Jerk Season 2 Episode 58

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An introvert juggles home renovations amidst the chaos of caring for new puppies. I share my personal journey, including the emotional rollercoaster of discovering our beloved Pinoy Aspen puppy had fallen ill. Recalling my heartbreaking past experiences with Parvo, I detail the frantic moments of finding a bloody stool and the urgent actions we took to safeguard our pets. Along the way, I highlight the striking differences in veterinary care between the Philippines and the US, especially when it comes to accessing vital pet medications. It's a raw and honest look at the challenges of managing a bustling household during a time of upheaval.

Can public executions actually deter crime? We dive into this controversial topic, exploring the argument that severe public punishments like the guillotine or gallows could significantly reduce criminal activities, especially among legal and illegal immigrants. We critique the current justice system's leniency and reflect on the political landscape, scrutinizing the Democrats' approach to immigration and crime. Emotions run high as we discuss a tragic case involving a young girl's murder, making a passionate case for stricter penalties to instill fear and restore order. This intense and provocative discussion is sure to make you rethink the status quo.

Speaker 1:

What's up everybody? This is the Objective Jerk and I'm said jerk, hope everyone's doing well. I released a podcast not too long ago, but it's kind of getting towards the end of the month and I didn't use up much of this month's allotted time, so it's like I'm paying for, you know, not using it. So I need to try and use it, but anyway. But what I wanted to talk about was another illegal immigrant killing a US citizen. But before I talk about that, I'm just going to kind of go about my what's been going on. So still got the contractors here. They're just about done with everything that we have them doing currently, and then we're going to wait a couple months and maybe get some more stuff done. But you guys who listen have been listening to me gripe about you know. It's like I'm glad that they're here. You know them being here means things are getting done and things are progressing, but at the same time it's like I cannot wait for them to get done Cause I just I hate, I don't, I hate having people here and uh. So it's just I'm very introverted, don't like people and they're good people they're. You know, they're fine, they do some things that kind of like. You know I, what are they? What you know, like I just don't get it. But, um, you know, just one of those things being in different countries, just things are different, um, but then I also, there I go, I started trying to clean up my desk instead of like when I'm not doing anything and cleaning. What do I need to do? I need to organize and clean. Probably can't tell, but the room's kind of a mess because we had them. They basically built, I don't know, it's hard to explain, but anyway we had this area that was just kind of At the end of the hallway, was this massive kind of area like a nook kind of thing. I actually had my computer there and all of this there for a brief time. Um, but what we did was we just made the hallway a little shorter and then we gave. So now my wife has a little walk-in closet, so so that's nice, but now it's like somebody could, sorry, kind of have allergies and stuff. But somebody that comes over here for the first time is going to be like what the heck kind of maze is this? It's like the Winchester house or whatever, the woman, that who was married to the guy who invented the Winchester rifle. Their house is all crazy like that, I guess. Anyway, look it up. So I got two puppies from a little while ago. I keep looking at myself to see how bright I am, and then I'm. So now everybody's looking at me. It's like gotta look at the camera. Gotta look at the camera, not myself, look at the camera. All right, um, but I got some pinoy aspen puppies.

Speaker 1:

You know, um, there was a, a dog that was hanging out around one of my wife's aunt's homes Actually it was her dad's home and she's pregnant and gave birth, and so we're trying to kind of help. You know, watch him and this and that. And so we adopted two of them, and one of them is sick or he's just getting over it now. But we had some puppies that had Parvo a couple of years ago. One died because we didn't get her treatment quick enough and the other two live, but it was pretty costly. And then I had another, my little, other Aspen dog that I had. He got sick and I didn't catch it quick enough and he ended up um dying. I don't know, I don't think he had Parvo, I don't know Cause he didn't get tested. The other ones did have Parvo. I don't know if he had Parvo or if he had like some kind of something else, but, um, yesterday, my this dog.

Speaker 1:

So we had some of the dogs in the house, um, in the room just to get them out of the way of the contractors and everything, so they're, plus, it's air conditioned in here and stuff, so you know, let them get them a little break from the heat. So they're in here and I come in here and I just get punched in the nose by this odor and I'm like what the crap? I was like somebody, shit or something Looking all over and it was in the bathroom and I thought it was vomit, but it actually was feces. But it was wet. It had that really strong bloody, irony copper smell to it and I was like, oh man, that's like my other dog, green. I remembered my, my dog gringo, having that and I was like, oh crap, so he's got. So I separate. Well, I didn't know who, um, who it was. At first all the dogs were in here and then I saw him pooping or trying to poop in the in the in the bathroom again. So I was like, okay, so it's this guy. So I got rid of the other dogs and I just kept him in the room so I was just kind of watching them.

Speaker 1:

And then we've got like here, when you take your dog to the vet, you're it's. It's kind of funny. Like you know, in the States you can buy like a bottle of some sort of cough syrup, right, or medicine which you can buy here, but like certain, like I don't know, like you could buy like maybe, like I'm trying to think of, there's lots of medicines that you can buy in, like just the capsules. You know what I mean. Instead of like a package, you can buy just so many capsules and that's for, you know, really poor families that just they just need enough to kind of help whoever it is get sick. You know, not store a bunch of medicine, but it's like, excuse me, it's like the opposite, for for dog, I keep looking at myself. I need to hide that because I'm trying to make sure I got lighting on me because I noticed my last video was dark, so, um, but so here you take your dog to bed and they prescribe them something and it's like a bottle. So I have like I have like more medicine for my dogs than I do like us, you know, I mean I got like I can almost start my own veterinary clinic, you know what I mean. Like it's kind of weird, it's good, but you know, and they write the prescript, you know, on there and everything's on there. So you know we keep it all. So it actually, I think, helped with this puppy.

Speaker 1:

So, backstory's over, I figure out who's sick and I give him. My wife's like hey, give him some sugar water. Just you know if he ate something or whatever. So give him some sugar water, give him some of the the for your liver, blood medicine stuff, and and so I'm just in here kind of watching them. And the cool thing is he goes in the bathroom. So the bath well, the whole houses here are tiled, so he goes in the shower and the bathroom and that's where he was using the bathroom and there's there's drains in both the shower and the bathroom floor. So it's like that's how they clean the floor. You know it's all tile, so it's just you just kind of spray and you know that's how they clean their bathrooms here. So it's kind of easy. But so him going to the bathroom in there was awesome, it's easy to clean up.

Speaker 1:

So then she bought some dextrose. It's kind of like it's just, you know, gatorade for dogs, basically, plus it does a little bit more, but you know, you add the powder to their water. So I gave him, you know, forced gave him some of that and it was giving the medicine and watching him and just kind of keeping track every time he was using the bathroom, because we're planning on taking him to the vet today. Um, and then he used the bathroom one more time.

Speaker 1:

We went to bed and I was thinking I was going to wake up and there was going to be stinky, or I was going to wake up in the middle of the night smelling it. I was going to clean it up, but I never did. My wife woke up and he had. He had defecated, but it was more like ice cream, soft serve ice cream instead of just straight water. So that's good. You know he was eating, he was drinking the water and then he actually peed too. So that means he's hydrated and everything. So that was, that was good. So I don't, I don't think I need to take him to the vet, just keep doing what I'm doing and I think he'll be all right. He's improving Cause I think we just got it quick enough. You know, we got him, we started treating him like immediately. So so that's good, but I just got to kind of keep an eye on him. So he's in the room. All the other dogs are probably jealous, but that's.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of what I've been doing last couple days. I have a garbage here so people don't think I'm just spitting on the floor. I could be a little more. You know what I think I'm going to blow my nose, thank you. I definitely have more allergies here than I did in the States. I know sage will mess me up, but I never really realized people that had bad allergies, just the the hell they would go through with that stuff. Man, like my stepmom, she had allergies pretty fierce and I just didn't really. It was just like, okay, you know, typical, whatever you think. You know they get a runny nose or whatever. But man, it sucks when you got bad allergies, your head just throbbing and just feel, oh man, those that. But man, it sucks when you got bad allergies, your head just throbbing and just feel, oh man, it's well, those that know that sucks anyway. Okay. So the reason I decided to do this podcast was because I wanted to talk about this, because this is you know, they make jokes.

Speaker 1:

Liberalism is a mental disorder and and and just kind of all the. All the crap that the democrats are doing right now. You're, you know the, the defund, the police and just sanctuary cities and just all this kind of crap making it to where you know you can still up to $999 worth of stuff and you won't be prosecuted. All these little rules for criminals to get by. It's showing like it's. It's not showing, but it's it's. We're seeing the result of all that. And the thing is is all of us was common sense and knew this from the beginning. We didn't need to test run it and see the result. We knew this would happen. And yet here we are.

Speaker 1:

So they let all these illegal immigrants cross the border and now, like once a week, somebody's getting killed or murdered or some kind of retarded shit is happening because of these illegal immigrants. So, jocelyn, oh man, I hate when I Nungare. I should maybe watch a news broadcast so I can know how to pronounce this Nungare, nungare, nungare, nungare, jocelyn, nungare. So she was murdered, right, 12 year old girl, murdered, raped, which I guess I can't say on. Well, I don't really post anything on YouTube anyway. Anyway, all right, one of the two illegal. So this is not the breaking news. This is kind of like an update.

Speaker 1:

But one of the two illegal immigrant suspects charged with murdering 12 year old Jocelyn Nungare in Houston last week had his bail set at 10 million during his first court appearance. Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Martinez Rangel, 22, have each been charged with capital murder. They appeared Monday at Harris County Criminal Court, who determined by the judge to be a flight risk and was told that if he postbell he must wear a GPS monitor and remain under house arrest. All right, that's good, such had. Okay, so they're talking about the girl. She has such a bright future ahead of her and I knew she was going to go very far and these monsters took that opportunity from her, from our family, of watching her.

Speaker 1:

Nunguri's mother, alex, told reporters okay, I just want people to remember. I know this is a high case, but she was still my first born. I was a teen mom. I fought for her at 15, 27 man being 27 years old, losing I mean being any age and losing her, but I'm still fighting for her. Just remember that she was a very special little girl that deserved her justice. I know she is going to make a difference in the world for all children, and now it's my job to make sure it continues to happen. All right, uh, I wanted to just find the details in case those listening this haven't heard. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

On thursday, uh, it was reported that two suspects from venezuela had entered the us illegally before being released from custody. An immigration and customs enforcement spokesman confirmed the news friday, saying that in a statement that they both illegally entered the us without inspection, parole or admission by the US Immigration Office. Wow, good job, biden administration. You suck balls, dang it. I thought this had my bad, anyway. So these jerk-offs supposedly one tied her up, the other one raped for two hours and then they murdered her and then they dumped her in the bayou, 12 years old.

Speaker 1:

They need to bring back the guillotine, the gallows, public execution, bring it back. Start off with crap like this. If you're a legal immigrant and you commit a crime like this, you are going to get publicly executed so that everyone's going to see it and anybody that's over here illegal who's thinking of doing anything nefarious. They're gonna be like whoa. They're either gonna slow their roll or they're gonna go back, or it's gonna. People aren't gonna want to come over here because whoa crap, I ain't, I ain't you know, whatever. Because they think it's. They can just get over here, get free money and do whatever they want.

Speaker 1:

And it's true, though. The Democrats are letting this happen. Oh no, yes, they are so shut up. This is ridiculous. This is the most asinine, retarded thing. You're just letting people come from other countries kill our US citizens. They don't care about America. The Democrats do not care, and this is one of the tall tale signs right here.

Speaker 1:

Bring back public execution for the illegal immigrants, right, and then you'll see how effective it would be. Then you start bringing it back for the US citizens who commit very heinous crimes and guess what? Those crimes are going to diminish. It's going to happen. You bring back the sane asylums, public execution. World's going to be a better place.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you think I'm full of crap or you think I'm wrong, let me know, send me a message, a comment, whatever. But you look at the countries that have the least amount of like violence. It's because they got strict repercussions. There's consequences. People don't mess around, you know, because they're like yeah, I want to keep my hands or I don't want to get my head cut off in front of the whole world. I'll just you know, no, I'm not going to do that.

Speaker 1:

Well, here's the other thing, though, too, is like maybe these people, like they are you know, most of these people are are messed up and sick and they're going to do it right. Regardless, they're going to try and find a way to do it, and that's the thing is. Like they don't want to do it where they live. They're going to go to another country and do it and then maybe go back or something you know, just to kind of fulfill their fantasy or whatever. I mean, at least now they're kind of making it harder for these individuals to.

Speaker 1:

But the mother is crying for a death penalty, which I agree they should, and they should make it public. Man, no more of this in the room. I mean, what are they doing? They used to. They used to show people hanging and getting their head cut off, but now people just get little injections or breathe in some gas and it's like, oh so you can't watch that dude, bring back the public executions. Telling you may seem kind of harsh or whatever.

Speaker 1:

It's not just for anybody. They would have to, you know they would have to. It wouldn't be for everybody on death row, necessarily you know what I mean like it'd have to be for certain individuals, cause I wouldn't want to see. You know, every week there's something going on, that's you know, but it's like I don't want to see it. But the thing is it needs to be done, cause when people start seeing that crap being posted on Twitter, tiktok and everything on the news and all that crap, they're going to be like whoa, america ain't fucking around. I need to get my shit together or I'm leaving or whatever. You know what I mean. It's just retarded how the justice system just lets everybody do whatever they want, except for, you know, people running against the Democrats. Then you know, I mean it's slowly we're getting to be the most corrupt country. I mean it seems like we've always been, sadly. But you know, you look at Mexico. Mexico just hired their first female president. All right, cool, good job. But they assassinated I'm not saying this president, this female, but obviously somebody that wanted her to win. They assassinated 37 other candidates, 37. Murdered To make sure that she would win. And now look at what's going on here. And now look at what's going on here.

Speaker 1:

The left is constantly trying to do anything they can to stop Trump from even running. Let him run. What's so bad about letting him run? Because he'll win. They don't want him to win. They know they can't beat him. The you know, fair and square. They got to cheat. Liberals are a bunch of cheating cocksuckers. They are and if you're a liberal listening to this, I'm sorry, but you know it is what it is. Totally lost my train of thought. Cheating Trump. Oh man, I was going, I had a trajectory trajectory, not trajectory where I was going with that at the end and I totally um, missed it anyway. Yeah, it's. Oh, that's what I was gonna say is like, why didn't with, uh, with trump?

Speaker 1:

You know they're saying, oh well, he's a criminal, it's not about the election, it's about him being a criminal. Well, why didn't you go after him within the last four years? Why did you wait until the election year to try and interfere with the election? Well, it takes a while to gather evidence and do whatever. I was like well, looks like you guys didn't do a very good job. Okay, it took you four years to gather up all this evidence and all these cases just fall apart and they're all bullshit. Whatever. Man, if you believe that, I'm sorry, you're an idiot go. I don't know, it's just, it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous, man. And you got this poor young woman here young girl, not even a woman, 12 years old raped and murdered and just thrown into a river creek, whatever. Why are they saying bayou? That's in houston, though I saw Bayou somewhere. But yeah, that's not cool, obviously, and they need to make an example of this douchebag, and I hope they do. You know what's going to happen, though. One of them is going to get murdered in prison and I say good on them. Anyway, that's it. Thanks for listening.

Speaker 1:

If you agree with me, then I don't know if you can really like. I guess, on Rumble, you can, If you don't agree with me, make a comment and be like dude, that was harsh. I don't think you should whatever. Or you can even do. It's called on the Buzzsprout website. There's a link on the look for the link at the top of the description of the episode. They kind of don't have it. They should just have a button that says hey, whatever, but it's just like a link. I think it says fan mail is what it says, but you can send me something to comment that way. You know things like that. So, anyway, thanks for listening, uh, and I'll talk to you guys next time. All right, bye.

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