Jerk Season 2 Episode 55

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Is the legal system rigged against Trump supporters? Tune in as I unleash a fiery critique on the current political climate, drawing some controversial historical comparisons to highlight the injustice I see in today's legal battles. Alongside this intense debate, I extend a heartfelt shout-out to my old high school friend Christine, who has recently started listening to the podcast. Switching to a lighter note, I dive into my passion for combat sports and motorsports, gearing up for the highly anticipated Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight. Whether you're a fan of UFC or Formula One, this episode has some exciting updates for you.

Ever wondered if Mike Tyson still has his legendary edge? I speculate on Tyson's mindset and motivations as he prepares to face the young and ambitious Jake Paul. I'll also share my guilty pleasure of binge-watching Netflix, from the disappointment of Cat Williams' latest show to the laughs from Shane Gillis' new series. And for a bit of kitchen comedy, hear about my near-disaster with oxtail that ended surprisingly well. Wrapping up, I'll reflect on my podcasting journey, the ups and downs of recording, and my growing excitement for the Tyson-Paul showdown. Join me for an episode packed with passion, humor, and a genuine look ahead at some thrilling events!
Speaker 1:

What's going on. This is the Objective, jerk, and I'm said jerk, how's everyone doing? Hope, everything, everybody's not stressing too much For those that are Trump supporters. You know, with the conviction and all that kind of crap, the freaking horse manure that has become our legal system, with all this, it's insane. This it's insane. Um, you know, and it's not even like I'm not really upset about you know, because it's going to get overturned, it's, it's all such bullshit, but the fact is that they're doing it and they're getting away with it. You know what I mean. And that's the thing that some people just don't realize.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think there's people out there that generally think maga is evil and we need to stop it and everything they're doing and whatever they think they're doing for good. You know, and it's much like the people in the Nazi regime. You know that, oh, you want to kill a bunch of Jews, okay, I guess it's better. Okay, well, you know, they just kind of go along with it and they end up believing. You know, that's how it's. Just, I can totally see how and why the Nazi regime was able to be successful and how people went along with it, because it's happening now. You know, I can understand not being you know being a Democrat or you know not liking Trump. But to sit there and like Be OK with, I mean, just take a, just take a second and sit back and just look at the whole picture, all the crap they're doing the judge, how they're all like, you know huge Democratic supporters, and it was just a lot of biased, like he shouldn't have been the judge. And then telling the jury to, oh, you don't have to. You know everybody doesn't have to agree. You know you can think, oh, he's guilty on some and you're guilty on as long as you think he's guilty. What was it like for four of the things? And you know he'll be guilty. You, you know, instead of unanimously, how it's supposed to be. So you know the whole thing is just rigged and people don't see that. They just think like, oh, trump is guilty, they got him, they don't. And the thing is like I said, what's sad? Like I'm not worried about trump. Man, trump's, he's, he's gonna win, he is. You look at the polls, you look at everything going on. They're trying their damnedest and all it's doing is making him stronger. So that's why I'm not really mad about it, because it's just it's like Godzilla getting hit with nuclear bombs Just making him stronger, you know. Or what's his face on the Superman, you know, when they're trying to blow him up? And just made him more powerful. That's, that'd be a good meme.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I lost my train of thought. So what's up? Hey, christine, if you're listening, recently caught up with an old high school friend and I mean we've been friends on Facebook but she didn't know about my little podcast. So I mentioned it and she was like, oh, I'm going to listen to it. So if you're listening to it, christine, I hope you're having a good day at work.

Speaker 1:

Let's see, I wasn't even planning on talking about that, to be honest. I just kind of went on like a little rant. I'm so close to the microphone. So what's going on? Oh yeah, the whole reason I kind of want to talk was the Mike Tyson fight against Jake Paul. Right, I haven't watched any of Jake Paul's fights, but you know, I keep track, I keep track of that, I keep track of a lot of stuff. I just don't watch it. You know what I mean. Like after WrestleMania I watched a bunch of stuff. You know, after certain fights, like I wouldn't mind watching some UFC fights again. It's just, it's kind of it's a little bit more of a chore to get it here. So I've been watching like formula one and rally car and stuff, but I keep tabs on all that stuff, you know.

Speaker 1:

So, um, you know, and it appears that Jake Paul is, he's a fighter, you know, yeah, he started off on YouTube and stuff like that, but he legitimately fucking whooped my ass. I know that. You know I'm not. I mean, I can, I've been trained in certain things long ago, but I don't train now and you know I train differently and so, yeah, he'd probably whoop my ass. I'd have to fight dirty anyway. So he's fighting Mike Tyson, right, which Mike Tyson's like 57, 58, something like that, and he would whoop my ass still. You know, I mean you can see the age. You know he's definitely older, he's showing his age. But when you watch some of those training bouts, you're like the age, you know he's definitely older, he's showing his age. But when you watch some of those training bouts, you're like, oh man, it's like it's going to be interesting.

Speaker 1:

And then I didn't even know that it was going to be on Netflix. It's going to be live on Netflix, which is that's the only thing I watch. If I watch movies or anything, it's just Netflix. That's all I have. For those that listen, they know I've tried Apple. I had a little bit of everything for a while but I just got rid of it all. So Netflix is the only thing that we have. So anything that comes on Netflix, it's cool.

Speaker 1:

I didn't watch the roast of Tom Brady, don't care, I don't like Tom Brady, but it's cool. It was live, live. You could watch it. And then same with like Cat Williams. I watched Cat Williams newest stand-up and I was man, it just was not funny. Like I didn't laugh one. I stopped it like I was. I watched more than half of it and I I didn't laugh at all and then but I was like in the mood. So then I I watched um dang what's his name? He's a guy. He's kind of popular now, big goofy looking white dude. He got fired from SNL. What's his name? I got to look up his name real quick. I think he's got a new show on Netflix. I'm see if I can look it up that way. But I watched his and, dude, I was laughing my ass off.

Speaker 1:

And then people be like well, you're racist because you like the white guy, not the black. It's like no man, the comedian is a comedian. They're funny or they're not. Um, you know, richard Pryor, eddie Murphy, dude, you know, that's what I grew up on. I was a little kid watching those. I remember my parents watching those and I, you know, would sneak and kind of watch a little bit and learn some stuff. I probably shouldn't, but anyway, yeah, I don't care. I mean, I'll watch a female comedian, but I kind of have a hard time watch a female comedian, but I kind of have a hard time, like I don't. Just, most of the ones that I've I've watched, I just didn't think they were funny.

Speaker 1:

Um, okay, so I'm on the thing. I'm trying to find out, like, where's the little info? Sorry, I'm on Netflix right now. I'm trying to look up the info on the show before I want to get the guy's name. Everybody's like that's listening to it. Probably dude, it's, you're such an idiot. So and so, blah, blah, blah. Let's see. Oh, right there, okay, come on. Oh, dude, why does it keep doing that? All right, here we go. Shane gillis, there we go. Geez, that was a. That was crazy. Hold on my wife's uh, messaging me in real time. Oh crap, I. Um, there's something on the stove that I have to turn off. I'm just gonna leave it recording. I'll edit it out. Hold on, I am back.

Speaker 1:

All right, had some cooking on the stove. It's been on there for a while. I think it's like oxtail or something Actually. So my wife this morning she left and she was like, hey, I got some oxtail. It's got to cook for a while, so just don't forget about it. And of course I forgot about it, and then I was actually going to do something else and so when I noticed it was on and also I was like, oh crap, that's right, open it up. Bone, dry Fat is starting to crisp. I'm like, oh crap, I have to like scrape it. I had a bunch of water. You know, I think it's going to turn out actually good. It looks and smells really good. So it might be a new way to cook it, but it turned out all right. But yeah, it was almost a catastrophe. So once you hit that when you forget something you're cooking something, you go back and like a whole layer, the whole bottom layer, is like burnt to a crisp.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, damn it. What was I talking about? Oh, shane Gillis. So damn it. What was I talking about? Oh, shane Gillis. So I watched him. Never watched any of his stuff, but I thought his stuff was hilarious man, the, the Australian accent with nine, 11. So I don't know, it's kind of funny, um, but anyway. So, yeah, netflix, right, I don't watch it too often, but it's nice to have it and when I, you know, plus having a VPN, you know, click on Germany, click on England or whatever, and see what they got available. So that's always nice. But yeah, that's it, netflix. So my kids actually told me that this fight was going to be on Netflix. So now I'm excited, I'm excited to watch this. So I've been kind of keeping tabs on it a little bit more Because I'm excited to watch this. So I've been kind of keeping tabs on it a little bit more because I'm going to watch it.

Speaker 1:

It's in July, I guess, but anyway, there is some speculation or some rumors going on about the fight, which I wouldn't be surprised. I hope they're not true. But basically somebody heard that there's some contractual clauses saying, basically, if Mike Tyson knocks Jake Paul out, he's going to make less money. So they don't want him to knock Jake Paul out, they want them to go. You know what I mean they don't want to do the old school Mike Tyson. You know People pay $50 for pay-per-view, get to the fight and then it's over in the first round.

Speaker 1:

It's like that episode of Friends where they're watching a UFC fight with their friend or something is in it and there's people barbecuing in the back and one of the characters comes up. It's like hey, the fight's starting, the fight's starting. Then he goes back, they talk for a minute. It's like 15 seconds later and he comes up fights over. You know that was basically Mike Tyson's fights.

Speaker 1:

I remember as a preteen. You know that's when Mike Tyson was big, so late eighties. You know I knew of Mike Tyson and I think I watched one fight. My dad ordered one, obviously Mike Tyson's punch out on Nintendo, which was ridiculous Cause it was so fucking hard, like I mean the first couple of ones. It was uh, you know you learned the pattern and everything. But it was just like my brother. He was a little better at it than me, so I would play and then I'd get pissed off and then he would play and I would just cheer him on. But it was like Soda Pop Inskey who was the? I'm going to look those up actually real quick. I noticed my. So, yeah, my, what do you call it?

Speaker 1:

My podcasts are a little longer than normal. I've been doing them, but I just not in the mood to do them very often, so now when I do it I'm kind of doing it longer. I don't know. We'll see how that goes. I had some friends that were listening, you know, a while back that they liked the the 20 minute, you know, because it was like they would just listen to it on the way to work. So they don't want, and if they don't get to listen to the whole thing, they're not going to get back to it because it's. I mean, quite frankly, you know, all I'm doing is bullshit in here. I'm not really sound like anybody's missing out.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, mike Tyson's, punch out. Let's see List of characters. Okay, so Little Mac. No, you're Little Mac. Yeah, so that's your character. So, doc Lewis, glass, joe Piston, hurricane, opponent's introduced I don't remember him. Bade Bull, bald Bull I think I remember him. Kid Quick, pizza Pasta. Mr Sandman, super Punchowl, bear Hugger, dude okay, there's Sotopopinski, great Tiger.

Speaker 1:

I need to see some pictures. I don't remember some of these names. I think maybe these are from other games that came out. Yeah, there's like a I can't remember which band it is that there's a you guys remember like the song, the music for mike tyson's punch house when he's doing the training, where it shows him riding the bike along the harbor in new york, or whatever has that music. There's a band that I listen to, but I can't remember which one it is, and they have a song that has very similar notes to that. I wonder if they kind of got it from that. But every time I hear it I think of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, but I can't think of a part of the Punch-Out series. So it was a series, but I think I had the first one Take my champs and put Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, see, hold on.

Speaker 1:

I think I only played the first one. I'm looking for punch out. So just punch out, let me do that one. But no, because it was Mike Tyson though. So they had punch out, and then they added Mike Tyson, hold on, punch Out Arcade. So they had Punch Out, and then it was Mike Tyson's.

Speaker 1:

Mike Tyson's Punch Out Never got to play against him. Dude, could never get there. Oh, there, it is right there. Okay, let, okay, let me see. Oh, this is where I was at, dude, what the hell I was trying to see the, some of those character names I just don't remember. But anyway, like we got up to I want to say like six or seven and that's the farthest we could get. You know, and that was, that was back in the day.

Speaker 1:

Nintendo man you had to start all over at the beginning. Every time, suck balls, unless you learned how to get the, the hundred guys on mario brothers. You guys ever do that where it was like on the second level or the second world second level or first level or something I can't remember. You get the turtle and you just jump up and down on the turtle shell right before the steps to the, to the flag, and you get a bunch of guys and that's the only way you could really win the game. Good times, good times. Anyway.

Speaker 1:

Mike Tyson he's like Donald Trump. I've basically known who he is my whole life. Guy was pretty aggressive and crazy. He's toned down a little bit. I remember watching him on a podcast where he was talking about like he doesn't want to box again because it brings out that kind of whatever out of him. So, with that said, I'm kind of thinking that he just doesn't really care about losing the fight. He's just going to make the money and that's it. But I don't know so what. I'm doing a podcast.

Speaker 1:

So Frotch said I don't know who Frotch is, from what I'm hearing, with the contracts, allegedly Mike Tyson gets paid less if he wins in round one, which is like classic Tyson right or if he gets knocked. Or if he gets a knockout he gets paid even less. There are restrictions in his contract based on how he wins. I don't know if it's been confirmed, but I've read somewhere that there's a clause in his contract that means he's going to earn less money if he goes out there and destroys jake paul, which is kind of bullshit.

Speaker 1:

But the the you know the point where he's at in his life, mike tyson, I don't think he cares. You know he's gonna fight. You know from from past things I've seen of him and heard him talk. He doesn't want to be the old Mike. You know what I mean. So I don't know. Honestly, I hope that contract is real and I hope he goes out there and he fucking knocks him out in the first round and then donates the money to somebody. I don't know if he needs the money. I don't think so he's got, you know, his own stuff going on. He's popular again Beating up people on airplanes. So I don't know, we'll see, a lot of people are like you know, he's just too old and Jake Paul is actually pretty good, and that's true. But you know, like that's what Mike Tyson was born to do. We don't know if that's what Jake Paul was born to do. Yet you know what I mean Still up in the air. Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to have to do some editing on the video side of this because it's going to be all jacked up Because I just let it record on the video and when I have to stop it for the audio I'll stop it. But my wife comes in and I'm like what the hell, man? Well, that's probably. I'll probably leave that in there. But yeah, see, I don't record podcasts enough for her to. You know I've said it before in the past like if the door's locked and that means you know I'm recording a podcast. I don't like to do it when somebody's around. You know what I mean. Like I'm recording a podcast, I don't like to do it when somebody's around. You know what I mean. I'm not going to be genuine and honest with myself if somebody's here listening, which is stupid because people listen to this. It's not like it's a little audio journal. I mean, that's kind of how I treat it, sort of, but it's not what it is.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, mike Tyson, let me know what you guys think. You think that contract's real? You think if there is no contract and Tyson's out to win, you think he's got a chance against Jake Paul? To be honest, I've only seen highlights of Jake Paul fighting. I've never watched a fight of his. So this will be my first fight watching of Jake Paul and man, it's going to be my first watching of Tyson since the 90s, I think, when he got out of prison. I watched that first fight. I missed the ear biting one, though Totally failed. I think I did. Anyway, I don't want to say I didn't watch it, but anyway, yeah. So that's crazy. Let's see, I'm only at 20 minutes. Wow, I feel like I've been talking forever. You wouldn't turn off the stove. That's crazy. Let's see what are you guys all doing. Let's see what am I doing. What am I doing? So I've been saying, you know, that's one of the reasons I have n't. Oh, I noticed, that's what I wanted to say my my podcast, where I talked about Quentin Tarantino and Zack Snyder and some most of my film ones seem to do better except for the crow, and I talked about the crow. I don't think that one did. And so, you know, if I was a smart person, that's what I would focus on, I guess, is talking about films and stuff. But I don't want to. I'm just, I'm kind of done with Hollywood and the whole film, everything. I mean, sometimes I'm in the mood too, but I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna watch movies and do reviews and stuff like that. I just, I just don't want to. You know, I was gonna watch that Atlas movie with Jennifer Lopez that's on Netflix and I was like, like you know what, I'm going to give it a shot, you know. But then I just heard such horrendous things about it. So I'm like, man, I don't know, that's the thing, you know. I know I saw the clip where it's like the, the AI mech suit thing or something, I don't know. It's like, oh well, those aren't my pronouns, it's talking about pronouns and shit and I'm just like, oh. So I know, if I would've been watching it at that point, I wouldn't turn it off, cause I've been like, oh my God, here we go. It's just fucking annoying. So that's why that's why I don't gosh anymore, because most of the time it's got that crap in, it's like, okay, I don't know, they're trying to make it like, oh, that's, that's the norm, that's society and stuff, but it's like it's not, it's a very small percentage anyway. Um, but yeah, so movies, I don't. I just, I don't know, been disappointed so much in the last four years with movies that I just I don't. I used to be a big movie buff too, you know, um, but so I'm trying to get find some other hobbies, I guess. So like this podcast was the first thing I did once I moved here. Um, I'm brewing some beer. Now I bought a brew kit a while ago and I brew a few, some beer, and then I didn't touch it for a long time, like six months. But I'm trying to get back into that. Um, what else? I'm going to make some shirts I haven't printed any shirts yet Trying out, uh, whiskey, oh, that's kind of a new thing. So I'm kind of trying to get into whiskey and bourbon. Not to, you know, get drunk been. Not to, you know, get drunk. I don't like to, I don't like being drunk, I mean just like a little light buzz, once I get to that point that I'm like I'm good. But I've never been a huge whiskey drinker. But you know, only time I ever did drink, it was either shots or you know it was jack and coke or something which you know wasn't bad. But you know you mix soda. That's usually when you get your worst hangovers. But anyway, so I was like you know I'm gonna give it a shot by a couple different bourbons I guess bourbons is the the best way to get into it um, and just kind of have, like you you know, two glasses at night before bed, just to kind of help me sleep as well. Um, cause right now I take melatonin, which isn't bad, I guess, but it's like I don't know Sometimes. I don't know, I just don't like the way I feel in the morning sometimes, so, so I've been having like nightcaps, I guess you would say. You know, I just don't like the way I feel in the morning sometimes, so so I've been having like night caps. I guess you would say, you know, I'm not going to drink throughout the day, I'm not a drinker but just to have like two glasses, at the most three, and just kind of, let it just kind of warm me up, you know, and and subside my anger and anxiety, I guess. Subside my anger and anxiety, I guess I mean, cause it goes, you know, with liquor it's like it's, it's uh, you gotta be careful, you know, because it's like you get to a certain point and then you get you drink too much and then you start getting angry and start thinking about stuff and getting pissed and all that, and that's not what I want. I do that enough, you know sober. So just trying to find something to kind of get a little enjoyment to help me relax and then help me sleep, which I know people are like oh no, it's gonna. You know, it's like it starts with two glasses and then it gets to four and then just progresses. I know that, I understand that, um, so at that time I'll you know, you know, like tonight I'm not going to drink any, I'm just going to take my melatonin and and kind of. The other reason too is like I've never been a big whiskey drinker, like it doesn't taste good to me. Maybe eventually it will be. I guess if I keep doing it I'll, you know, develop a palate and find stuff that I like and everything like that. But I just, you know, I'm very antisocial, I'm very just grumpy. I don't want to do nothing with anybody. I don't drink. I mean I used to drink, but I just, you know, my dad had drinking problems. It just runs in my family, so I just kind of stayed away from it. But then it was like I just kind of was like I don't know, I think I fell upon a video, people talking about whiskey or something on YouTube, and I just kind of was like you know, maybe I can just drink it, like I just, you know, talked about have a few drinks, maybe start incorporating some people over, start talking again, being a little social, not being so angry. So that's kind of what I've been doing dealing with. Let's see what else. Oh, mangoes. So it's like harvesting mangoes. My wife has some property that has mangoes and so they just harvest them Like a company that makes mangoes and um, so they just harvest them like a company that makes mango products. They will spray your trees for you and then they'll come and, um, harvest them and take them to their whatever, and then you know you get. She gets paid. I mean it's not, it's not a lot, she has just acres and acres of mango trees, but you know, it's something, gives her something to do. And plus, we have mangoes to eat every once in a while, which are, man. The mangoes here are so freaking good. You know, I've had mangoes in the states. These are like little mangoes right here. Let's see this one I'm kind of eating. It's a small one but they're really good, so I eat. When it's like she harvests some mangoes because she brings some home, I'll eat like two a day, really good, that's. The other thing too is like bananas here. Dude bananas are so good, so much better in the States. Anyway, well, it's 27 minutes. I think I'm going to call it good. Like I said, let me know what you guys think about the fight or anything I've talked about. Anybody that actually knows me in person, that listens to this, send me a little something, let me know. I'm just curious. I don't want to say something negative about you, no, but anyway, that's it. Thanks for listening and I'll see you guys next time. All right, bye.

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