GODPARENT GROWTH AND GRUNGE NOSTALGIA: Balancing New Responsibilities with Reflections on Music, Faith, and Politics

Jerk Season 2 Episode 54

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Becoming a godfather isn't just about the title; it's a journey filled with laughter, reflection, and the occasional awkward family photo. Join me as I traverse the complexities of this new role, while peeling back the layers of childhood politics that emerged during my son's school election. This episode is a mosaic of personal tales, from managing ADHD amidst the whirlwind of hobbies like Formula One and mountain biking, to the grounding simplicity of yard work. It's about finding balance and keeping passions alive, even when the flame flickers.

Navigating the murky waters of music, religion, and politics, I'll share how a recent bout with social media backlash over Pearl Jam and Christianity led me down memory lane to my grunge days in Seattle. The discussion shifts to the delicate dance of separating art from the artist, and how our evolving worldviews color our perception of media – be it through the lens of a protest song or a sitcom like "The Ranch." This candid conversation aims to uncover how personal experiences shape our opinions, and why it's crucial to form our own rather than mirror the echo chamber of online discourse.

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's going on? You are listening to the Objective Jerk and I'm said jerk Forgot again how I'm doing this. I guess I got to do it more often, right? So, yeah, I hope everybody's doing well, I'm doing all right. I listened to my last podcast because, like I said, I try and do listen to most of them, just to kind of just to see how they are and whatever. And I think it's a good thing really, quality control, you know, because the clicking from my fan which I don't notice, but it was like I thought it was the clicking of my seat and it was the fan when it was oscillating and it clicked, clicked, clicked, and I don't even know if my microphone was plugged in last time, it just sounds. I remember when I was getting ready to upload it, I was messing with audio settings because it didn't sound right. So I don't know if I I don't know. So I turned up the input a little bit, hoping that that helps. And I don't know, let's see, hopefully it sounds better. But yeah, so I'm still the same same, trying to be busy, right?

Speaker 1:

Um, I became the godfather to one of my in-law cousin's uh child, so I went to the church. I had to dress up and, um, you know, she got baptized and they had a party and everything. So that was going on. My son was involved in an election for class president and everything like that and and there was like bullying going on by the other, um you know other group that was running against him. So they were kind of bullying him and then they spread it out. I mean it wasn't like massively hurtful, but the thing is is like their part of their platform was to stop cyberbullying and then they're doing it, you know, and then you get all the. You get we got the parents together and and the kids and and they, they just try to deny or sugarcoat or sweep it underneath the rug and it's just like it. It makes you understand that like politics is just, it never changes. People don't change that much. If somebody's an asshole when they're a kid, chances are they're gonna be an asshole when they're older. I don't know, it's just kind of crazy. It's just weird. Let's see, just trying to get some yard work done. I watched Formula One last weekend, so that was fun.

Speaker 1:

Did I talk? No, I think I talked before that. I'm trying to slow down a little bit because my ADHD just wants to soak up as much information as possible, but then I'll get burned out and I'll get tired and then I'll move on to something else and I don't want that to happen and I don't think it will, because it's like you know, like I spoke about before, it's, it's um, it's once a week. I mean, I may not watch the show which I haven't finished, the, the last season that's on Netflix. Um, just because that I just kind of wanted to slow down a little. Um, I don't know if that's me consciously trying to not get tired of it or if it's just my ADHD getting tired of it, I don't know. But, um, but no, I watched the weekend I had to make a pinata for my goddaughter, so that's what you know. While I was watching the practices and the and the and the, um, gosh, I wish I could remember the terms.

Speaker 1:

The qualifying race and then the eventual actual race was cool. Watched it with my son. He seems to kind of be into it a little bit. Like I said, he likes rally car, I think a little more. So far it's cool. Again, there's a race this weekend, so it's basically a race every weekend, except when they have to change continents, you know, like if they got to go from, like it was in the States before, it was in Miami, and then it was like weekend there was no races. And then the next weekend was last weekend's race, but they're in Europe now, so they'll be in Europe for a little bit and so it'll be a race like every weekend. And then you know, if they got to go to Australia or whatever, whatever, then there'll be a weekend or two in between or whatever. So you know it's, it's nice, just because I don't know, I think it's gonna work out for my, my brain, so I'm excited about it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the excitement's kind of worn off a little, because that's kind of how it is the ADHD is like. So the excitement is worn off but the interest is still there, which is good because usually it's. You know, I mean, but with most things, like the things I'm interested in, um, I mean, the excitement maybe goes away, but you know, the, the I always will get, I'll go back to it. You know it's like mountain biking. You know I started mountain biking in the 90s and I, you know, go through periods of not riding and then I'll ride and I don't know. So it's just, I'll ride again. My son wants to ride, so right. So anyway, I don't want to get myself down a rabbit hole too much.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I, I have a topic to talk about. I guess I'm not sure if I've talked about before. Probably I'm sure I have, but I'm doing some yard work. So I'm talked about before? Probably I'm sure I have, but I'm, yeah, doing some yard work so I'm a little sweaty. I'm just kind of burning some brush, well actually palm tree branches because they fall down like crazy, and so I pull them over to the side, I let them die or dry out and then I cut them up and then I'm burning them in my little burn barrel thing where I burn our burnable trash and stuff. So I'm doing that. So I'm all sweaty and, you know, stinky I'm sure. But so I come in because it's still pretty hot and cool off a little bit, and so I kind of thought I would talk about something. So I I don't, I've been really trying to avoid Facebook as much as possible, so like I mean, there's not, it's not like, I don't know, I have a bunch of stuff.

Speaker 1:

It's usually the only time I get like kind of annoying comments is just recently because I commented on a post on something and then everybody's got to be like, oh, how dare you not like what I like? You know what I mean? It gets kind of crazy how people get. I mean, I understand maybe people are passionate. Well, here, let me, let me, let me, let me go to what I'm talking about. It kind of made me think or maybe kind of give me a topic or not a topic, but I just, I don't know, like I, you know, I think about it in my head, I'm talking to myself about it. So then that's usually when I'm like, well, I'll do a podcast to, kind of. But so I don't even know, I mean, watch the actual.

Speaker 1:

So the kicker, for the chiefs said some Christian values and you know, have you know the importance of having a mother who maybe stays at home? I guess I haven't even watched his actual speech, but it's just funny how everybody attacks Christians but they don't attack anybody. Well, I guess maybe Jews right now. But you know, and that was kind of one of the things where I'm like, you know, maybe that's one of the things that I started kind of looking at Christianity was like everybody attacks Christianity. Looking at Christianity was like everybody attacks Christianity, if, if, if you have all these, okay, I don't know, I can't think of an analogy, but okay, so you got all these different religions right and America is filled with those religions.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it used to be just just just you know, uh, puritans and and and, um, you know, and, just just you know, puritans and and, and you know, and then it was, you know, the Catholics came and and all that you know. But over time we've gotten everybody and all the different religions and, yes, there are, you know, yes, there are, you know, racist Christians that don't like anything that's not Christian. I guess you would say, you know, but the only religion that really gets attacked in the public domain is Christianity. So that makes me think like, well, that's, if the devil is trying to stop the thing that's going to Stop and or Prevent, you know, him from taking as many people with him as possible. He's going to attack the biggest threat. You know it's just like with anything. If you're in a fight or even in a gunfight, or you're in a battlefield or whatever, you always take the most immediate, biggest threat first. So that's one of the reasons why, like you know, christianity to me, I mean, I've talked about before other reasons why I, you know, christianity to me I mean, I've talked about before other reasons why I, I am a christian but that was one of the you know things that kind of was like well, that maybe that's why it it could be the right one, because no one, no one, no one attacks the other ones.

Speaker 1:

Really, you know what I Does that make any sense, but anyway, so you know, the guy the kicker for the chiefs went to a graduation and did a speech talking about that and and uh, of course Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam has to say something. And you know, eddie Vedder is a very he's a feminist. You know, he always has been, and that's the thing is like. You know, projam has always been liberal, that's. You know, they've always been that way. It just kind of okay, I'm kind of getting ahead of myself.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I grew up in the Seattle area during the grunge, you know the whole thing. And of course, you know I was a huge I mean not huge I guess, but I was, you know, a grunge kid, I guess you could say Wearing the flannels and the long hair and the music and stuff, wearing the flannels and the long hair and the music and stuff. And Pearl Jam was probably my favorite one in that time frame and, yeah, you know they, they always had like a you know like from versus, they had the glorified glorified G. You know like from verses they had the glorified glorified G, you know, talking about guns and and what's that other song, I don't know, but it was. You know. I knew they were making statements and they were political and this and that.

Speaker 1:

At that age I didn't, you know know, really care too much one way or the other. I think I've said before that I was primarily brought up I mean, I don't know, not in a liberal household, but it was liberal leaning, that's for sure, you know, but it was liberal leaning, that's for sure, you know. I don't think my mom was, like you know, full-on liberal, feminist type woman, and I don't she's still not, but I think she's. You know the last, you know, eight years Trump and everything going on, you know I've kind of I was in the middle and I think she was too and I've kind of veered more right and she's veered a little more left. She's still not, you know she. You know she's not like. She's still pretty, whatever. She just hates Trump. She's still pretty, whatever. She just hates Trump, you know. But anyway, so Damn it.

Speaker 1:

I went on another. So yeah, so I mean it's obvious Pearl Jam has always been you know the way they were. You know I, like I said, I listened to their first album, which I had on tape. I listened to that thing until it wore out Like it wouldn't even play anymore and it sounded like crap because I listened to it so often. And then you know their second album, versus, which I was so ingrained into their first album, I was a little disappointed. But now I would listen to verses over the first one and then their third one, same kind of thing, but those I think the second or third one are like my favorite ones. And then I kind of started losing interest a little bit, just because my musical chase, my musical taste, changed a little bit. I got into heavy metal and new metal and stuff like that. But I always would go back to Pearl Jam and this and that and then. But I don't know, it's like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I kind of I remember the what album was it? It was during, you know, when Bush was in Iraq, war was going on, I was in the army and I think there was like one or two songs off that album. I guess I could pull it up. Well, I'm not here to really talk too much about Pearl Jam, but um that I liked and then, you know, I didn't wasn't really into. And then the um they came out with. Um towards the end when I was in Iraq or in in the army they came out with so I guess I should pull it up so I can freaking talk about what I'm talking about here, because I can't think of what. I can remember what the the album looks like. It's the one, the avocado um, but I can't remember what. The name of the and of course, I can't see crap. Where's my glasses? God, it's getting worse and worse.

Speaker 1:

Man, this is probably going to be a long episode again, just because I'm finding myself not wanting to talk more and more or talk less and less, and I have a lot of time left on my account to make a podcast, so it's like I'm kind of paying for you know nothing, so this is probably going to be long. Sorry, but you can split it up in two. You know? Pause it. All right, let's see. Here we go, discovery, discography or however you say it Okay. So 10 versus vitology, no code. So no code is when I stopped listening to them a little bit, but then a few years later, um, I got into them again. Well, I guess yield was right after. That's kind of crazy, you know, it's. It's funny when you're younger, how, how long, like three years, feels like now younger. How long three years feels like Now, it's like three years feels like three months. So, yeah, I didn't listen to NoCode.

Speaker 1:

Much Yield came out, I remember, and I was starting to listen to them some more and then I would listen to NoCode too and it was kind of okay Binaural. I don't even think I've listened to this one. Oh okay, yeah, I remember this, but this came out, I don't know, I wasn't in the Army yet, but anyway, riot Act came out, 2002. So, okay, so it's just Pearl Jam Self-titled, so okay. So that came out and I liked it pretty well.

Speaker 1:

Obviously there's there's songs on there worldwide suicide, you know, referring to the wars and this and that, and it's like you know, yeah, it's. You know, wars aren't cool. Just because I was in the army in Iraq and I volunteer, it doesn't mean like I'm pro-war, you know. But. And then backspacer as far as their 2009, wow, but I liked that one a lot. And then lightning bolt I don't know, just kind of nothing much into it. And then gigaton I don't think I've listened to anything with that one that came out out 2020.

Speaker 1:

So they have a new one. Is it out yet? Released in April? Yeah, it is. Maybe I'll give it a shot. See, that's the thing it's like. You know, just because I'm more right-leaning and some of the shit Eddie Vedder says I think is stupid. A lot of the stuff I agree with. You know. I might give it a shot, I don't know. But okay, so the whole point is so.

Speaker 1:

So this guy says some stuff and I guess there's a quote here and versus he was telling men, don't forget to puff up your chest and be more masculine, don't lose your masculinity, which is true. I believe that I think men need to stay men. Men need to be meant. The irony was that when he was saying that, he looked like such a pussy. There's nothing more masculine than a strong man supporting a strong woman. People of quality do not fear equality.

Speaker 1:

So I just made a little comment. I said I loved PJ Pearl Jam as a kid, but over the years, with takes like this, this can turn, completely turn me off to their music, which is a bummer. And then, holy crap, dude, I got so many, there's so many replies. You know this and that, like you know, I don't know. Just, dude, there's so much. Well, here's one. Like you liked radom, until they became woke too. Huh what I replied to that one. Oh, it doesn't have.

Speaker 1:

Since the other thing too, man, facebook, you need to put all comments. God, that shit's annoying because you know they, I don don't know, it's just annoying. All right, anyway, of course people are like, oh, too bad, you know this and that, blah, blah, blah, which is fine, you know, but it's like it's kind of crazy, just how crazy it gets. It's like people get, you know, the social media and everything, dude, that's, people cannot take people not agreeing with them. And before social media, you had no idea how many people did not agree with you. People thought most people think the way I do, or I don't know what it is, you know, I, I don't know, it's crazy, but let me see what happened.

Speaker 1:

So, like crap, loads of comments, you know, and it's like the thing is is like people I mean, look at this lady like commenting on my comments. She's gotten more, but they're so fast to attack you you know what I mean Like they just. They immediately just like, oh, you know, instead of like just being like well, why is that? You know, instead of having like some sort of dialogue, which is I know it's kind of hard, but it's like well, why is that? You know, instead of having like some sort of dialogue, which is I know it's kind of hard, but it's like I can have a dialogue with someone that disagrees with me. But when they're like constantly like attacking, then it's like you know, oh, okay, so here it is so.

Speaker 1:

And then, you know, someone said, like you liked Rage Against the Machine until it became woke too, huh, and it's like it's like no, I said Rage Against the Machine isn't woke, they are anti-government in general, but now they seem to rage for the machine, which is, I think, true, it's like you. They've always been just anti-government. You know, I used to think they were more liberal. I remember buying like a Rage Live CD, cd and he starts talking shit about Bill Clinton, which, you know, at the time I was kind of surprised, but then it's like okay, well, yeah, he's still, he's part of the government. So they don't. They don't like left or right, they just hate all the government. Basically, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So, sorry, what's her name? Sorry, what's her name? Jess Lynch? I don't know, she's an idiot. But let's see what was the last one. So I've been kind of trying to just like ignore because it's like, geez, dude, you know, oh, you only listen to the I don't know. Okay, let me find. Let me find. If you're not a liberal you're talking about Exactly. So this guy I haven't even read any of these said the thing I was going to say it. But this guy it's just crazy how much interaction gets on here and it's kind of stupid really. Like, what is it? What are we doing? But he said if you're not a liberal in your 20s, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by their mid-30s, you have no brain, which is kind of true. Let's see what was one. No, my last one that I did. What did I say?

Speaker 1:

So like, yeah, imagine letting politics or religion interfere with enjoying music. Yeah, it sucks, you know it really does. That's why I wish they wouldn't say shit, so then I could enjoy it. You know it's hard to watch. You know it really does. That's why I wish they wouldn't say shit, so then I could enjoy it. You know it's hard to it's hard to watch Stuff you know like I talk about, for like movies and stuff where they just do OK, like right now, man, right now I'm watching the Ranch, which is like a right leaning kind of sitcom on Netflix, which really kind of pokes fun at the right, though more Like it's almost like it's making fun of us. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Like, now that I'm watching it, it's kind of weird how my, my, my views have changed so much, because I watched that show when it first came out. So it came out in 2016 and me and my wife started watching it and then I quit watching it. We stopped watching it, I don't know. But so I was like you know what I'm going to. You know it went on for a few more seasons. So I was like you know, I'm going to watch it, it I'm gonna finish it.

Speaker 1:

So I started watching it again and it's funny and um, but the main character is just such a fucking idiot that it gets older when he keeps doing the same shit over and over and over again. You know, at first, the beginning of the season. It's like, okay, you know he's gonna make stupid mistakes, whatever this and that, but it's like he doesn't progress at all and it's just it starts to get to the point to where it's annoying and you're like I'm done watching this dumb ass character, like it's fucking, it's just ridiculous, and that's that's like with with most things on tv shows and this and that you know, like the, like, the, the, the, the Roadhouse remake or just these movies, where it's like just stupid, it's hard I don't know it's hard to watch and or listen to stuff when it's you know, it's just I don't know it's annoying. Let's see, I'm trying to find the, the last one I did and I'm done, he's, I mean I'm not going to sit there and read all. I mean I'm kind of reading them all right now, trying to find the one, because it was like you know, something came up. I've been actually just kind of like clicking on them but not reading them, just to get them to quit showing you know, you have a new whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I didn't want you as a fan anyway, all right, but and see, they're all saying like I guess you never understood them to begin with. It's like, how do they did. I say that Like. Oh, they used to be so no, it says loved PJ the Kid. But over the years, with takes like this, it's completely turned me off. It's not them, it's me that's changed, not them. I'm not saying that they changed. And now they suck. Oh, here it is, right here, found it. So this guy he's like.

Speaker 1:

At what point hasn't Pearl Jam had takes like this? In 92, on their MTV Unplugged session? Eddie stood up and wrote Pro-Choice on himself. They've been doing this for over three decades. It's crazy seeing conservatives just now realize the artists they like aren't a bunch of right wingers. So I'm like see, how do they get? I don't understand how they get this from what I said. Does that make sense? Does that comment make sense from what I said? And I was like I never said they didn't Like. Does that make sense? So does that comment make sense from what I said? And I was like I never said they didn't? I was like I watched that the night it first aired and had no idea this is my comment what pro-choice even was.

Speaker 1:

I think I talked about this in the podcast before and when a girl I had a crush on in school asked if I was pro-life or pro-choice. I remembered the unplug episode. I said they haven't changed. I have, through life experiences, I have grown to have my own beliefs instead of what rock bands tell me to believe. You know, which is kind of true. It's like. You know, I didn't, I didn't follow one thing or another, I didn't know what pro-life and pro-choice and what was going on. I just, you know, they said pro-choice. I was like, yeah, okay, I like pro-jam. I am too. But then, once I started having my own rational thoughts and looking at things, it changes, you know. So it's like they haven't changed. I never said I haven't said that you know they change or like I don't know, it's just.

Speaker 1:

But it's like see people, I don't know, it's just crazy. Social media is so fucking toxic. I made one little like and I even said which is a bummer little like, and I even said which is a bummer. But you know, nobody, I don't know, I don't know what this starcade media is, but it's just kind of, it's just funny. You know, you make one like whatever and it's just fucking.

Speaker 1:

People are like oh what, he doesn't like Pearl Jam. It's like I like Pearl Jam. I don't love Pearl Jam. I used to. I still like their music in general, I like their sound, and you know I don't necessarily like what they have to say anymore, or I just not that I don't like it, I don't, you know I don't agree.

Speaker 1:

But so here's the thing, though is like, like I said, you know, I was, I was a soldier, I was in the army, went to war. I remember, you know, when they were talking shit about Bush and the war, it kind of pissed me off, but they were right and the whole thing was a sham. I went in war, almost got killed, new people that were killed for nothing. Basically, there was no reason for us to be in Iraq, At least not with I don't know I've talked about before. I'm not going to try and make this a conspiracy episode, but it's. It's just the thing that kind of turns me off.

Speaker 1:

It's not the fact that Pearl Jam, you know, doesn't like Trump, or they're pro-life or pro-choice. I mean that's fine, it's like I've never. I mean, I don't know, I, I think like most people, it's like, you know, when pro-choice is fine until people start using it as birth control, you know, when a woman proudly says I've had 20-something abortions, it's like what? Like that's just fucking sick. But you know, most people understand that it's at times a necessity. But when they try and make it like, oh, when they try and change oh health care, they're not going to get what if? Oh? So if she's going to get an abortion and she's going to die, they're just going to let her die. It's like no, they would do the abortion to save the person's life. You know what I mean. That's just stupid.

Speaker 1:

But that's the kind of crap that they do and it's both sides of the argument do it, but the left does do it more. I'm sorry, but they do. And it's the same thing with, like the war, so like pearl jam's attacking bush and his administration for the war, but then they don't say shit about Biden and what's going on Ukraine and and Israel and supporting all this stuff. And then they're sending, you know, you know it's like it's just a huge double standard and that's what that's what really turns me off. It's like you know, be anti war and this and that, but do it for both sides, don't just do it for your one side. You know what I mean and it's just kind of like the same thing with rage against the machine. They're anti-government, but it seems like they only do anti Democrat stuff or anti Republican stuff instead of just anti-government in general. It's just a huge double standard and that's one of the things that really got me to where I am now.

Speaker 1:

I used to be pretty central, but just all the the hypocrisy and the double standards from the left in the last you know eight years or whatever God, I can't believe it's eight years, man Um, really just made me the way I am. You know, it just made me the way I am, you know. You know, sometimes I wish I would just completely unplug, turn off and whatever and not even care and then just buy the next. You know, I want to be like the dude Sam Elliott on the ranch. You know, when people bring up Snapchat I've never used it, but I know what it is, but you know all that kind of shit. He's just worried about his ranch, he don't know. I mean he watches the news or whatever, which is not good, but you know he doesn't know what. All this kind of shit going on, stupid shit, I don't know, it's just so I mean.

Speaker 1:

So I'm really trying to unplug, like more and more crap with, like YouTube, um, really censoring channels and all this stuff. And then now what was the last thing they were doing? They were I can't remember now, but I remember watching the thing on it and I'm like you know what? I think I'm done because I pay for a subscription. Right now, I like not having commercials, but and I've done it before I've gotten rid of YouTube and I go back and forth and try and just do rumble and I'm pretty much at the point where I could almost do it now. But except now with Formula One, there's lots of YouTube channels. I'm watching now with Formula One and there ain't crap on Rumble, so it kind of sucks. But I don't know, I think I might, um, I might just get rid of YouTube, because I use YouTube music too along with it. But I think I'm gonna get rid of it and just do Spotify and then I might maybe do a subscription to like formula onecom or something, and I can watch lots of stuff regarding it.

Speaker 1:

And just I don't know like I I kind of want to even like the, the, you know the YouTube channels that I watch, people that watch all the news and stay up to date with everything, and then they basically take you know everything going on and then they talk about what's going on. Um, even those guys I'm starting to kind of veer away from, just because I don't know it's like, it's, you know, being around a toxic person. That's always like talking about gossip and trying to like stir stuff up, and you know what I mean it's like I don't know. It's just I'm pretty good at at like cutting toxic people out of my life. Now I just need to do it online. But you know, I don't even I don't know. So I mean, that's kind of the whole point is just so I stay busy and so that I don't feel the need to grab my phone.

Speaker 1:

My iPhone is getting worse and worse. It's like iPhone 10 or something. I only use it to watch stuff, basically YouTube and Netflix. But I think I'm going to basically just only post my podcast, not really read anything, unless somebody sends me a message regarding my podcast or whatever. Just try and stay off as much as possible. I got some books. There's a lot of things I can do. It's just you know, it's so easy. That's the thing is like it's so easy. I mean, you know social media is like junk food. It's so easy to come by, although I guess now fast food is pretty expensive in the states, thanks biden. But it you know it is, it's junk. That's what it is. Social media is junk information. I guess I don't know. I just kind of miss the days of my only phone was a house phone. There was an answering machine and I didn't know shit about anything. I don't know that's.

Speaker 1:

The thing too is I've noticed like a lot, of, a lot of individuals I was in the army with, we're all kind of similar as far as we're not kind of similar as far as we're not we're we're like anti-government. You know, it's like we don't want to be bothered, we don't want all these taxes, and you know we don't. We just want to do our thing and not be bothered. We're not bothering anyone else. I mean, are there people? Yeah, politically, like left and right, they sit there, but it's like a lot of people just want to be left alone, do what they got to do to get by and whatever. It's just kind of crazy.

Speaker 1:

But it's like you feel like if you cut yourself off or at least I do that you're going to miss something that might be important. Like what if I just stop watching the news and then shit starts getting crazy between China and the Philippines or something, and it really could affect me. But I think at that point I would you know, the news would get out. My wife would be like, hey, this is going on, and I could then go on and check. I guess I don't know. Well, I think that's it. I've been, oh man, 40 minutes, yeah. So I got to get back out there and burn some more stuff and sweat some more. Anyway, thanks for hanging out, thanks for listening, let me know what you think and I'll see you guys next time. All right, bye.

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