that. But oh man, you know, I don't know. So it's like I was worried.

Speaker 1:

I guess I'm kind of relieved that it's over, that the assassination was changed or that was attempted. Um, maybe, you know, obviously things are going to change going forward, but he's already like way ahead, you know. So it's like he doesn't need to be doing the rallies like he has been. But that remark about this is the left, this is the excuse. The left will have to blame Trump for somebody assassinating Biden. You know, I mean like that's. But even, even so, ivor, I think, even if let's say, let's say, biden gets taken out right, whether it's through violence or he gives up or whatever, it doesn't matter. I don't think who takes his place, it's just it's not going to matter, you know, takes its place, it's just it's not going to matter, you know. Thing is, though, too, this won't be.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I said like, oh, I'm relieved that it's over and whatever, and things will change, but Trump's going to win. He's going to have four years to have to deal with this possibility. I mean because what's his nuts? Said it live on cnn. What's his name? Schumacher, not schumacher. Who's that fucking evil? Fucking senator, um, damn it. Who's always the hang around? Pelosi, he was like at the time when Trump was in, he was the majority, damn it. What's his name? I got to look it up no, schumer. No, yeah, chuck Schumer, right.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, he sit there and said, talking to somebody else, that, like you know Trump, you know the CIA and everybody has they can screw with you. I don't, you know I'm paraphrasing, I don't know the quote exactly, but you know they have ways of screwing with you. So you know you can't do basically saying the president has no control over the CIA and the FBI, and stuff like that, and if you don't fucking dance to their tune. You'll regret it. They'll take you out, They'll do whatever. And look what's been happening. That's what's been happening.

Speaker 1:

It's so blatantly obvious just like, and how open and how the evil that is going on from the left right now, and everybody who is a liberal, with the tds, are just oblivious to it. They don't see any of it. They just they see evil man, trump, you know, and they're probably happy that somebody tried to kill Trump. I mean not all. Some are probably like oh great, this is going to make them just going to just like the mugshot, it's going to make them more popular or whatever. You know what I mean. Um, hold on a second. Sorry, my wife's messaging me, um, but it's just if, if you can't see that, which side you're on from this, like with everything going on, dude, and you know the thing is like most liberals they're kind hearted. You know like they like their intentions are all good, but they just they are easily manipulated. You know, um, I don't know, it's just crazy.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what to say really. I mean other than what I already said. But it's like I said I it was gonna happen. I knew there would be something. Something like this would happen. I was like I hope he survives, um, but then, to be honest with you, I started thinking maybe not, because if he did survive, it's just gonna make it, you know.

Speaker 1:

So either they I see, I haven't watched any, I don't even know what's going on right now Like I don't know if they caught the individual, the person that did it's dead, I don't know, I have no idea. Uh, I don't watch the news, I don't. I don't watch the news, um. I watch YouTubers that watch the news for me. They watch it all. They watch CNN.

Speaker 1:

I have a couple guys that I watch that watch everything, and then they just kind of consolidate it and talk about it. Are they a little biased? Yeah, because they're more like on me, but I just I would love to find somebody who was non-biased, who would talk about both sides in good and bad. But you can't find that right now. You cannot find anybody that's kind of on the left, that doesn't have TDS and doesn't have the blinders on. You know what I mean, and so it's just, it's insane man, it really is, um.

Speaker 1:

But but yeah, so I don't watch the news, um, because it's just kind of annoying, pisses me off, and then it's all bullshit, like you know, most of it, 99.9%. And then if you're CNN or NBC or MNSS, smbc, it's like 100% bullshit. It's just all it is propaganda. You know, you used to hear that. I remember growing up oh, propaganda, propaganda, the news propaganda. I was just like what I don't know. But yeah, you see it now. It's just crazy. Um, I think there's gonna be.

Speaker 1:

This is a pivotal moment in our history, you know. You know, and this, what's funny is like the same people who were like butthurt, like my mom, she used to talk about jfk and how upsetting it was that he was assassinated and this and that, and it's like, did you ever think about who shot him? And they think it was just Lee Harvey Oswald. No, dude, no, I mean, maybe he was a part of it I've talked about before, but he is not the mastermind, he was a patsy. I mean, he might have was tricked into doing, hey, we're gonna do it. He was thinking it was just yeah, yeah, okay, we're gonna do it, you know. And he was thinking it was just you know, yeah, yeah, okay, we're gonna do it. And then come to find out oh shit, I just got fucked. I think that's what happened. Um, you know, they had him up there and they're like he's not gonna, you know, and then we'll shoot from here.

Speaker 1:

And you know, it was the government, the? U government, dude. Because? Why? Because JFK was talking about the military. What do they call it? The military? Something complex. You know Just how contractors, rich people in the military, and how they all want to make money and they do it through coups of other countries and everything like that. And that's basically what JFK was. It was a coup man.

Speaker 1:

They took out the president, you know, and Trump's not playing ball. And he wasn't going to play ball, you know. I mean, I don't know when he was. You think that, just, you know, somebody that decides they're going to run for president and then, you know, has some sort of a chance at all, doesn't get debriefed and and Interviewed and all this kind of stuff. You know, maybe not even through their knowledge.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I don't know if I'm making any sense, but they knew, before Trump announced that he was going to run, people knew he was going to run and people knew what he was going to try and do and the things that he was going to try and do And're like, oh no, we can't have this guy. That's why, suddenly, from out of nowhere, trump became racist and all this stuff. And I'm not saying he's not like a womanizer, I'm not saying he didn't say, oh, I'm grab their pussy, dude. I've said worse things than that. Okay, and I've never grabbed anybody's pussy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, talk, especially when they're a bunch of dudes and like or they make jokes or whatever. You know it's so. It's like to sit, I don't know, but not saying it's right, but it is what men do. But he's not a racist, you know. And man, they went with that hard, they still do. He's not a racist, you know. And man, they went with that hard, they still do.

Speaker 1:

Then he became president and he did all kinds of stuff that they were not happy about, you know. But I guess you know, but it's the same thing with, like JFKk, martin, luther king. You know they were causing problems, so the government took them out, blamed it on, you know, a racist redneck or whatever. And it's the same thing. This wasn't just some dude. That you know.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people are saying like, you know, this is because you know this is what happens when you, when the news sits there and talks about trump being hitler and this and that you're going to drive someone to to try this, and I guess maybe that's possible. But I think it's more that it gives them a a, that it gives them a, I guess, a reason. It helps with the narrative, right? So, even though, yeah, maybe what they're doing is not right and it's causing some crazy people to try and maybe take out Trump, that's just an excuse. It's the government that's taking them out, you know, and it's not like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

You know, and it's not like I don't know, I don't know if it's quite the man sharing candidate, as people say, where it's like all of a sudden, or like what is it the Winter soldier or whatever? You know, they say some words and also he's like OK, who do I kill? You know what I mean. They just the government keeps tabs on people, you know, and they know they find people who may be willing and have the skills to do it and they perpetuate it and they don't make it obvious oh, you're working for the government, now you're going to take out. You know, it's just some. They hire someone to kind of be like hey man, what's up, dude, you know what would be cool If we took out Trump. You know, man, I'm just babbling. I'm not making any sense, I know, but let's see, just keep your. Just watch, dude.

Speaker 1:

The next thing that's going to happen is there's going to be an attempt on Biden, but it's going to be successful, and the poor thing, though, is such a goofball. It's going to be funny, though, you know what I mean. He's going to be like he's Biden. Biden will get shot in the head, and he's going to look the same as he's going down. That's funny, but sad too. Anyway, I think I'm. I don't know, I don't know what else to say. Um, I didn't, I just jumped on here because I saw what was going on. It's crazy. It's crazy. Um, leave a like a comment, whatever. Let me know what you think. Um, do you think? Do you think it was just some person, some liberal lunatic, that just wanted to kill Biden or kill Trump? Or do you think it was the government that wanted to kill Trump? Or do you think it was the government, making it look like a loony liberal, wanted to kill Trump so they could kill Biden and make it look legit? Let me know. All right, I'll see you guys next time, all right, bye.

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