Jerk Season 2 Episode 61

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Do you ever feel like modern cinema just doesn't hit the same anymore? Join me, the Objective Jerk, as I share my growing frustration with Hollywood's current offerings and my yearning for the golden days of classic films. From annoying theater audiences to lackluster movies, I've got plenty to gripe about. Despite my long-standing love for comic book movies, upcoming releases like the new Captain America and Deadpool have me sitting on the fence. However, for special occasions like my son's birthday, I might still give in and head to the theater. We'll also touch on my scaled-back streaming habits—Netflix being the sole survivor, thanks to my wife's tastes and my own nostalgic leanings.

But the discontent doesn't stop there. I dive into my thoughts on Anthony Mackie's role as Captain America, and why I think he should stick with being Falcon. Non-superpowered heroes like Black Widow and Hawkeye get a nod of respect, while I argue that Bucky Barnes would have made a better Cap. We'll also explore the actor switch for General Ross, the introduction of Red Hulk, and what the future holds for Marvel projects like "The Acolyte." And yes, we'll even talk about those controversial potential references to "The Eternals." Despite my detachment from today's movie industry, I'm still holding out hope for quality storytelling and character integrity in these new films.

Speaker 1:

hey, what's up? This is the objective, jerk. And I'm said jerk, how's everyone doing? I hope everyone is well.

Speaker 1:

Um, I, I did a reaction to, uh, the gladiator trailer and it's not really my thing. I, I kind of just I'm I used, like I said before, I used to be a pretty big movie buff, but I've kind of checked out of Hollywood lately, just cause, mainly just because they put out crap and then they get mad if you don't watch it and then they call you racist and stuff. It's like, oh okay, whatever. So it's just, I, you know, I'd rather watch the old classics and stuff Every once in a while. I'd rather watch the old classics and stuff Every once in a while. A movie will get through and I'll watch it. But I did the reaction and then somebody was like dude, you should do some more. And I'm like I don't really want to do that, but I don't know, fine, whatever. Anyway, so I'm going to react to the new Captain America or the new Falcon movie, but you know, before I do, I gotta, I gotta paint a picture, you gotta, whatever. I mean some people that listen to this, they already know. But, um, like I said, I'm just kind of giving up on Hollywood, um, uh, you know I used to be a pretty big movie buff.

Speaker 1:

Um, as far as like comic movies, I'm not, uh, a fan boy, but I'm not a normie either. You know, I, I know a little bit more than you know. I would say I'm a, I'm like a little a step or two up from a normie. So I know some stuff, um, mainly just cause I don't know my brain would retain. You know, my brain can retain film details that are pointless and useless, but you know my brain doesn't retain math or history, things like that. Um, I guess I just I picked the wrong career field. Maybe I don't know, but I'm not like I don't know everything about movies either. You know, I don't, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Like everybody else, I think we've all made our own little films, our homemade films with a camcorder and things like that. So I mean I've done that kind of stuff but um, quarter and things like that. So I mean I've done that kind of stuff but, um, so you know I grew up with Marvel comics mostly, and reading comics and drawing comics, I mean for myself, you know, um, and so you know when, when Iron man first came out and the whole thing was getting going. I was excited, you know I was. It was cool and I was like man, finally, finally we get to have some cool comic book movies, you know, I mean they've had they tried a few in here, a few here and there.

Speaker 1:

X-men the first one is all right, you know, but it's it was kind of typical. They change it so much to where I don't know. And then Punisher's or I don't know. The Punisher show was awesome, but Punisher movies I don't know. And you know to say that, you know, oh, the first X-Men is not comic book accurate. Just just because it's not, you know, just because something's in a comic book doesn't make it good, Because there's a lot of shitty comic books out there, I mean the original ones that started everything that they're basing this off of, or the popular eras, then yeah, it'd be cool. You know, like they're just finally getting Wolverine's costume for Deadpool right, which is cool. Is he going to be wearing his actual mask? Probably, but they haven't shown anything. Um, I know when they first showed some stuff from that uh movie, you know it had him in his uniform, but it had he had sleeves on and I was like what the crap man he's not supposed to have sleeves, but now I've seen some stuff without sleeves, but then some people are saying that that's digitally altered the look that I don't know, but anyway, so yeah, so I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't care to go to the movies anymore. I don't. I don't get excited like deadpool looks great and I probably will watch it, but I'm not excited. Um, my son wants to go watch it around his birthday, so we'll probably go watch it in the theater. Unfortunately, I'm tired of going to the movie theaters and it's not. It's not like I don't want to support the movie system I mean I don't but it's mainly just people, because people are just retarded at the theater, just have no consideration for other people. So it's just. I'd rather just be home, you know, so we'll watch that. I'd rather just be home, you know, so we'll watch that.

Speaker 1:

But I haven't seen. You know I saw Spider-Man the last one when it was on Netflix. So I don't have any. I don't have all the crap. I don't have cable. I don't have satellite, I don't have. I had Amazon Prime. I got rid of it. I've tried a little bit of everything, but the only thing I have is Netflix, mainly because my wife won't let me get rid of it, but I mean to be fair. I do watch stuff on there occasionally. I like their 90s and 80s nostalgia, watching some older movies and stuff, but if it doesn't go on Netflix I'm not going to watch it, you know. So, you know, I haven't seen, I don't know anything.

Speaker 1:

After the Spider-Man movie, I have not seen any of the Marvel films, um, and I, I'm fine with that, I don't care, and from what I can tell, they look like shit. So I'm not really missing out much. Um, but you know, I, I really I, I guess if I had to pick my favorite Marvel film, it would probably be Captain America, winter soldier, the espionage. You know, I thought that was pretty, pretty awesome, um, and it looks like from. I haven't watched the trailer yet, but I've seen some stuff, you know, like on Facebook, scrolling down and see some whatever, and it kind of looks like it's, it's, they're going towards that, which is good, Um, but I'm still just like it's going to suck. Hopefully not. You know, um, I think I said this about gladiator, that, no, I mean, I think, I, yeah, I mean it's.

Speaker 1:

I think, um, the new Captain America will do pretty good, but the only thing that's going to save it is word of mouth. So if it ends up sucking, then people are just going to be like no. So if I, if it comes out and it's like, oh dude, it's so good, it's so good, you know, I'll be like, oh cool, okay, well, maybe, uh, maybe I'll watch it. I don't think I'll go to the theater. I don't know. We'll see how this Deadpool ring turns out if I go there and everything's cool, maybe I'll, I don't know, but anyway. So Deadpool looks to be good and unless they really just drop the ball, you know it will be good. And then, if this Captain America is good and then they just kind of keep going and things are kind of going back on track, then I think they can recuperate and get back on track. But it just seems like Disney just cannot help themselves and it's like, and I bet you, if they do, deadpool's going to make a bunch of money this Captain America movie. I think originally they were going to do the Disney stupid shit, but it's been reshot so much that they're like, okay, we need to actually make it good. So then people might start coming back and then they're going to go back and make stupid shit again. Probably. I don't know who knows, but we shall see Before I watch it.

Speaker 1:

Though I hate the fact that he's Captain America. I know it was in the comic book, I get it, but, like I said, just because stuff's in a comic doesn't make it good, you know, I would rather just see a falcon movie, him doing this espionage stuff with his falcon abilities, you know, I mean because he's not captain america, he's just not, he's a, he's a normal strength, human. I mean, yeah, he's got skills and everything. And my favorite avengers were not thor and iron man and and captain america. I mean, I liked, I liked them. But I really liked Dude I can't remember their names, all of a sudden Black Widow. And the other dude, the Arrow guy what the hell is his name? Hawkeye, jeez. I liked them because they were normal people in this world of superheroes, you know what I mean. But they had superheroes fighting alongside them. So if it was just them, it's not going to work. So I don't know, I just they should have. Just it should have been Bucky Barnes as Captain America, but he probably didn't maybe want to do it. So they were like, let's figure out something else. Well, they did this in the comics. So let's.

Speaker 1:

I don't know who knows, but I like the actor, I like the Falcon character. I just don't like him as Captain America, and I didn't see the show. I haven't watched any of the Disney shows, I don't have Disney Plus. So, anyway, let's watch the trailer. I think I talked about everything that I was thinking about talking about. So let's see.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's actually a teaser which I didn't know. Hold on, okay, I didn't have it turned on. Okay, so it's a teaser, not a trailer. I didn't know that. But anyway, here we go. That is right. So what's his face? The original Ross, the actor, died, so it is Harrison Ford, which you know. Who doesn't like Harrison Ford? But I don't know.

Speaker 1:

We'll see how this goes. Thank you, it does. It looks, you know, like kind of old school marvel and everything like what they used to be. So here's hoping. Right, I was right out of a. What was that? That was lucky, jumping out the window, but it was Civil War, right, yeah, liberals, liberals, that's. That's true and that's funny that they're pointing that out. I guess they're. Really.

Speaker 1:

I wonder what the original? I wonder how much of this that I'm watching is reshot stuff and how much was the original. You know what I mean. It's true, he's not Steve Rogers, which I don't know. I mean they could kind of dress him up in the captain america type outfit, and if he's just fighting people, then you know it can work, you know, but I don't know. Just the shield I think he should have, not, he should just left this shield on the mantle, know, as a reminder. Yeah, man, be Falcon. Oh, that's cool, breaking the sound barrier.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, red Hulk, I did hear about that, the Red Hulk, all right. So there it is. So it's just a teaser. It doesn't look bad, it's probably gonna be be good. Really, I mean, oh, I can take these out now.

Speaker 1:

I hate wearing those. I'd have to watch it a couple times, I guess. But I mean, it's not really anything like whoa whoa. I mean, you know, like I said, I'm not a good reactor. That's why I don't really do these. I'm not like what I just, you know, I don't know, I'm old, I don't get excited. Red Hulk is kind of cool, I guess. But I remember, right, that's Ross, right? So what are the chances? Well, like, how's, I don't know, let's see, we'll see. I mean, you know, they're trying to build some intrigue and mystique and all that crap.

Speaker 1:

But I did hear that they are referencing the Eternals, which I didn't see, and a lot of people are like what, why? Why are you trying to keep that in the? Just get rid of it. You know, but I don't know. They have their agenda, they have their plan. Does it make sense? I don't know what I can tell the Acolyte. I haven't watched. Well, I don't have Disney plus, obviously. So anybody out there watching the Alkalite, or they just watching the reviews of the Alkalite, like me? Um, yeah, that show just looks horrendous, like somebody in junior high wrote it and made it and they're like, hey, this is a student film by junior high kids. Enjoy, oh my gosh, it looks so bad, but I don't know, we'll see.

Speaker 1:

So, like I said, I like Anthony Mackie, right, yeah, that's his name. I like him as an actor. I like the Falcon the character. I didn't really, you know, care too much about the Falcon character in the comics. I mean, I remember him, but he was pretty sidelined all the time, you know, on the bench. But no, I think what they did with him with the movies are awesome and I really like that. So, you know, at the end he was like yeah, I'm not and he does. Yeah, just stick to doing the Falcon stuff, man, do the espionage as Falcon.

Speaker 1:

I don't care about Captain America. I hope I said this on a Facebook post or not a post, a comment. I commented on something that I hoped by the end of this movie I will really like it. I mean, if it's a good movie, um, but I will really like it much more if he drops the captain America and just on the Falcon and it continues on as the Falcon or something. I would like that better, um, but anyway, we'll see.

Speaker 1:

So that's it, um, let me see. Where am I at on time? Oh, okay, not too bad, but that's long enough. I'm not. This is not my regular scheduled program, so, but yeah, what do you guys think? Um, I know I'm a little late. Everybody's probably watched it already. Had like what, 11 million views or something like that. So I mean, there's an audience man, we're still here, we're still hoping. Marvel fans are still hoping. We're like come on, deadpool's giving us a little bit of hope, and then now this is like come on, but how many times can we get our heart ripped out? You know what I mean, there comes a point. I already was like I'm done, but I guess maybe I'm slowly getting pulled in again with Deadpool and everything. But I don't know, we'll see Likes, follow, subscribe, all that crap. Let me know what you think. Comment. You know what you think of it. About what I said Let me know, alright, think, comment what you think of it. About what I said. Let me know, alright. Thanks again and I'll see you next time. Bye-bye.

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